Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 532: Who is the hero?

"Haha, I didn't expect it, grandpa, I was so popular!"

What is beyond everyone's worry is that at this moment, Pei Junlin, who is in the midst of the air, is not afraid of the three demon **** peaks. On the contrary, he is very calm and calm, and speaks wildly.

"That big cat, yes! It's you!"

"Grandpa, I slaughtered a disobedient kitten, and boiled that bone into a soup. Don't say it tastes really good! Tiger bones, impotence and kidney, so I now have strength all over my body!"

Pei Junlin stretched out his finger, and pointed at the peak of the demon **** of the white tiger family, and said at will.

"Asshole, I will kill you today !!!"

I heard that Pei Junlin actually showed off the things that killed his own family, and said that the white tigers were ‘cats’. The demon **** of the white tigers was mad and angry.

However, Pei Junlin ignored his anger directly. A pair of lacquered black eyes with the opposite and taunting, and flying up and down, the eyes fell directly on the face of the sunflower god's demon peak strong man, loudly: " Who ... who is born by nature, you're gloating!

"Your sunflower seeds are really the best in the world, and they are delicious! It's a pity that the one called Taiyi has only grown three sunflowers. It's really too few, and it's totally unpalatable! This time How many of your people are here? I'm ready to stock up some sunflower seeds, and when I'm bored, I'll make sunflower seeds! "


The strong real fire from the sun burst out from the whole body of the Sunflower demon peak strong man. When all seven tricks are smoking, this young human is really abominable. The genius who killed them is not counted, and he is still showing off.

Moreover, where did he gloat, this is simply planting mischief and provoking alienation!

"And you, this hairy bird!"

Pei Junlin finally put a pair of flying eyes on the face of the peacock demon peak strong man: "Last time, the peacock demon of your family was defeated. The flowers and water that were beaten by our humans lost the two deities in vain. The pinnacle of the strong, but also ceded three thousand miles to the land as compensation! "

"I really don't understand. With such a great deal of humiliation, why do you still have faces to appear again, do you want to cede the land for three thousand miles again!"

cracking! !! !!

The sharp bird sounds rang through the entire battlefield and were stimulated by Pei Junlin's so mean and bitter words. The strong peacock tribe directly issued a sharp bird sound.

The recent defeat of the Peacock Demon was simply the biggest shame in the history of the Peacock family, and the most taboo was mentioned. I didn't expect that at this moment, this guy was constantly salting his wound on the wound, and he was also insulting what kind of 'hybrid bird' The peacock family is famous for their arrogant temperament and love for their face, where can they stand such a humiliation.

"Human kid, you will die today!"

"Haha! I want to kill grandpa, come on! Come on!"

Pei Junlin was not afraid, but instead he became more and more crazy: "Grandpa's head is here, and you have the ability to come!"

"Don't come to waste in the early and middle period of the demon god. The shame of the province is obvious! If you want to kill grandpa, you have to be the demon **** in the later period or peak!"

Countless strong people have their heads swollen at this moment, and even those who are very familiar with Pei Junlin are speechless. They have known Pei Junlin so far. In their understanding, although Pei Junlin is powerful, he has always been low-key Few such crazy moments.

What's wrong at the moment? !!

You know, what he is provoking are the three demon peak strong men, any of them have the power to destroy the world, can they carry it!

Just when countless human strong men were worried about Pei Junlin, the three demon gods in the distance had already been so angry that they wanted to throw them out to kill the human kid, but they were strong by the human gods around them. Who restrained it.

The shepherd general, the president of Nanzhou Tiankeng, Xu He, and one of the Sun Peaks powerhouses in the Sun family tried their best to prevent it.

Although they don't know why Pei Junlin should be so arrogant, in any case, they are definitely not allowed to break the line of defense.

"Go! Kill me that bastard!"

"Who can cut him with a single knife, my king will reward him with one hundred grams of life fluid, and so on, and stack up!"

"There are also various secret rewards!"

Finally, the demon **** peak of the peacock family began to order.

Suddenly, around Pei Junlin, the monster powers that had already been spoiled for a long time were immediately red-eyed and killed Pei Junlin.


A horrible axe with a length of dozens of meters, as if practicing, directly split a strong body of a demon **** in the middle, split the flesh, blood and rain, almost killed.

Pei Junlin held a mountain axe and sneered: "Waste! Grandpa said, don't be embarrassed in the middle of the demon god, why don't you believe it ?!"

It's not Pei Jun's madness, but his refined cultivation nowadays. In the middle of the ordinary demon god, he is really not his opponent anymore. With a full-scale eruption, a single hit is very likely.

After that, Pei Jun strode forward, and immediately appeared in front of the seriously injured demon **** mid-term powerhouse. Another axe thundered and chopped down. This time, the demon **** middle-term power man didn't even have the ability to resist. It was split into pieces directly by the axe!

In such a scene, all the strong men in the surrounding area were stunned, and even the strong men of the demons were ignored. On the human side, many geniuses familiar with Pei Junlin were secretly shocked.

"Mad, I already said that when this guy comes out of the Bai family, his strength will definitely skyrocket. Now it really is!"

Xia Houping's acidity is soaring to the sky, and it is difficult to hide his envy.

Nalan Hao, Jie Monk, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, and so on, all have complex looks. They can be regarded as trying hard to cultivate. They dare not pull down for a moment, but no matter how they cultivate, they seem to have started to distance themselves.

This makes them all geniuses not convinced!

Even at this time, even Pei Junlin's wife, Prince Qiong, chased after him at an alarming speed. These two couples were like Alexander, a psyche that stimulated everyone.


At this moment, a strong man in the late period of the demon **** approached quickly, with a shady face, and at the same time, there were several strong people in the late period of the demon **** approaching rapidly.

The number of demons is much larger than humans, so you can free up a lot of manpower to besiege Pei Junlin.

Pei Jun smiled coldly when he saw it, and his body was pulled up instantly. Instead of bumping, he chose to walk away.

"Human, you can't run !!!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin actually retreated without a fight, several strong men in the late period of the demon gods started containment from various directions, one after another killing the sky.

Isn't this abominable human being very arrogant? It turned out to be just a paper tiger. It can at most bully and bully the weak and face the strong directly.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen strong men have been hunted down by Pei Junlin, and the lowest repairs are in the middle of the demon god, and they occupy the majority in the later period.

In this scene, many human powerhouses have not responded at first, but some people soon realized that Pei Junlin was helping everyone to restrain their opponents and reduce the pressure.

At the moment when understanding Pei Junlin's intentions, the eyes of many human powerhouses looking at Pei Junlin changed again, one by one admired.

Sure enough, there is no fame under the prestige. At this moment, they always understand why Pei Junlin attracted such a hatred and chase of the demons. The ability to pull hatred alone cannot be blocked by ordinary people.


At the moment when the pressure was relieved, many powerful human beings broke out with horrific warfare, and began to fight back and kill, with red eyes one by one.

But at this time, Pei Junlin took a dozen late-stage monsters to run around the battlefield.

He was very slippery, and he definitely did not slam against any of the strong demon gods in the late period. He was forced to slam away in a short time. In a short time, he had spared half a battlefield. At this time behind Pei Junlin's ass, the chasing demon **** was strong. More and more, approaching twenty!

This is a very scary number. Even if it is as strong as a demon, it is not too much like a demon in the late period.

"It's almost time !!!"

Pei Junlin whispered secretly in his heart. At the same time, he also felt a strong pressure, such as a thorny back, too many monsters to approach and kill him, such a quantity, I am afraid that even a peak of the state of God is a bit overwhelming.

"Fire !!!!"

Suddenly, Pei Junlin shouted ~ ~ At the same time, his whole body was radiant with gold, which directly burned the destiny element, the speed soared, and the distance was instantly widened.


When many demons and human powers are at a loss, a bright beam of light suddenly illuminates the sky, and then under the gaze of countless eyes, a horrible beam of extinction is seen. A group of chasing demon **** strong.

"Oh no!!!!"

At this moment, the strong men at the top of the three demon gods couldn't help but screamed in anger at the same time.

They were completely stunned by the abominable human, ignored the human aspect, and also had a **** slaughter chariot.

With the terrible destructive power of the slaughter chariot, this blow is enough to severely destroy many demon **** powerhouses.

However, it was all too late. When the light of world extinction fell into the ranks of a group of hunters, it was as if a large rock was thrown into the calm lake water and set off a huge wave.

Many of the demon gods in the middle and late stages have their own souls, and they burned their destiny without hesitation, fleeing wildly, but it was too late!

A terrible mushroom cloud rose into the sky, bringing out an irresistible shock wave. Even the function of the Tushen chariot can only lock one, but the terrible power of that instant explosion swept in all directions, and few strong people could avoid it.

The blood rains!

Many strong demon gods were directly hit by that terrible shock wave, spitting blood out of their mouths, as if they were puppets, their bones and bones were broken, their internal organs were broken, and many of them were completely blown up!

The screams and roars were connected into one piece, and the sky became a real Shura hell.


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