War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 1025 Gifts sent out of the country

In fact, on the one hand, the city of Paris did have a special charm at the time, and on the other hand, because France still had some remaining strength at that time, generals from various countries were trying their best to restrain their soldiers.

"The Austrian Empire has issued a statement that Austria will not invade French territory, but it also hopes that some people in the French Parliament will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries."

In fact, Franz had made this statement a long time ago, but Dan Gila did not make it public in order to maintain national hatred and the tension and oppression of the war.

It's just that the government's method of controlling public opinion in this era was still very simple, so the Austrian agents only used a few tricks to make the matter public.

Generally speaking, you just go to a printing house and print thousands of leaflets and newspapers, and then hand them over to some newsboys or simply poor children in the slums.

These people will do anything and dare to do anything for a few copper coins (centimes, one franc is one hundred centimes), and almost no one can find clues from these people, or in other words, these people are full of clues that Make everything feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

As long as these leaflets get into the hands of some gentlemen, these gentlemen will spread the information to illiterate passers-by on the spot.

Although Dan Gila had known about this statement for a long time, he still couldn't help but curse when he heard others mention it.

"You still say you are not a traitor? You actually listened to the lies concocted by the enemy! You are here to confuse the public with your lies! Guards! Guards!"

Seeing that the opponent was about to jump over the wall, the congressman did not show weakness and shouted loudly.

"This is the French National Assembly! It's not your word, Dan Gila! Why do you order the guards to arrest me? You tyrant!"

"Down with the tyrant!"

Another congressman took advantage of the situation and shouted loudly. The two guards who were about to step forward were stunned on the spot. They didn't know what to do.

As a result, more congressmen shouted the slogan "Down with the tyrant!". After a shoe was stuck on Dan Gila's face, countless congressmen used their shoes, chairs, note stands, and pens to pay tribute to the former The leader called over.

After only a few minutes, Dan Gila began to breathe out more and take in less air. It seemed that he would not survive, but no one planned to take responsibility, let alone call a doctor.

In the end, the leader of the Nationalist faction passed away in frustration, but as the saying goes, a group of dragons cannot be leaderless, and the MPs of the Nationalist faction pushed the previously disgraced Lamartine to the forefront.

However, due to the fact that at least two German allied forces may enter France at any time, and urgent reports from the front line were frequently reported, Parliament still passed a "War Code".

However, some changes have been made in terms of content, such as changing the proportional collection to a fixed amount.

According to this "Wartime Code", 35 million French people will pay a war tax of 20 francs per person, so that the Second French Republic will have enough financial resources to survive the crisis.

On the other hand, Lamartine was actually an anti-war person. He did not want to continue the war with the German Allied Forces. However, it was impossible for him as a puppet to convince the Parliament.

So the talented poet thought of a compromise, which was to kick the ball to the British. He personally wrote a letter asking for help and had it sent to the UK.

Lorraine, under the city of Metz.

As the deputy of Lamosilière's expeditionary force, Louis Wilbard was far less tough than Lamosilière. Even though he was in a fortified city, he immediately chose to surrender after receiving a symbolic letter of surrender from the coalition forces.

Tens of thousands of French troops were in a fortified city like Metz. If it weren't for the timeless weapons like airships, Albrecht wouldn't have even planned to touch them.

It would be unthinkable to attack such a fortified city in just a few months, and the casualties would be calculated in tens of thousands.

However, the coalition soldiers were very dissatisfied because they had already lost their temper in Saarburg and wanted to cause some tragedies to express their anger.

But Franz would not give them this opportunity. At this time, Lieutenant General Monta had led the coalition military police to control the Lorraine occupied area.

Union soldiers were required to abide by Confederate statutes until they handed over these cities to the House of Orleans.

As for Louis Wilbard, he would have never dreamed that not only would he be allowed to leave with his troops retaining their flags and weapons, but they would even be allowed to take away their own supplies and legally purchased property.

At the same time, in order to prevent the coalition forces from causing trouble for the surrendered French army, Albrecht was almost sent out of the country by the Austrian army along the way.

This behavior of the Austrian army forced towns that wanted to resist along the way to either choose to welcome the king's army, or to flee back to France with the French army.

In fact, this was exactly the effect Franz wanted, which was much better than pushing all the way or pressing the French to intimidate the towns along the way.

Albrecht did not understand Franz's approach, but he did not advocate indiscriminate killing. He also despised those guys in the coalition forces who ran back when the battle started and asked the French to repay blood with blood after the battle.

Albrecht also began to realize that the limitations of so-called nationalism are more of just a kind of emotional catharsis and contagion. Without correct guidance, it is easy to go astray.

But Albrecht was more curious. Franz obviously had this ability, why didn't he stand up?

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