Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 531: Truly eye-catching

After inspecting a series of processes such as iris and fingerprints, Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei finally stepped into the Nanzhou Tiankeng.

After passing through the familiar space tunnel, there is a familiar world in front of it. A majestic steel city in front of it stands proudly in front of it, like a dragon, hovering over the landmark, and there is a powerful array of flashes. The fluctuations, blocking the attacks of all demons.

In the air, there is a strong smell of gunpowder, mixed with a strong **** taste, this taste is really too familiar, that is the price of countless lives falling.


A huge roar ahead came suddenly, the light shone to the sky, illuminated the sky, and at the same time, the three of Pei Junlin were alarmed.

"It's the voice of the slaughter tank!"

"The war has begun again!"

Pei Junlin and Bai Yulong both said aloud, then the two of them fell into shape instantly and rushed towards the city ahead.

等等 "Wait for me, you two bastards!"

Bai Yufei shouted behind him, chasing after him.

"Open the formation, let's go in!"

Near the city, Pei Junlin opened his mouth.

Soon, a huge portal appeared in the radiant light curtain, and Pei Junlin quickly entered.

"You are ... Pei Junlin!"

When he entered the city, a team of soldiers at the gate immediately widened their eyes and stared at Pei Junlin as if staring at a rare treasure. That look made Pei Junlin's face stiffen and awkward.

Bai Yulong, who is next to the cricket, is gloating, and sometimes people are too famous to be troublesome.

A few minutes later, the three appeared on the wall, looking out over the battlefield in the distance.

I saw the vast expanse of land in front of us. Humans and the army of demons, like black ants, were fighting madly. The war can be described as a fierce battle.

The sacred gods and the demon gods are fighting in the air, and the golden light seems to be round and scorching.

In terms of the Xun Yao tribe, it turned out that the plant-based and animal demon clans joined forces again, and the battle was extremely huge.

With such a powerful lineup, the human side is really forced out. The only defenders remaining in the city to control the formation are Pei Junlin, who has seen many familiar figures.

的 The shepherd **** who gathered the golden body soon will also come. Apparently, here in Nanzhou Tiankeng, the strong man was repeatedly injured by the demon's slaughter chariots, and the two gods peaked, causing all parties to support the strong.

In addition, Pei Junlin also saw Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jiyin Monk, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Luo Yan, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Bai Lifeiyan and others.

To Pei Junlin's surprise, he even saw his wife, Prince Qiong, and the other side's cultivation has broken through to the strongest in the realm of the gods. Really making rapid progress, thousands of miles away!

Sun Kai is also here. Nanzhou Tiankeng is the site of his grandson's family. This responsibility must be shouldered!

At the same time, there are many strong members of the Bai family. This time in the Nanzhou Tiankeng battle, Bai Ji severely ordered that many children of the Bai family join the battle.

In addition, Pei Junlin also saw a familiar baby.

On the ground, I saw a chariot that looked like a hill and was full of body. The body was full of thick evil spirits. It stood proudly and was very eye-catching. The sharp barbs were dazzling.

There were two middle-aged men standing beside Tushen Chariot, both of whom were extremely powerful.

"It's my father and my third uncle!"

I saw the two middle-aged men with strong auras. Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei spoke in unison.

Pei Junlin also recognized that the two were Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei's father and uncle, but what attracted him more was the dazzling, dazzling, dazzling, dazzling, like hills.

I'm afraid that number is at least 100,000 yuan, and all are high-quality spirits. Obviously, the human side is really bleeding hard for this war!

He saw the high-quality Lingjing piled up like a mountain of bright crystals, Pei Junlin's eyes brightened, and his sight quickly fell to the direction of the monster clan. Sure enough, he saw that there was also a sculpted slaughter chariot standing on the landmark.

The two big killers on both sides, facing each other, are looking for opportunities with each other. As soon as there is a divine realm or a demon peak peak, they will immediately bombard!

The cost of using the slaughter of the God of War once is too great. Therefore, the peak of the **** state or the peak of the demon **** is the main goal, and the last time must also be the late stage of the **** state or the late demon god.

However, when these strong men are trained, they are very sensitive to danger, their mental strength is extremely powerful, and their speed is extremely fast, it is difficult to lock in.

Unless it is in an open area, such as the situation where Pei Junlin bombarded Dongfenghao before, in a chaotic war situation like this at the moment, the Tushen chariot would not dare to fire easily, for fear of injuring his own strong man by mistake.

Pei Junlin soon discovered this awkward situation, and his eyes flickered suddenly.

If this is the case, the power of the slaughter vehicle will be greatly weakened, which is not what he wants to see.

At this time, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei have already leapt from the city wall, and Pei Junlin has followed it.

"How come the three of you are here?"

"Is the matter of the Steppe Khan Tomb over ?!"

Seeing Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, and Pei Junlin, both Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhengang frowned. The battle here is so fierce. As parents, in fact, I really do not want my children to participate in such a war. ,Too dangerous!

两个 The two of them didn't know what happened to the steppe Khan Tomb, and Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei didn't even speak to tell, just notified Grandpa Bai Jibai Supreme.

"It's hard to say! After the war here, let's tell you!"

I heard Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhengang's questioning, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei couldn't help but glanced at Pei Junlin and sighed.

Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhengang immediately raised their eyebrows. What kind of characters they are, they are sensitive to the hidden feelings, but it is really not the time to discuss these things.

"Uncle Zhenyang, Uncle Zhen Gang, this Tushen chariot has always been so empty, so wasteful!"

At this time, Pei Junlin said.

As soon as this word came to an end, he immediately mentioned the hearts of the two strong men. The gloom on the faces of the two strong men was difficult to hide.

Originally, the two of them came from their homes, preparing to kill the Quartet by slaughtering the chariots of the gods, so that the Bai family could take a good look. But who knew that they had come here, they fired a total of shots. Still short, not to mention embarrassing!

It seems that the arrival of the Tushen chariot, except to play a certain role in stabilizing the military heart, is of little use. This is simply embarrassing. Thanks to the trust of the two of them, they have given them so many spirits. Focus on their play.

两位 The two of them are at the pinnacle of God's Land, and at the end of a Land of God, they are only guarding a chariot of slaughter God. This is really a waste!

"Prince, don't you have any good ideas?"

When Bai Zhengang and Bai Zhenyang heard Pei Junlin ’s inquiries, they immediately turned right. They dare not have any contempt for the young man in front of them. Except for the fact that they are weaker than them, they are afraid that they will not Lost to the older generation of them.

"I have one idea, but I need the cooperation of two uncles ..."

Pei Junlin said.

A few minutes later, a fierce battlefield sky suddenly burst into the sky, and the breath was released unreservedly. At the same time, a voice of domineering and madness spread throughout the battlefield.

"Fuck, grandpa, I'm in a hurry, I haven't been late !!!"

听说 "I heard that a grandson wants to find his grandfather all the time. Grandpa, I'm here now, which grandson is so filial, so hurry up !!!"

"Grandpa gives you candy! Sweet!"


At this moment, the battlefield, which was originally filled with a fierce battle atmosphere, was weirdly quiet. Almost all the strong men stopped their weapons, and with different eyes, they gathered to the location where the voice came.

"Pei Junlin !!!"

Suddenly when he saw the void, that unusually familiar youth's appearance, the exclaimed voice suddenly rang through most of the battlefield, whether it was Pei Junlin who knew him or did not know him, he quickly called out the name.

Because recently, the three words Pei Junlin were spread by the help of the demon tribe. It really became so popular that it led to Pei Junlin becoming more and more famous. Many people who do n’t know it also remember it deeply. Got the name.

"Mad, this **** is here, how come, isn't he going to the Khan Tomb in some steppe?"

In the battlefield, the shepherd will immediately see the presence of Pei Junlin, and yell at once, but the key is so publicity. Do n’t he know that all the demons are looking for him?

At the same time, they are also worried about Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, etc. They know clearly that Pei Junlin was hunted down by the monsters.

"Pei Junlin !!!"

Soon, an extreme roar ~ ~ that sounded bitter and cold, a strong man at the peak of the demon race, full of enchantment, his birthmark on the center of his eyebrow is a white tiger, Obviously from the White Tigers.

"Pei Junlin !!!"

I heard a roar that was so cold to the extreme, and also a strong demon peak stood out. The birthmark of his eyebrow was a sun flower, and he was a strong sunflower.

"Pei Junlin !!!"

The third roar rang through the battlefield, and the third strong man at the peak of the demon **** appeared. His eyebrow had a gorgeous peacock pattern, apparently from the peacock family.

三 Three consecutive strong demon peak strong men stood out, all shouting Pei Junlin's name. At this moment, Pei Junlin's posture became the most noticeable place in the entire battlefield.

The strong man on the human side, many people are numb with scalp and hair all over the body.

This was followed by the three strongest peaks of the demon gods. It was a nightmare. Even the strongest peaks of the gods like the herd of gods, their faces were completely changed at this moment.

Many Nanzhou Tiankeng strongmen who are not familiar with Pei Junlin are even stunned and stunned.

It is difficult for them to imagine that Pei Junlin, a man who is only in the early stage of Divine Realm, has done such a thing that he is angry and resentful, which has caused the monsters to be so motivated and wanted all over the world.

A young man who is only in the early days of Divine Realm can do this step, even if it is really sacrificed today, it is enough to be proud of his eyes! Glorious and great death!

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