The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 511: Anxious

Actually, what Ogo thought was similar to Aoki's guess.

For the Lava team, Ogo is more likely to know from some of the league's information.

I really want to say who knows more, it must be Aoki.

After all, Aoki, the previous life, has experienced the lava team and the marine team.

As a member of the Rockets, in order to invade the Fengyuan area, he also dealt with people from the Lava team and the Ocean team, but at that time he was more an executive and did not have the right to communicate with them.

After knowing that it might be the lava team, the two did not force it.

Aoki sent a message to his teacher Liu Shenggang, and Ogo also sent a message to others. Although he didn't know who it was, Aoki guessed that he was either a master of the Zvitch family or a master in the league.

"Aoki, be careful." Ogo reminded.

Aoki nodded.

Neither of them said they were leaving.

I hid in shape.

After turning over a huge pile of rocks, I finally saw the figure.

Hagi hid behind a huge rock, Aoki and Ogo looked at some people in the distance wearing red clothes, wearing red hooded vests on their upper bodies, and wearing red hoods on their heads.

Stuck on the vest with a black mark.

At first glance, it looks like a hill.

Lava Team!

Ogoya Aoki's face was a bit ugly.

If it is another underground organization in Fengyuan area, although their current strength is not an opponent, the pressure will not be so great.

But the lava team is different.

Although he has not yet been born, since one of the Zvuchi family was deeply involved in the lava team and disappeared, Dawu has conducted a detailed investigation of this organization, and probably knows the strength of some of this force, which is very scary.

Aoki let alone, the previous lava team plus the Ocean team can compete with the Rockets slightly, needless to say the strength.

There are a lot of masters in the Lava team.

I just don't know who is leading the team this time and if there is a Heavenly King class.

The two lava team members are talking about something, but because the distance is too long and the air on the volcano is moving too fast, Aoki and Ogo cannot hear what they are talking about.

There was nothing he could do. After Aoki hesitated for a moment, a flashing body continued to advance towards the two, and several huge rocks on the way were his support.

Daowu looked at Aoki in action and wanted to stop, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Aoki approached a distance again, and then barely heard the content of their communication after fully opening the super power perception.

Two lava team members, one male and one female, are responsible for guarding the door.

"I don't know how long I want to stay here, and I have been on a mission for several days. There is no place to take a shower here," said the woman.

"Who knows? The task this time is quite simple. As long as you are responsible for keeping the door, you can get a lot of rewards, and you can exchange some supplies to improve your strength when you go back." The man said.

"Keeping the door is easy, just don't know what they are going to do inside."

"Put away your curiosity. This time, Butler is leading the team. You should n’t ask if you do n’t know. Although the strength of this adult is relatively ordinary among many adults, but his temper is out of control. The name is not good. "The man said with fear.

听说 "I heard that Lord Butler was sitting on his current position by standing on the back of Lord Fire Village?" The woman whispered.

"Shut up! Can you say this casually? Stop it?"

After the exchange between the two, there were some rumors about the senior members of the lava team. Aoki gave up after listening a little.

But from the exchange of these two people, I still heard something.

Although I don't know what the lava team came here this time, it wasn't Red Chimatsu who led the team in person, and let Aoki breath a sigh of relief.

If it is Chiyanmatsu himself leading the team, Aoki does not return to take Ogo directly.

Is not a hierarchy, it will be spiked once it meets.

But Butler was not one of the lava team cadres that Aoki knew.

He is the name of the fire village. Aoki has heard of it in the past. One of the important cadres of the lava team is suspected of being a master of the Heavenly King class.

At this time, Ogo who followed Aoki's steps forward also came to Aoki's side.

Aoki directly informed Ogo through the electrocardiogram.

"What should I do? Is it a direct withdrawal? Or just go in and see?" Aoki Shinkin responded to Ogo.

Daowu didn't speak, and after groaning, he nodded firmly against Aoki.

The meaning is self-evident, go in and make a break!

In fact, Aoki means the same thing, but after all, they are two people, but they still want Ogo's consent.

An elf ball appeared again in the hands of the uncle. In order to remain undetected, the claw-tailed scorpion and Kodola had long been taken into the elf ball by the two.

Aoki didn't take out the elven ball of the scorpion scorpion this time, but the elven ball of the dull king. Ogo didn't take out Kodola's elven ball, but took out his ace elves.

This one can't be done well, but it is life-threatening. It's better to do your best for the first shot.

The stupid king appeared here with a silver glittering metal monster.

The moment Aogo's metal monster appeared, Aoki got the data of this metal monster.

Pokemon: Flash Metal Monster (Blue)

Gender: No gender

Level: 44

Attribute: Steel + Super Power

Characteristic: Permanent Body

Carrying props: metal film

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: mental strength, metal claws, electromagnetic suspension, slamming, chasing, bullet punch, eye of miracle, mind hammer, ghost face, strong mental thought, high speed movement, comet punch

Teach skills: Gravity, Lightning Fist, Frozen Fist, Mind Hammer, Electromagnetic Levitation, Frozen Wind,

Skill Learner: Hold, Spiritual Shock, Awakening Power Flight, Destroy Light, Earthquake, Spiritual Mindfulness, Shadow Ball, Tile Splitting, Rockfall, Stand-In, Cannon Lightning, Knotting

Stubborn !!

Aoki's first reaction to seeing this metal monster is this ligature ~ ~ This metal monster should be hidden by Ogo. Is his strongest metal monster?

深 The teal-qualified metal monster he saw last time should be the relatively weak one of his two metal monsters.

只 The level of this one has reached level 44. In theory, when it reaches level 45, it can evolve into a giant gold monster. However, due to the lack of a metal monster, Ogo temporarily focused on another metal monster.


Only after completing the final evolution can he truly show the dominance of the quasi-god spirit.

闪光 This flash metal monster is very strong, but it is not the strongest state of Ogo.

Maybe after the evolution into a giant gold monster, this thick metal monster will usher in a surge in strength!

Dawu will enter the quasi-king level as quickly as possible.

I have to speed up!

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