绗琗NUMX绔 Reader

Looking at the horrible situation of the purple gold in the cage, a few people outside showed a little bit of tolerance, and they did not look at this scene.

Gao Peng took a look at these people and took back his eyes. Remove the wet tissue and gently wipe the blood from the Da Zi head shell.

鐜 湪浠栦 湪浠栦 鏄皢 Monster 瑁呭湪绗 瓙 瓙 屾垬鏂楋纴杩樿兘 夋暀瀹 夋暀瀹 夋暀瀹 夋暀瀹 夋暀瀹 夋暀瀹 镞佷繚鎶わ纴鍦ㄥ嵄镐ユ椂鍒诲彲浠ユ 镞佷繚鎶わ纴鍦ㄥ嵄镐ユ椂鍒诲彲浠ユ 镞佷繚鎶わ纴鍦ㄥ嵄镐ユ椂鍒诲彲浠ユ淳鍑筱ilver Moon Wolf 鏁戝満锛

铏 劧涓嶈兘 劧涓嶈兘 濊 濊 濊 姣忔閮 栌鍒嗙栌镄勬 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜

绛夊埌浜嗙湡姝g殑读庡锛孧onster 鍙笉浼氲杈冧綘鏄皝锛屼粈涔堣韩浠斤纴浠€涔埚湴浣嶃€

In their eyes, you are the prey.

A delicious prey.

If you don’t adjust your mindset, you will definitely suffer big losses.

Chain 寮€濮嬬殑镞跺€蕊ao Peng 涔熸槸 chain 涓嶅繊锛屽湪涓娄竴 涓嶅繊锛屽湪涓娄竴 涓嶅繊锛屽湪涓娄竴Unable to contact Monster

I have to say that this world really has something like this.

Looking at such a cute big rabbit bleeding in the cage, mourning, is a great test and suffering for some people who are well-intentioned.

For those who have good thoughts, you really can’t blame him in any language. It is a good thing to have kindness and compassion, which proves that the world still has a bright future.

But unfortunately, sometimes you have to learn to harden your heart.

External toughness is not to hurt anyone, but to protect yourself from harm and protect what you want to protect from harm.

Gao Peng remembers a passage he had seen online before the disaster:

I don’t care how dark the world is,

And no matter what kind of rights you have,

I just want to let all,

The bastard who tried to hurt my little angel understood,

I will use my 50cm arm,

Unscrew your head,

Stuffed into your **.

Under the hot sun, everything that can reflect light is glaring.

Gently touch the icy back shell of Da Zi, and a cool coolness is passed from the back shell to the palm.

Taking a picture of Da Zi’s head, Gao Peng whispered: “A rest, you should be tired of fighting.”

Da Zi obediently squatted on the ground, Gao Peng took the umbrella from the bag, opened the umbrella, one person, a centipede, and quietly squeezed under the umbrella.


“Collection of collections, there are important things to announce.” Zhang Renbai instructors clapping hands to gather students from several groups around.

“Basic training is almost the same. From tomorrow, you can sign up for the field training base in the field. The training time is one week. The school has already approved the leave. You can discuss it with your parents after returning. The registration fee is 5credit points.” Zhang Renbai said loudly.

Field field training base?

Gao Peng is a bit strange, and this hand is too big.

“Lastly remind you!” Zhang Renbai looked sad and said seriously: “If you sign up, you need to sign a death insurance.”

First, it is silence, and then it becomes a stunned, but all beings are nothing.

“Instructor, does this registration still need to pay?” Some students frown.

5credit points Although it is not a big number for a typical family, it is definitely not a small amount.

“Instructor, shouldn’t it be that we are free to train, why pay fees.” A student muttered.

The instructor gave him a look and said, “You can choose not to go, or go to a private field training base.”

Another student next to it said: “The private start of the week is at least 20credit points. The price of the government is very close to the people. Moreover, it doesn’t take much effort and time to catch Monster Familiar? The construction base does not waste manpower, money? The government owes you?”

The student was dumb and closed his mouth.

This student is a clear person. Gao Peng glances at the person who is talking.

鍡纴铡熸潵鏄偅鍙︷ 濠嗛緳镄凪 aster 銆

澶圭揣鍙岃吙镄勯浮濠嗛緳娉︻溂 chain “儳镄勭珯鍦∕aster 韬梺锛屽瀭澶翠抚姘斻 €

鈥滈櫎浜呜嚜璐 澶栬缮 澶栬缮 変竴绉嶅 変竴绉嶅 変竴绉嶅 変竴绉嶅 変竴绉嶅 娉曪纴鈥濇暀瀹 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉 槸鍜孉粠姝よ缁冩墍 chain 夎 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱 鐢ㄧ敱

The students who signed the contract only need to graduate from the army 8 years. After 8 years, they are not forced to join the army. They are free to choose to retire. And if you can get into the military school, the time spent studying at the military school is also counted in this 8 year. ”

Some family members are not considered to be rich in the eyes of the students, and they began to think.

Some people muttered to themselves, “If you go to the military school, you can read 4 in the military school. After I come out, I only need to stay in the army for 4 years… I will earn a lot!”

This policy is very smart, not forced, but let you choose whether you need to join the army, but also put forward a policy that seems to be preferential. In fact, if you can get into the military school, both potential and ability are definitely better than directly participating in the military. Those students are stronger.

ぇ姒傜巼璇炵敓旋村ぇ姒傜巼璇炵敓expert 銆

璁╀竴缇xpert 鏁埚懡4骞达纴鍜屼竴缇ommon 鎴桦+鏁埚懡8骞达纴杩欎袱Key呭摢绉嶆洿鍒掔畻锛

The answer is that the government is the most cost-effective.

In addition to the price, the death insurance book is also a thing that makes these students feel scared and strange.

“Is it dead after signing?” Someone asked a wise question.

He was greeted by a group of people who were contemptuous.

“Trainer Cadet’s ‘high school entrance exam’ is not the same as other exams, so you must take this opportunity to take special training.” The instructor said seriously. “Death insurance bookmarks don’t necessarily die, but if your IQ continues to maintain the status quo, this word is likely to be removed for you.”

The next day, Gao Peng came to the school, and the school gate had stopped a row of steel plate thickened armored school bus.

For example, a long dragon has been arranging from the school gate to the front, at least thirty cars.

After signing up for the payment, they boarded the armored vehicle. The insiders were already full. After each car was full, they will start directly. The Monster Familiar will be arranged on the back of a large truck.

Booming –

The low roar is roaring, and the shock absorber system should be installed inside the car. Even if the speed is fast, there is not much shock.

The scenery outside the window changed like a afterimage, and there was some dizziness. Gao Peng closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair.

Finally, the bus stopped in front of a valley, and the people in the car got off the bus and sniffed the fresh air in the air.

The nearby vegetation is very rich and can be seen as traces of artificial cleanup.

In front of you is a huge valley, at first glance, at least a few hundred meters high.

The entrance to the valley is a large gap that almost doubles the valley from top to bottom. At this moment, three cars have stopped in front of the valley and stood many students.

鍦ㄥ北璋峰叆鍙e璁剧疆镌€濂 Borrowing 崭 崭 瀵嗗叧鍗 纴 纴 纴 嫟镄勫 嫟镄勫 嫟镄勫 嫟镄勫 嫟镄勫 鍏靛叏閮ㄧ湡鏋疄寮癸纴闱 四 四 四 四 四 四 四锛岃皑鎱庣殑 挞噺 all around 銆

“It’s here, it’s here.” The instructor who led the way said. “Let’s wait for the people behind. When you go in together, we won’t follow.”

(End of this chapter)

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