The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 198 Hospital

The commotion in the hall alerted everyone in the room. Xing Ze took out a glass bottle from the ring and threw it into the room where crazy Manny was.

The bottle shattered and purple mist rose. The three wizards who rushed out of the room were all affected by the smoke of the tarantella dance.

The two wizards at the front started dancing involuntarily, while Crazy Manny - the bald, topless wizard - seemed to have some resistance to the smoke.

He laughed wildly and grabbed the two wizards beside him, integrating them into his body without hesitation. That's right, it swallowed up those two people like a quagmire.

"Hahahaha, they will all become my nourishment." Manny looked up to the sky and smiled, "I, Manny Sykes, will soon be the first person to follow the Black Monarch."

At this time, Xing Ze rushed to him, and the blue beak turned into a sharp blade and stabbed into Manny's heart, "You talk too much."

"Ah hahaha, just because of this? Just because of this, you are..."

Xing Ze quickly drew out the black blade and stuffed a bundle of exploding cigars into the wound with his other hand.

A smile appeared on his lips, and the armor protection stored in Blue Beak's body was blessed on his body. He retreated sharply, and the black blade danced, easily cutting off Manny's grasping hands. In the shock and anger of the other party, the cigar exploded.


The power of the explosion swept through the entire basement, and the eldest lady's sapphire badge automatically opened a defensive spell, blocking most of the impact.

The remaining impact pushed her and the Sheriff into the wall, all the nutrient tanks exploded, and the grotesque bodies inside slid out along with the green nutrient solution.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, Ellie grabbed the Sheriff and fled outside. She no longer cared about protecting the hospital.

The monster in the dream was here, and even now, she could still hear the faint, demonic scratching sound coming from it in a corner.

Thanks to the dim light in the basement, she could not see the true appearance of the thing clearly, but only allowed her to catch a glimpse of its outline.

And just like the twisted and terrifying shadow in Harvey's portrait, that nameless, shapeless, deformed monster cannot be completely remembered by any consciousness, and it is impossible for any clever pen to describe it clearly.

The Sheriff stopped and spat out a mouthful of black blood. In a daze, he seemed to see something twisting in the blood.

He straightened up and wiped the blood from his mouth. Although everything he could see was shaking, he still took steps and tried his best to keep up with Ellie.

"Is it just me, or do you also listen..."

"Stop talking and conserve your strength, Skrtel." The eldest lady interrupted, "Of course I heard the cry, otherwise we wouldn't be in such a mess."

That scream aroused the most terrible pain and fear in her heart. For a moment, she, like Skrtel, wanted to end her life in order to find peace.

"Run, run, Skrtel," Ellie urged. "The explosion won't stop it for long."

Whether it was God's love or Merlin's mercy, they returned to the ground smoothly.

The eldest lady has never missed the light so much, but the scratching sound has not disappeared, and she knows that the screamer is still nearby.

When they fled into the lobby on the first floor, the sight in front of them almost made them vomit. The hospital became a slaughterhouse.

Broken corpses were scattered all over the ground, the ground was soaked in sticky blood, and minced meat, internal organs and human tissue were hanging from the ceiling.

And on the floor in the middle of the hall, there was a huge hole.

"What do you think?" The Sheriff swallowed and carefully stuck his head out to take a look at the hole.

The eldest lady frowned, "We can't stay here anymore, it should be nearby."

"I agree." Skrtel gritted his teeth, and he secretly vowed to make these bastards pay the price.

The eldest lady walked quickly to the door, "Get out of here quickly."

The Sheriff immediately followed, "Where are we going?"

"You're the sheriff here."

"Go to the police station?"

The two ran into a bookstore opposite the hospital to take a breath, and Ellie replied: "It takes half a town to go to the police station. I don't have much magic left."

As she spoke, she threw the sapphire badge on the ground, and the blue gem quickly turned into a pile of powder.

"I can't think of anywhere else that's safe." The Sheriff shook his head in despair.

At this time, there was a sound from the window of the bookstore. The sound made the two people's nerves immediately tense.

They looked at each other and Ellie asked the sheriff, "How many bullets do you have left?"

Skrtel unloaded the magazine of the pistol and looked at it. He was very grateful that he could still hold on to his pistol even in that situation, even though the gun was intended to be used to commit suicide.

"Running out."

"Escape, then?"

"Dear Miss." Skrtel smiled bitterly, "How far can we escape? To this day, I still have that terrible sound in my ears."

"Okay, I'll leave my back to you."

The two of them cautiously headed toward the window. Ellie squeezed the wand in her hand tightly. She had never been so frightened since she was born.

She lives in an ancient, wealthy and safe wizarding family. As the only daughter in the family, she was doted on by the entire family, and could even be said to be overprotective.

Perhaps it was this overprotective doting that inspired the rebellion in her heart. That's why she insisted on studying at Hogwarts instead of choosing a tutor like her brother.

That's why she admired her grandmother so much, the family rebel and activist Carlotta Pinkston, who was imprisoned for advocating the abolition of the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy.

But now it seems that this rebellion is leading her to death.

Why couldn't she be like other aristocratic girls, quietly drinking afternoon tea, talking about lace robes, and discussing Quidditch players.

Damn it, Xing Ze, how did you survive? How do you fight against such terrifying and unreasonable things?

The eldest lady shouted in her heart.

While she was thinking, they had arrived at the window of the bookstore. But it was just a false alarm. The sound was caused by stones hitting the glass.

Ellie walked to the window and looked out. Skrtel was carefully guarding the door of the bookstore.

"What did you see?"

"A girl."


"Your son's friend, she seems to be calling us over."

The Sheriff quickly turned around and said, "Are you sure? Are you sure it's not some damn hallucination?"

"Believe me, if I hallucinate, it won't be this."

After that, the eldest lady waved her magic wand, and the glass of the window was shattered by magic. She climbed through the window and headed towards Tina's position.

"God bless me." Skrtel prayed and followed.

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