The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 509: Potential Clawtail Scorpion

"It's just a junior superpower. It doesn't help much in normal times, that is, in the battle, you can use the ECG induction, and you can seize a little opportunity." Aoki stall hand said.

But when I heard this, I felt like I was talking, that is, I won five million yuan, a small sum.

Although Ogo despise this money, that's what it means.

As one of the richest people in Fengyuan, don't lose face?

Therefore, Ogo nodded calmly and annihilated the last trace of envy in himself.

"Can only say, Aoki you are really talented!" Ogo said lightly.

"Just luck, do you remember my foolish beast? He has evolved." Aoki said.

Then he took out the elven ball and released the dull king.

"This is" Saw Aoki summoned, it is indeed right to walk upright, but this height is more than two meters?

Is it really that stupid beast?

"This is the dull king?" Although it was a question, it was self-evident.

Aoki nodded and said, "Yes, do you remember the certificate of the king who asked you to help me find it last time? By coincidence, when a dumb beast wore a certificate of the king, it was bitten by a big tongue. Can evolve into a dull king. "

"It turned out that the dull king really evolved like a dull beast, and the evolutionary conditions of the king's certificate are too harsh, right?" Ogo was a little immune to the surprise that Aoki could discover the dull beast's evolution. Already.

Anyway, as long as it is Aoki, it seems to be normal.

"The focus is not on the evolution of the dull king. I have handed over the evolution of the dull king to Dr. Oki, but it has not been announced for the time being and needs to be verified."

Aoki continued, "During the dull king's evolution, his soaring superpowers directly awakened me, and then my superpowers were suddenly elevated to the level of the primary superpowers, but I tried and improved later No, the junior superpower seems to be my limit. "

"Um." Ogo nodded and rubbed his chin. "The Flash King is really a very rare elf, and this one looks really perfect and has excellent super talent."



Ogo gave Aoki a self-care look.

Please stop showing, let me take it easy!

If you go out to practice and come back, you will become the youngest middle-level breeder in history, and you will also be the double-leader of the guild.

Tell me now that you are still a superpower, even if it is a junior, it will have a great impact on the battle.

I am big-an absolute genius plus money-I, do you want to lose face? (Can you accept this method? If not, I wo n’t write it later, it ’s a new attempt for me)

Seeing that Ogo didn't want to say more about this matter, Aoki didn't force it.

After all, he's the only superpower who knows about it.

Even his teacher Liu Shenggang did not disclose it.

It may be necessary to disclose a little bit, otherwise Liu Shenggang just learned from others that his disciples are actually superpowers, which seems to be easy to be beaten.

The two did not talk about this matter in tacit understanding.

Aoki put the dull king away again and took the claw-tailed scorpion along with Ogo to the top of the mountain.

There may be an unknown danger on the top of the mountain, but neither of them mentioned it.

Danger! This is the main process of training!

There are a lot of fire spirits living on the top of the mountain. Although they are still on the mountainside, many fire spirits have been driven down due to the destruction of the mountain environment.

As the insect-type scorpion-tailed scorpion and the steel-type Kodola, when facing the fire-elves, they are relatively passive.

But neither Aoki nor Ogo chose to replace the elves.

no need!

It's not time for the elves to defeat.

The attribute of restraint can achieve the effect of real experience.

From the awakening power of Kodola, we can see that Dawu has a certain restraint method for restraining the fire spirits of the steel system.

Aoki has no way to resist the fire spirits who restrain the scorpion worm.

But wouldn't it be useless if the fire elves couldn't attack the claw scorpion?

One hit kill!

This is the correct way to open the scorpion fighting!

Walking on the mountain road, surrounded by some dense woods.

With the continuous rise, the temperature that should have dropped originally did not appear because of the elevation, but the temperature gradually increased.

And because of the riots of the fire spirits, this temperature increase has appeared uncoordinated.

In many forests, the grasses are near insects, because they don't like this temperature, they can only migrate downward.

The level of the elves is relatively high, so the downward movement of these elves will inevitably bring the passive downward movement of the elves below.

Under the influence of the chain, the ecological environment of Chimney Mountain will definitely have a significant adverse impact.

More importantly, the ordinary trainers at the foot of the mountain may not be able to face the more powerful elves who move down.

With this in mind, Aoki and Ogo speeded up their steps.

Defeating these elves requires faster speeds.

The scorpion-tailed scorpion has used his search for the weakness of the enemy to the extreme. Now, with each attack, the probability of hitting the opponent's key point has been increased to 30%.

A horrible probability.

That is to say, under the three attacks of the scorpion tail scorpion, a hit is bound to occur.

Then the sniper-tailed scorpion with sniper characteristics will definitely cause huge damage to the opponent.

Regardless of whether the attribute is restrained or not, this is arrogant explosive force.

Coupled with the inherent strength advantages of the clamp-tailed scorpion, his combat talent was brought to the extreme.

The speed of the claw tail scorpion increases, and the ability to be seen by the naked eye rises.

For the improvement of the strength of the scorpion-tailed scorpion, Dawu also looks at it.

In addition to surprise, more admiration for Aoki.

Sure enough, Aoki is really good at training elves.

After this period of fighting ~ ~ Ogo can see that the clamp-tailed scorpion's intuition is very good, but its qualifications have not reached the extreme, it should be much weaker than Kodola, but In the face of those enemies, the scorpion-tailed scorpion harvests the opponent no less slowly than Kodola, which is more terrifying.

You know that Kodola is a teal plus a quasi-elf level of 39.

Regarding qualifications and grades, Ogo's concept may not be as clear as Aoki's, but in general, some can be seen.

This clamp-tailed scorpion is not easy!

If it evolves into the Dragon King Scorpion in the future, then his explosive power plus strength, as well as his huge body shape, will definitely be an excellent front row harvester!

Double tongs plus tail and mouth, the four places where the attack is released, the elves really can't defend everything.


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