Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 533: I am invincible!

At this moment, even if Pei Junlin was ready in advance to hide away from a kilometer, he was still shocked by the powerful shock wave.

The Tushen chariot is claimed to be the most powerful killer below the Supreme. It can destroy the peak of the demon **** or the peak of the **** state. This sentence is definitely not groundless, but it is really extremely powerful and terrifying.

In this attack, Pei Junlin clearly saw that at least four strong demon gods in the late period were directly killed and another seven or eight were seriously injured. Only the last few strong demon gods were damaged by the front. The strong man blocked most of the power of the explosion, and only suffered a minor injury.

The **** scent filled the void and the screams smashed into one piece, and the blow attracted countless eyes.


Beneath the human city, watching for a long time, one shot caused such a big record, Bai Zhenyang and Bai Zhengang's faces finally revealed their long-lost excitement.

Although this strike was not aimed at the demon peak strong, in one shot, four late demon gods were fully killed, and in addition, seven or eight demon mid- and late strongs were severely damaged, which is definitely comparable to killing a demon peak. Already.

Pei Junlin was so reliable that she could attract so many demon **** strongmen, so that they could come to a mass destruction, and finally found some face.

"Zhen Gang, it's enough for you here. I have to go and help! Take care of Pei Junlin!"

Bai Zhenyang opened his mouth and said to Bai Zhengang: "This little guy really opened a hole in the sky this time!"

Bai Zhengang nodded. This is necessary. Pei Junlin is now a friend of his Bai family. Their father Bai Ji Supreme even ordered it personally. As long as Pei Junlin is in difficulty, he can find the Bai family. They naturally need help.

"Haha! Kill! Grandpa, I kill the demon **** like a dog in the later period!"

During the conversation between the two, suddenly a burst of wild laughter came from the void, which caused the eyes of the two powerful men to jump wildly.

I saw there, that Pei Junlin's whole body was burning fiercely, and an axe split forward.

Where Axe Mang reached, there were two bodies that were destroyed, and only the demon gods with strong heads remained.

Seeing the horrifying axe, two demon gods with only their heads left, the dead souls risked, shouting for help!

At this moment, they are really down to an unprecedented low. Not to mention a strong man like Pei Junlin, even a divine powerhouse can kill them and explode their heads.

"Asshole, you look for death !!!"

Seeing Pei Junlin slaying so many powerful men in one go, he was especially dissatisfied. The remaining demons and powerful men were furious and full of murderous intentions. A swarm of swarms burst into frightful attacks.

But Pei Junlin did not retreat in the slightest, and that determined face was full of coldness and slaying.


He uttered a word gently in his mouth. Suddenly, the sound of the sword rang through Jiuxiao, and a brilliant green disc turned over the head, straight into the heads of the two demon gods in the mid-air.

However, the mountain axe in his hand changed the direction, and the demon **** strong who was blocking the rescue arrogantly.


The terrible sound of energy collision rang through the air. Pei Junlin's face turned white suddenly, and he retreated hundreds of meters away. Scarlet blood leaked out of the corner of his mouth.

There are too many demon gods who attack him. It is better than his cultivation at the moment, and he can't stand it.

However, paying such a price is not without gain, Qing Hongjian successfully burst the heads of the two late demon gods.

"Damn! You must kill this bastard!"

In the distance, the three demon **** peak entangled by the herdsman, Xu He, and the Sun family's peak of the gods, all roared angrily.

"Waste, don't get together, spread apart, and play wheel wars. The king doesn't believe that he can turn the sky at the beginning of a small state of God!"

"Kong Fei, Kong Xu, you two also go up, you must kill this mess!"

The demon **** of the peacock family peaked and issued an order.

Soon, the two powerful peacocks in the late period of the demon gods withdrew from the original battlefield, their faces were gloomy, and they slowly approached Pei Junlin.

After the previous failures, this time the strong people of the demon clan learned well, instead of being gathered together, but scattered apart. In this way, even if the human side sneaks in with a slaughter vehicle, it can kill at most one, but others To survive.

At this moment, around Pei Junlin, there are 14 demon gods gathered around, and half of them are in the late stage of the demon god, and the rest is the strength of the demon **** in the middle stage.

Such a battlefield can be called horror, and it has been extremely rare ever since!

It's almost enough to kill even a top-level powerhouse!

Although Pei Junlin is very confident in his own strength, with his current fighting power, the demon **** has no choice but to fight him in the middle. Even if he meets the late demon **** strong, there is also a battle force, but now there are seven demon gods in the late stage. In addition, there are The middle of the seven demon gods ...

The Tushen ’s chariot consumes too much, and it takes too much time to gather in the early stage. It ca n’t be used at all. That is Pei Junlin ’s most powerful hole card. As a last resort, it must not be leaked. Pei Junlin is still preparing to keep and harvest. The life of a demon peak strong!

Therefore, the only way out is ...


As soon as the thoughts appeared, Pei Junlin's figure instantly fell toward the ground like lightning, and the air was no longer suitable for him. Only on the ground could there be a hint of hope to get rid of it!

"Want to escape ?! Can you escape?"

Seeing Pei Junlin's actions, the fourteen demon **** powerfuls sneered angrily, and did not hesitate to pursue it.

But the next moment, their eyes suddenly bulged again, staring round and yelling, "Shameless!"

I saw that the place where Pei Jun was falling was actually the densest part of the army of demons. Don't look at the demons on the ground who are extremely tall and powerful, but all this is in front of the mighty gods. one strike.

After Pei Junlin fell into the army of the monsters, he breathed his breath crazyly. The place he passed was almost like cutting wheat. A large monster soldier was scattered by the flesh and blood. .

With full force, Pei Junlin's speed reached twice the sound barrier. Such a speed, even the strongest in the late period of the demon god, could not catch up.

Unknowingly, in the process of chasing, seven or eight of the demon gods who had been scattered around gradually gathered together.

In the rear, Bai Zhengang, who had been looking for opportunities, had his eyes brightened, and he did not hesitate to re-ignite the Tushen chariot, and at the same time, the cricket battlefield surface exudes a faint light, one by one, the spikes are cold and pressing.

"Retreat !!!!"

"Separate! Separate! Immediately !!!"

The three demon gods who have been following the battle situation yelled.

The roar finally awakened the demon gods in the pursuit, and immediately the ghosts rushed away, and scattered immediately to avoid, even after killing Pei Junlin.


The terrible roar sounded again, and an annihilating beam of light illuminated the sky, approaching a strong man in the late stage of the demon god.

"Do not!!!"

The peacock's strong man yelled wildly and burned his destiny without any hesitation in an attempt to resist.

But is the power of the Tushen Chariots such a demon **** that he can resist in the later period? A mushroom cloud rises to the sky, and the strong man in the late demon **** disappears without leaving any bone residue.

The horrific energy shock wave erupted, and the pieces of monster soldiers turned into flesh, a sea of ​​blood at this moment.

"Asshole, how dare you take the slaughter vehicle and kill the soldiers at the bottom ?!"

The strong of the peacocks are furious.

"Accident! It ’s just a fish! You just saw it. The real goal of the slaughter vehicle is only the strong man of your peacock family. Those dead soldiers are actually affected by your own people!"

Xu He led the indifferent look. He wanted the more soldiers of the monster race to die, the better. As a strong man, although he was disdainful to kill those lower-level monster soldiers, he dared to block the road. Then, by the way, use breath or golden strength. It's okay to kill a large piece.

Ok? !!

But soon, Xu He's gaze was fixed, he noticed that Pei Junlin, who had penetrated into the army of demons, was going around.

Centered on Pei Junlin's body, wherever he goes, soldiers of the monster race are constantly being torn apart, which is terrible.

"Is this what you mean by accident ?!"

The strong voice of the peacock demon is chilling: "Can you human beings be more shameless ?! In this case, we demon clan will not be polite in the future!"

Xu Hetong was a little embarrassed at once, it seemed that Pei Junlin was really a little too far. It didn't matter if you ran down and killed some demonic soldiers. You could keep bumping around the circle. There are some things ...

It wasn't just Xu He who looked embarrassed, but also the peak of the realm of the shepherd general and the Sun family ~ ~ However, when the three people looked embarrassed, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred!

I saw a white mist rising suddenly from the army of the monsters, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the sky, covering a thousand kilometers in a circle, covering all eyes.

"How is this going?!"

Countless exclamations sounded at each other, and many powerful men widened their eyes.

"Formation! Pei Junlin will set up again!"

"He trapped all the demon gods who chased him down!"

Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei screamed in exclamation. At the same time, all the powerful people who knew the formation method had their eyes brightened,

"Miao! Pei Junlin is really awesome. He trapped all the demon gods who hunted him down with matrix formation!"

"I see. Just now, Pei Junlin deliberately broke into the army of the demon clan. He killed those low-level demon clan completely for the purpose of covering people's eyes. In fact, he was secretly setting up the formation!"

The sound of discussions rang throughout the battlefield. At this moment, all the actions before Pei Junlin finally became completely clear, and countless people were admiring them secretly.

If you don't believe it, this young man named Pei Junlin is just a demon. It seems that every step he takes has already been calculated in advance, and he will turn the strong people of the demon tribe to play.

Looks like Zhang Kuangpai, but in fact a calm heart, has been digging holes for the monsters.

Huh! !! !!

Just as everyone was discussing, a figure burst out suddenly in the heavy fog below, and its appearance was still blurred, and the loud shouting had already rang through the entire battlefield.

"Uncle Zhen Gang, aim at the center of the fog and fire!"

"Fire !!!!"


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