Tyrol, Imperial Palace.

The good news came one after another, which made Louis Philippe blush. For a moment, he felt that as long as he could successfully restore, it was not impossible to promise some benefits to the Austrians.

Such as the Central American colonies, such as Texas, and such as Algeria.

As for Alsace and Lorraine, it’s not impossible as long as the price is right.

Because if restoration cannot occur, the split of the Orleans family will be inevitable.

The Duke of Omer had more than 100,000 troops on land and sea in Algeria. It was almost impossible for him to obey his nephew. After all, the Count of Paris was only a child, and he did not have the troops or money to make him surrender.

Similarly, it is impossible for the Count of Paris to allow such a force in his country to overthrow him at any time.

To put it bluntly, even if Duke Omar is really willing to hand over his power, the Count of Paris cannot control Algeria far across the ocean, at least not now.

However, Louis Philippe soon received some bad news. For example, the Duchess, whom he was preparing to award, was found to have entered the residence of Archduke Franz many times. Someone even discovered that there was a secret passage under the two residences. .

Of course, we don’t know when this tunnel was dug, who dug it, or how.

Since the age difference between the two is only one year, and both are very topical, whether they are the prince who leads the troops to aid his compatriots or the saint who saves the country from danger, they are both talented and beautiful.

In addition to people's stereotypes, it seems difficult to resist the temptation of a young and beautiful young woman who has been widowed for many years and meets a handsome and promising prince.

These reports are vividly written, and there are a lot of so-called realistic photos as evidence.

Judging from the perspective of these photos, the two parties seem to have a tacit understanding, as if they have known each other for a long time.

This made Louis Philippe very unhappy, because he felt that this was a good opportunity for the Orleans royal family to restore its image.

But now it seems that the saints in France are disposable items, and this Fanny Cote cannot be reused.

After all, the influence of the Habsburg family at this time was much greater than that of the Orleans family, and the former seemed to be better at opening up borders in bed.

Of course, if Fanny Cote can really become a bargaining chip in the deal with Austria, Louis Philippe will not hesitate to use her.

Alsace, Strasbourg.

Unlike the king who was having big dreams in the Spring and Autumn Period, Thiers simply did not believe that Franz would help the Orleans Dynasty restore. Even if Austria would help France restore, it would choose Count Chambord, who was easier to tame.

According to the intelligence network of the Orleans Dynasty at this time, the Austrians had been in contact with the Count of Chambord a long time ago, and they had found a fiefdom for him in Switzerland.

The most important thing is that Count Chambord is very principled. This kind of person is easier to control and easier to reciprocate Austria's help.

In contrast, Louis-Philippe's character was despised even by his subordinate Thiers. Tocqueville, the famous French scholar and politician, commented on him:

"This man is a political skeptic from the 19th century and a political skeptic from the 18th century. He has no faith himself and does not believe that anyone else has faith.

He is a man who is naturally passionate about power and likes shameless courtiers, but he also likes to think of himself as a citizen king.

However, nothing can change its vulgar, greedy and philistine nature. "

In addition, the German Allied Forces achieved great victories in Alsace and Lorraine, but the Austrian army strictly sealed the borders.

On the surface, this was to prevent the French army from making a comeback, but in fact it was to prevent the German coalition forces from attacking the French mainland.

In fact, Thiers sent people to bribe senior generals in the coalition forces to propose attacking France, but all were rejected by the Austrians.

Afterwards, he sent people to bribe some middle- and low-level officers who led troops, asking them to carry out retaliatory plundering in France.

However, due to the obstruction of the Austrians, all these plans came to nothing. Obviously the Austrians did not want a full-scale war with France. Perhaps the Austrian Empire was just as it declared, and the war was a counterattack as a last resort because it did not want other countries to interfere in its internal affairs.

But this war will not end no matter what, it is just a temporary truce. The British can organize seven anti-French alliances, and they can also organize seven anti-Austrian alliances. After all, no country can shake the solitary overseas U.K.

As for the relationship between the Duchess and Franz, Thiers felt that this was a point that could be exploited.

Since the Duchess cannot become a flag of the Orleans Dynasty, she can be used as a rag.

After all, a country does not need two talkers, especially someone as unstable as Fanny Cote who may compete with the royal family for influence.

Alsace and Lorraine both needed a lot of materials and money to rebuild after experiencing war.

First of all, the Orleans Dynasty had no money, and secondly, even if it had money, Louis Philippe would not take it out, let alone go into debt.

But the construction of Alsace and Lorraine had to be carried out. After all, this was the core of the Orleans Dynasty at this time. If the Duchess could get a sum of money from Franz, it would be a good use.

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