The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 199 The so-called justice

"Why do people from the church come here?" Amelia Bones asked sullenly.

John didn't answer her question and continued to drink wine as usual.

It wasn't until Bones moved his eyes to him that he put away the flask and replied: "How the hell would I know?"

"Damn it, John." The deputy director frowned, "If I know it was you who did it, I will make you pay a heavy price."

"Smile, Amelia, smile, they are coming." John stood up from the tree stump and stood behind the deputy director.

Despite the constant friction between them, their attitudes towards the church are surprisingly consistent.

"You must be Ms. Amelia Bones. It's an honor to meet you." Bishop Andrea saluted the deputy director, "I am..."

"I don't care." The deputy director interrupted the other party mercilessly, "What are you doing here?"

"As you can see." Bishop Andrea stretched out his hand to stop the monk behind him, "This town is polluted."

Bones nodded, "I understand. Everything is under control. We will soon be able to open this damn shield and go in to stabilize the situation."

The bishop shook his head, "You don't understand, deputy director, this is not ordinary magic, this is a dream spell. It takes a long time to rely on ordinary methods to break the spell."

"So, what can you do?" John asked aloud. He was more worried about Xing Ze and his party in the small town than he was disgusted with the church.

The bishop nodded, "If you agree, I can apply to the church to activate the Angel Spear, which can break the shield."

"Of course." John had an incredible expression on his face, "That thing can not only destroy the shield, but also eliminate the entire town. So, go to hell."

"Keep your mouth clean, wizard. Or I'll beat the shit out of you." A rough voice interrupted the conversation.

Bones and John followed the sound and saw a guy in his early thirties, wearing casual clothes and sunglasses on his face, walking slowly towards them.

"When did your church administration start hiring homeless people?" Bones sneered.

Bishop Andrea's face became a little ugly, and the two monks behind him took a few steps back, as if they were ready to stop the man at any time.

"This is Bishop Bartholomew. He is responsible for formulating our attack plan." Andrea introduced.

Bartholomew took out a cigar from his breast pocket, held it in his mouth and walked up to the crowd.

"Call me Nathanael. Who can remember such a long name?" Bartholomew raised his chin at John, "Can you lend me a hand, wizard?"

"Put that stupid face of yours over here and I guarantee you'll feel my kindness and enthusiasm."

"Ahaha," Nathanael took off his cigar and grinned, "the wizard is angry."

Bishop Andrei gestured to the two monks beside him, and they immediately moved closer to Nathanael.

"For the sake of Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Mother, old man, whose side are you on? I'm speaking for you."

"Please forgive me, both of you. Please also consider my proposal. Continuing to delay will only bring serious consequences. You should also know what happened in the winery." Bishop Andre ignored his colleagues.

"Don't even think about it." John refused without hesitation, "My people are all there. Unless you step on my body, you'd better give up this idea as soon as possible."

"It's me, John, who has the authority to give orders here," the deputy director reminded.

Bishop Andrew nodded kindly and returned to the temporary camp where the church was located.

After he walked away, John asked: "Are you really considering his proposal? Amelia?"

"Call me Deputy Director. Besides, you have no right to tell me what to do, John. So stay quiet."

"Barty Crouch is still in Merlin's beard."

Bones stopped and an imperceptible sneer flashed across his face, "He is a hero. If we were swapped, he would make the same decision."

"Okay, let the minister make the decision."

"It's a pity, John." Bones said with a look of pity. "He won't be here. I just informed his first secretary and told her that the pollution level in Ravenska has increased. The minister should not Take the risk here.

"So, he gave me the command and decision-making power. I know that your Key Hall is very powerful. But at the same time, I also have a few friends there. Don't waste your efforts to find the people above. ”

John's expression darkened, and a wand appeared in his hand as if by magic. He pointed the wand at Bones.

Upon seeing this, several Aurors immediately rushed to the deputy director's side.

"Let me guess, by someone above you do you mean R? Amelia, Amelia. Your brother, Edgar, was more than just a war hero.

"He is still a wise man with profound insights. If he and those people had not established the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort, the entire British wizarding world would have fallen into darkness. And you, Amelia, you are always on the wrong team, aren't you?"

The deputy director raised his eyebrows, "You dare to point the wand at me. You dare to mention Edgar in front of me. Think about it, John!"

She turned to the approaching Aurors and shouted: "Go and do your work, there is nothing here."

Several Aurors stopped hesitantly. Although they stopped moving forward, they did not leave either.

"Look at this." The deputy director threw a detection crystal to John.

When John took it and took a look, the entire crystal turned red, which meant that even here, the pollution of dreams had reached a terrifying level.

"Don't mention my brother again. He chose to fight against evil, and then what? The entire Bones family was slaughtered by Death Eaters, and his Order of the Phoenix saved the British wizarding world?

"No, you and I both know that it was the idiot Dark Lord who played tricks on himself. Prophecy? For Merlin's sake, there are still people who believe in such things these days."

"He did the right thing," John said, "and now there's a group of people out there doing the same right thing. I'm not letting you bastards take them away again, not this time."

"Fuck the right thing, fuck justice. We could have remained neutral. The Bones family has enough strength to remain neutral, just because my brother, who has a strong sense of justice, chose to fight against evil.

"When he made this decision, did he consider his family? Did he consider his parents? Did he consider his sister? I think he should have, and he knew what the consequences would be.

"So, I am the same, I think very clearly. When the red thing is opened, God knows what we will face.

"Another Death Eater that came out of the placenta? Or a group of monsters that came from dreams? Look around you, these people, they also have family and friends, they are wives, husbands, fathers, and mothers .

"You can fight for your people, my brother can fight for justice. And so can I, I'm fucking enforcing justice."

"At the expense of a small town?"

"Oh, John, what gave you the illusion that there will be no sacrifice in the path of justice. I lost my entire family, so don't talk to me about sacrifice anymore."

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