The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 510: Lava Team

Chimney Hill is very high, even if the two speeded up, they were still far from the top of the mountain.

After all, sometimes it looks close, but in fact it is far away.

And when the two are moving forward, there will always be some wild elves that interfere with their path.

In this regard, Aoki and Ogo have no good way.

You can't just sit up with armored birds and tropical dragons.

Regardless of this height, the elf is very strenuous to fly, just say that at this altitude, the wild flying elves are still relatively powerful.

Aoki and Ogo are in the air, but there is not much resistance.

After all, there are flying elves one by one, and they will be carried by them. Who will launch the attack?

When the night was about to go, the two men barely crossed the mountainside and reached a barren peak.

Because the temperature is too high here, such as flowers and trees can not survive.

Aoki knew the environment here, so they prepared a breathing apparatus before coming to Chimney Hill.

A prop similar to a mask, covering the mouth and nose, can block the hot air and prevent hypoxia caused by high altitude. It is a very good prop.

Dawu has come to Chimney Hill a few times, so he has already prepared such props.

Although the sun is setting and the night is gradually coming down, the temperature here is still relatively high.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, the wild elves suddenly lost a lot.

There are some bare rocks and volcanic rocks produced by high temperatures everywhere, which are the favorite places for rock and fire spirits.

It is also a favorite place for rock lovers like Ogo.

But this time Dawu didn't focus too much on finding the stones, and those who appeared suddenly on the top of the mountain made him and Aoki somewhat uneasy.

Against the last rays of the sun, the two continued on to the top of the mountain.

After a day of high-intensity fighting, the claw-tailed scorpion level increased to one level, reaching level 35.

The gap between them and the crow head is getting smaller.

However, after Aoki and Ogo advanced for a while, they were blocked again by a fair-looking elf.

A red-eyed coal tortoise waited for Aoki and Ogo who appeared in his territory.

Aoki subconsciously scanned the data of the coal turtle with a chip.

Pokemon Coal Turtle (Green) (Furious)

Sex female

Level 39

Attribute Fire

White smoke

Carrying props

Genetic skills stand, ground split, flame splash

Basic Skills: Sparks, Mist, Shrinking into the Shell, High Speed ​​Rotation, Flame Vortex, Smoke Screen, Flame Wheel, Curse, Smoke Spray, Tarzan Press, Hold, Jet Flame, Iron Wall

Teaching Skills Hot Air, Power of the Earth, Lame

Skill learner

Seeing the data of this coal turtle, Aoki frowned.


Reminds Aoki of the fighting mushroom that was defeated by the last time Laura evolved.

Is it almost the same as the current state of the coal turtle state machine, is there any connection between the two?

It was simply unlucky luck, and encountered the violent spirit.

"Ogo, be careful, the status of this coal turtle is a bit abnormal," Aoki reminded.

Ogo nodded, and when he saw the coal turtle, he felt a bit abnormal.

This coal tortoise is the strongest elf they have encountered along the way.

A quasi-elite-level sprite, same as Ogo's Kodola.

"Submit him first!" Ogo said.

No matter why this coal turtle is the way it is now, there must be no problem in subduing her first.

Ten minutes later, with the cooperation of the claw-tailed scorpion and Kodola, the coal turtle fell in front of them.

After a day of fighting, a little tacit understanding developed between the claw-tailed scorpion and Kodola.

When the two elves are fighting, they can make some simple cooperation according to each other's skills.

Therefore, the combined fighting power of the two elves is also considerable.

Of course, the main reason is the tacit understanding between the two trainers, Aoki and Ogo. This is the main reason that their skills can be matched.

Looked at the good looks of the claw-tailed scorpion and Kodola.

Aoki could not help but shook his head.

The status of the coal tortoise was the same as that of that day. After Aoki treated her slightly, she did not care about her.

With her current state of mind, even Aoki could not get any useful information through telepathy.

However, Aoki had a preliminary guess on those on the top of the mountain.

I hope not them.

Aoki secretly thought in his heart that if it was really that organization, with his and Ogo's current strength, facing them would be more of an escape.

Putting the coal tortoise in a relatively remote corner, Aoki and Ogo did not stop.

However, the faces of both of them are not very good-looking, apparently thinking of something.

There was a brief silence between the two as they moved forward.

Finally, Ogo said, "Aoki, have you heard of Lava Team?"

After hearing Ogo's words, Aoki paused for a moment, then said, "I know a little."

This surprised Dawu a little bit. There are not many people who know the Lava team. After all, they are still hiding well. Only some senior executives in the league barely know a little.

Aoki actually knew.

"Last time at sea, I encountered an attack by the marine team with my teacher. I didn't know at first, but after doing a little investigation, I also knew the existence of the marine team and the lava team." Aoki explained a little.

So, Ogo understands it a bit.

"This is the original word. You have encountered some of the people of the Ocean Team. The Lava Team and the Ocean Team are relatively unfamiliar organizations in Fengyuan, but it does not mean that the two organizations have no strength.

These two forces have been formed for a long time, but more often dormant, as if waiting for something, but the alliance has also sent some people to conduct in-depth investigations, so far, no one has returned alive. "

Speaking here, Ogo's expression is very ugly.

Because one of these people investigating the lava team is their Zvoc family ~ ~ has not returned.

"Although the Ocean Team and the Lava Team did not make any significant impact, the strength of these two forces worried the league a little bit, so they have been conducting investigations about them, and I guess that this time these people on Chimney Hill, It is likely to be the lava team. "Ogo said seriously.

Aoki was the first time I saw Ogo with such an ugly expression.

"Although the number of people in the lava team has not appeared frequently, most of them have appeared in some active or dormant volcanoes, but because there are no fixed numbers, there is nothing the Alliance can do. Eighty-eight percent is done by the lava team. "


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In addition, the water fleet is actually the ocean team. In order to match the current name, the hibiscus was changed to the ocean team. It will not affect more. Thank you for your support!


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