The congressman's speech immediately aroused laughter. After all, compared with its promise to become the world's second strongest country, solve the economic crisis, and expand its territory on the European continent, the situation of the Second French Republic at this time is quite ridiculous.

Dan Gila has lost his former humor and wit when faced with teasing, or maybe he is simply not used to being teased.

"The Germans occupied Rome? Who told you? They are coming to Paris. Who told you?"

Faced with Dan Gila's sudden attack, the congressman was also a little angry.

"This is a recognized fact!"

"Who recognized it?"

The congressman could not think of anything to refute for a moment. Although the facts are there, recognition is a very subjective thing. As long as someone does not admit it, then it cannot be called recognition.

“And you must firmly believe that our army can keep the Austrians and Germans at bay!

If you, the most visionary people in France, don’t believe we can win, then is there a future for France? Congressman Pidour, please watch your words! "

Dan Gila once again has control of the conversation.

"Gentlemen! The Second French Republic has reached its most critical moment! We must unite sincerely and be united as one."

Members of the audience had had enough of Dan Gila's tirade and heckled the audience.

"Mr. Speaker, please go directly to the topic!"

Dan Gilat was very angry, but he had nothing to do. After all, the Second French Republic was still a parliamentary republic at this time.

He began to understand Napoleon and Robespierre somewhat. After all, great ideas are always high-minded and modest. These so-called French elites in front of him were no different from pigs in Dan Gila's eyes.

But at this time, he needs these pigs to pass the new wartime code, so that France can have enough troops, money and food to deal with the immediate crisis.

To be honest, Dan Gilat, as a Frenchman, had fantasized about the decline of Britain more than once. However, what he never expected was that this decline actually coincided with the alliance between the two parties.

"We need to enact a new War Code to deal with an increasingly powerful and ferocious enemy."

In fact, the government of the Second French Republic had previously tried to promulgate a soldier's code, but the radical content was boycotted by the public, which even directly triggered the Barbes and Albert Incidents. The people rushed into the government building and forcibly dissolved the parliament.

That incident caused at least thousands of civilian casualties and the "Wartime Code" also went bankrupt. Because of this, the French army's supplies could never keep up, so the frontline generals had to find ways to support the war with war.

It is precisely because of this that the French army, known as the first army in Europe, is so vulnerable. Less than a month after the war started, it was almost at the end of its rope.

"I object! Mr. Dan Gila! You should still remember the previous tragedy, and we don't want it to happen again!"

"Then France will once again be ruled by a shameless monarch, maybe Louis Philippe, maybe the Count of Chambord, who knows? After all, they all have friendly relations with the Austrians."

What Dan Gila means is a direct showdown. Whoever opposes is a royal party, and whoever is a collaborator is a traitor. On this black-and-white issue, lawmakers seemed much quieter, at least no one jumped out to object in person.

The old "War Code" stipulates that bankers and factory owners can reduce or not pay wages appropriately, but workers and clerks must work for fourteen hours before they can get wages.

Increase commodity prices appropriately to increase fiscal revenue.

The military police have the right to enter citizens' homes to search and pay taxes

Reduce the age of compulsory military service to 15 years old and encourage the preparation of own weapons

The new "Wartime Code" increased the working hours to 15 hours, lowered the service age to 14 years old, expanded the regulatory powers of the military police, and imposed price limits on more than 70 types of commodities, including sugar, pepper, and chili peppers. , limited purchase.

In addition, a one-time war tax equivalent to 10% of an individual's annual income will be levied.

Obviously the situation was very critical, otherwise Dan Gila would not have needed to exert so much effort, but he forgot one thing, and that is who the real master of this country is.

Before the new "War Code" had been read out, members of the parliament had already exploded.

A member of parliament stood up and asked loudly.

"Mr. Dan Gilat, what is the difference between you and Robespierre?"

When Dan Gila saw someone getting up, he wanted to scare the monkeys, but he was choked by someone's words.

"What you are doing is restoring the Jacobin reign of terror!"

Seeing that Dan Gila was weak, some people immediately followed him, but no one who could climb to the pinnacle of power was easy to deal with.

"You traitors! France has reached the point of life and death, and you are still worried about the dirty money in your hands. When the Austrians come in, the first thing they will do is hang you on the Place de la Concorde!"

Place de la Concorde in the center of Paris, the famous Place de la Revolution, is also known as the Place de Beaux-Arts.

Dan Gila's words are obviously not convincing, because after entering Paris, the Russians, Austrians, and Prussians were more shocked by its prosperity. Relatively speaking, the French army committed more atrocities against Parisian civilians.

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