The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 200 A little hope (Thanks to the ginger boy, the rain has passed

Chapter 200 A Little Hope (Thanks to Young Ginger and Sky Sky for their reward)

Just as the two were arguing, a curse-breaker quickly walked up to them and said: "The shield is open."

"What did you say?" John confirmed in disbelief.

"The shield, someone opened the shield from the inside." The curse-breaker repeated again.

The deputy director was the first to react, and she immediately walked towards the shield, followed closely by John.

They soon arrived at the location of another curse-breaker, and a hole was opened in the red shield.

As soon as they approached this place, the two felt dizzy. Fortunately, the Auror beside them handed over the protective crystal in time.

"Oh, my God, Edwin? Is that you? Edwin?" John hurriedly took the crystal and rushed towards the woman who came out of the rift.

The female scholar's face turned pale, and the crystal on her chest had turned red and was gradually turning black.

"Hey, bring me some more crystals," John called to the Auror.

"No need." Bishop Andrew, who had just arrived, interrupted, "Save those things."

As he spoke, he took out a bottle of potion and handed it to Edwin, "Drink some and pour the rest on yourself."

The female scholar did so. After drinking the bottle of potion, she clutched her abdomen and began to vomit, spitting out a lot of black liquid.

John walked over to help Edwin and asked the bishop: "What the hell did you feed her?"

"That is the blood of the Virgin Mary, which can resist pollution. Do you wizards all have persecution delusions?" The answer was Nathanael, who was lazily leaning against a sycamore tree, the cigar in his hand already lit. one third.

"This should be said to those wizards who were tied to crosses and burned by you." John shot back.

Nathanael snorted and put the cigar in his mouth, "It's 1992, wizards, and you're still talking about medieval trials? No wonder you wizards are so out of touch."

"Okay, okay, you two." Another tall man emerged from the opening of the shield. His face was covered with scars, making it difficult to see his face clearly. "If I can, I want it too. A bottle of Our Lady’s blood.”

Andrea took a bottle from his waist and threw it to the man. He looked at the wizard in front of him, as if he was confirming something.

But his doubts were quickly answered by Bones, "Sheikh? Sheikh Mendes?"

"Ah, I'm really surprised. Ms. Bones, you still remember me." The man replied and drank the red potion in the bottle.

A faint smell of blood spread in his mouth, and as the potion entered his stomach, he felt nauseous and had a strange feeling.

He was wrapped in something warm and soft, as comfortable as being held in a woman's arms. Every cell in his body was greedily enjoying this feeling.

But the comfort was fleeting. Like Edwin, he held his stomach and vomited out the black liquid.

John didn't care about a person who had disappeared for five years and reappeared. He asked Edwin, who had recovered his breath, "How do you feel?"

"It's okay." The female scholar replied while pouring the remaining liquid in the bottle onto herself.

"Are you the only one? Where are the others?"

"I don't know. We were originally in the mayor's office, but we were attacked by dream things, so we were forced to separate.

"I guess they should go to the town hospital. Old Barty needs treatment. But it's a dangerous place and they must be warned."

"No problem, go and rest, Edwin, leave the rest to me." John wanted to help the scholar go to the command post nearby, but she seemed to have no intention of doing so.

"No, no, you have to take me with you." Edwin insisted, "I owe them."

"Your current condition is very poor and you need treatment and rest."

"I'm familiar with the situation inside and I can lead the way so you can get to the hospital faster."

The deputy director interjected and asked: "Tell me, miss, what is going on inside? Are the people in the whole town crazy, or..."

"For Merlin's sake, of course not. Do you think I will let my idiot brother destroy the town?" Sheikh spat on the ground, "There is a magic circle at the high tower in the town, it can resist The pollution of dreams.

"But as you can see, the range of that formation is somewhat unsatisfactory. However, most of the residents in the town were only slightly contaminated."

"Sounds good." John looked at the deputy director, "At least we don't have to discuss razing the entire town to the ground."

"Hmph," Sheikh looked around at the people around him with a look of disdain, "I thought someone would do that, but I didn't expect you would be so decisive."

"Stop talking nonsense to my mother-in-law." Nathanael took the two long wooden boxes from the monks behind him. "Since the doors are open, please step aside and let the professionals handle it."

"Are you going to go in alone?" Bishop Andrew asked.

Nathanael opened the box and said, "Let's explore the truth first. What if there is a trap inside? I don't believe what the wizard says. We can't let our people go in and die in vain."

He took out a shining sword of power from a box and a strange, large-caliber shotgun from another box.

"Give me another signal gun. Once the situation is confirmed, I will give you the signal."

After getting the necessary things, Nathanael walked towards the opening of the shield without looking back.

Edwin was also about to enter the town again, but was held tightly by John, "Stay here, I'll go, trust me. I will bring them all out."

"Count me in," Sheikh said. "I know many shortcuts and safe routes that can take you to the hospital faster."

"Whatever, just don't hold back, I won't be kind enough to save you." Nathanael mocked, and then walked into the town.

Then came the Sheikh, and John said to the Deputy Director: "I will give you the same message, Ms. Bones. Tell your men to remember to look at the sky for the torch signal."

"Also," John looked at Edwin, "she needs treatment."

Bones nodded. Since someone was willing to explore the path, she was happy to conserve her strength. Although John is an unknown person, there is no doubt about his ability.

Moreover, if even he died inside, then she would have reason to use the Church's Angel Spear.

After John entered the town, Edwin also wanted to fish in troubled waters, but Bones had already seen through her mind.

"Wait a minute, miss." The deputy director stood in front of her. "We need to talk. You can tell us how bad it is inside."

Nathanael loaded a few large bullets into the weird shotgun, "Okay, you two, let's say goodbye."

"Aren't you with us?" Sheikh asked doubtfully.

The bishop shook his head and loaded the bullet, "I don't need any safe route. I came here to deliver the Lord's will to those pagans."

"May all the saints who fear God," he began to pray loudly, "take from the hands of God the Father the long sword given by Him, and raise it high to slay evil spirits forever, Amen!"

“You know,” John said to the Sheikh, “where I was born, people would put a lunatic like this in a cowshed, chain him up, give him a piece of coal, and let him paint that on the wall. Incredible pictures.”

"I agree with you, but now, we have guests." Sheikh's eyes turned to the sky, where several black spots appeared.

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People would put this madman in a cowshed, chain him up, give him a piece of coal, and let him paint those incredible pictures on the wall. ——"The Witcher II: Sword of Destiny"

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