绗琗NUMX绔 闱掍笣浜屽搱

After the people were together, Chief Instructor Chen summoned everyone and said loudly: “Since you are standing here, it is the person who has already signed up. This training cannot be withdrawn in the middle of the training. If you withdraw from the middle, once you withdraw, it will be completely Exit this training!”

“We don’t want a coward!”

Chief Instructor Chen looks sharply at everyone, and then coldly said: “The following is an identity watch that is issued to you, with a positioning system, a compass, and an emergency call button. Of course, there are also the most basic functions of the watch.

You are all high school students, and I don’t want to explain to you what these words mean. Do you want me to explain it to you? ! ”

No one answered.

Chief Instructor Chen 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 ご锛屾 ご锛屾 镒忚阆掳 镒忚阆掳 镒忚阆掳 鐗囧 鐗囧 鐗囧 鐗囧 鐗囧 鐗囧 鐗囧 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖 鏄垜浠啖鍖缁冨熀鍦 紒鏀 紒鏀 紒鏀 锛屽 锛屽 二 (2) 涓 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 湡鍦 湡鍦 湡鍦 垜浠兘娓呮壂骞 垜浠兘娓呮壂骞 垜浠兘娓呮壂骞 噣浜嗙殑锛岀粷瀵 噣浜嗙殑锛岀粷瀵 噣浜嗙殑锛岀粷瀵綍Commander Level Monster 阆楁 锛佽 屼笖灞辫 槸 槸 槸 槸 Common Level Monster 锛孍 lite Level Monster 鍙崰鎹栌鍒嗕箣浜 Flag 殑姣斾緥锛岃 屼綘浠殑浠诲姟灏 屼綘浠殑浠诲姟灏 屼綘浠殑浠诲姟灏 槸鍦ㄨ 槸鍦ㄨ 槸鍦ㄨ 槸鍦ㄨ 槸鍦ㄨ ㄧ殑镞堕棿锛佲 ㄧ殑镞堕棿锛佲 ㄧ殑镞堕棿锛佲 ㄧ殑镞堕棿锛佲 ㄧ殑镞堕棿锛佲


This group of high school students was shocked.

We have not yet learned the survival skills of the field, which is too difficult.

鈥滃湪灞辫胺屾湁涓屾湁涓浜涘畨鍏ㄥ眿锛岃浜涘畨鍏ㄥ眿锛岃浜涘畨鍏ㄥ眿锛岃浜涘畨鍏ㄥ眿浜涘畨鍏ㄥ眿囩敤镄勯兘鏄壒璐ㄩ挗鏉愬埗浣滐纴鍩囩敤镄勯兘鏄壒璐ㄩ挗鏉愬埗浣滐纴鍩Chain 塁ommander Level 浠ヤ笂镄凪onster 嶈兘鏀荤牬瀹夊叏灞嬬殑阒 嶈兘鏀荤牬瀹夊叏灞嬬殑阒 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠 锛屾墍浠屼篃 変竴瀹 変竴瀹 垎 垎 忕殑椋熺墿锛屼綘浠 忕殑椋熺墿锛屼綘浠 锛屽彧鏄綘浠殑 锛屽彧鏄綘浠殑 锛屽彧鏄綘浠殑 锛屽彧鏄綘浠殑 锛屽彧鏄綘浠殑 锛屽彧鏄綘浠殑 ster Monster Familiar 鍢涒 € [€ ” Umbrella 镣 笢瑗胯偗瀹氭槸钖冧笉楗 殑锛屾櫄涓婄殑璇濅綘浠彲浠ュ湪瀹夊叏灞嬮噷浼戞伅锛屽綋鐒讹纴涔熷彲浠ョ槠澶╀紤鎭櫄涓婂嚭铡 纴鍙嶆浣犱 纴鍙嶆浣犱 鍙︷渶瑕佸湪 鍙︷渶瑕佸湪 鍙︷渶瑕佸湪 鍙︷渶瑕佸湪 岄 鐢熷瓨涓冨ぉ銆傗 鐢熷瓨涓冨ぉ銆傗

As a matter of fact, Chief Instructor Chen’s words are meaningful: “Many people live, there are many ways to live. How you want to live depends on you.

If you eat cockroaches or eat meat, you will not be embarrassed about yourself. Anyway, the best training opportunities have already been given to you. Whether you can grasp them all depends on you. ”

Chain钖嶤hief Instructor Chen 璇翠鍙ュ喎绗戣瘽锛屸鍙ュ喎绗戣瘽锛屸沧斁蹇冿纴浣犱沧斁蹇冿纴浣犱沧斁蹇冿纴浣犱镄勬琛ㄦ湁瀹琛ㄦ湁瀹琛ㄦ湁瀹Monster 钖冧 锛屾垜浠 镓 镓 镓 埌 埌 Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon

After all, a group of students and their Monster Familiar, like a group of chickens, were driven into the fence by the farmer.

Walking into the valley, there was a roar behind him, and the huge alloy doors on both sides slammed shut.

Many people have gathered together and whispered, some are preparing to form teams, and others are preparing to warm up.

涔熸湁浜洪个璇稧ao Peng 锷犲叆Team 锛岃Gao Peng 鎽囧ご濠夋嫆銆

This time he came in to combine the survival knowledge in books to practice, and to train the fighting ability by the way, so he is not prepared to hold the group, so the goal is too big to get training results.

In Gao Peng’s expectation, he is a person or a team of up to two or three people, so the number is small and easy to move.

“High school, team?” Mu Tieying came over.

The teammates are coming.

Gao Peng nodded.

The two men and the beasts left side by side and did not enter the depths of the jungle.

鍜屽崟璋 殑鍩庡 殑鍩庡 涓嶅悓锛岄 涓嶅悓锛岄 链 链 链 链 链 链 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 瘜镄凪 ster 瘜镄凪 ster ster ster ster ster ster ster撱€

A gray shadow over the woods, and finally stopped on the branches of Gao Peng’s head, quietly watching the two beasts under the tree.

Gao Peng looked up and stopped on the branch with an ash gray sparrow about 30 centimeters long. He looked at Gao Peng’s eyes and flew away in an instant.

“It’s a rain bird. This sparrow likes to gather in a humid and watery environment, and it is very sensitive to rain. If it rains, it will fly to that area, so it is called a rain bird.” Gao Peng opened Said.

“Well, I remember that the weather signal tower in the general city would have a rainfinch, and the rainfinch had a weak attack, but it was very fast.” Mu Tieying approached.

The two chatted with each other as usual.

This common language is only available between Xueba.

鈥渁o wu 锛宎o wu ~鈥濆墠鏂鈥濆墠鏂瘑鏋楀墽鐑堟憞鏅冿纴鐪嫔叾锷ㄩ瘑鏋楀墽鐑堟憞鏅冿纴鐪嫔叾锷ㄩ鏄鏄

The two men cheered and hid behind Lian Zi, Da Zi’s body was tight and ready to go.

A green figure wraps around the broken leaves and stops in front of the two people. The broken leaves are slowly falling with the strong grassy smell.

杩欐槸涓 澶 澶 豢鑹茬殑镫嫾锛屼綋琛ㄥ竷婊 豢鑹茬殑镫嫾锛屼綋琛ㄥ竷婊 简 简 large large and small 镄勭枻鐥曪纴鐪嬩笂铡 缁忕栌鎴 缁忕栌鎴 缁忕栌鎴 € €

The height is two meters and the body length is nearly five meters. The volume is a strong pressure. The green hair of the body surface hangs down, and there are some things like hyphae and moss on the surface. The bones are extremely thick and the tigers are swaying.

鈥滆 Umbrella 鏄粈涔坆 reed 镄勭嫾锛熲 € full u Tieying 囨侪浜嗭纴濂 囨侪浜嗭纴濂 鍓嶅湪涔 鍓嶅湪涔 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 笂浠庢湭 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 粈涔堟柊鐗╃銆

“It doesn’t seem to be a wolf.” Gao Peng looked strange.

鍦ㄤ粬鏁版嵁妗嗛噷锛屾竻妤氱殑鏄剧ず浜呜伞Monster 镄刟ttribute 銆

[Monster Name] : Qingsi Erha

[Monster Level] :Level 11

[Monster Grade] :Common Grade

[Monster Attribute] :Wood Attribute

It turns out that this is a Hatch, and what makes Gao Peng speechless is that the data frame does not show Husky, but Erha.

Sure enough, even the golden fingers admit the second.

鈥渁o wu 锛乤o wu 锛佲€濆搱澹涓嶆柇鍙戝嚭鍙0鎭愬悡涓や汉銆

鍦ㄥ搱澹鍙戝嚭涓嬩竴涓猘o wu 镄勬椂 chain欙纴Gao Peng 鍦ㄥ悗闱(3)獊鐒舵帴浜嗗彞姹﹃

Then the huskies suddenly became incoherent.

鈥渁o wu 鈥 “Leopard 锛熲 濋潚涓濅簩鍝堜竴 濋潚涓濅簩鍝堜竴 nickel point €

How can you make such a strange call.

鈥滆 嶅锛屼綘 嶅锛屼綘 嶅锛屼綘 嶅锛屼綘 嶅锛屼綘 ao wu ao wu 镄勪 鍙鏄撹鍒 鍙鏄撹鍒 鍙鏄撹鍒 鍙鏄撹鍒 镄勩 浒 浒 浒 Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng

鈥渁o wu 姹纴鍡封€“Leopard 锛熸 Leopard 锛熸 Leopard 姹 Leopard 锛燂紒鈥濋潚涓濅簩鍝埚彨寰楄秺鏉ヨ秺寮 蹇冿纴鐒跺悗瀵 蹇冿纴鐒跺悗瀵 蹇冿纴鐒跺悗瀵涓€妫妫 is 澶у0悹锛屾祽鐒跺缮浜呜嚜宸悹锛屾祽鐒跺缮浜呜嚜宸悹锛屾祽鐒跺缮浜呜嚜宸竴寮濮嫔墠鏉ョ殑鐩殑锛

Because it has found a more fun thing.

Gao Peng and two people calmly turned around.

Sure enough, it is two ha.

Familiar formula, familiar taste.

Mu Tieying didn’t react. “The wolf…how, how could it be called?”

“That’s not a wolf. It’s a huskies. It just looks like a wolf in the wild.”

Gao Peng 镒熻 chain 夋暟鎹镄勫 chain 夋暟鎹镄勫 division ster Monster 鍦ㄤ粬鐪 腑娌 °C湁闾d箞绁炵銆

The valley was a bit big, and the two went to the depths for about half an hour without seeing the end.

Not far from the front, there is a camouflage green iron house, which should be a safe house.

“Let’s go ahead and see if we can rest in this safe house for the time being,” Gao Peng said.

(End of this chapter)

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