绗琗NUMX绔 Melon-Skin Frog

There is a layer of mechanical lock on the safe roof, which is used to pull the buckle down and the camouflage alloy door opens.

Monster 鍩 湰涓娄笉浼氭湁杩欎箞楂樼殑鏅哄晢寮 阌 and €

After entering the house, I found that there is also a bolt at the back of the door, which can lock the inside of the door.

The house environment is very simple. There are only a few randomly laid steel wire beds with several layers of quilts. There is a simple lifting baffle outside the bed, which can be lowered into a small compartment. This should also be used to take care of the difference between men and women.

There are not many beds in the safe house, which means that the instructors do not want the students to hold too many groups, otherwise the training will not be meaningful.

孍 孍 孍 孍 Level Level Monster 鍙湁涓嶅埌锏 垎涔嬩簲锛岃 屼笖娌 屼笖娌 湁 湁 湁 Commander Level Monster 锛屽彧瑕佸皬蹇冭皑鎱庣殑璇濓纴鍑 烡a Zi 鍜孡ian Zi 钖堜綔锛屽熀 笉浼氭湁 Monster 鑳 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦

There is a certain amount of food stacked on each bed, five boxes of compressed biscuits on each bed, and ten bottles of mineral water. If you save food, you can basically spend a week.

Mu Tieying raised the partition over there, revealing a figure that was completely wrapped in protective clothing, and even wearing a helmet-type protective helmet on the head, the eye position was protected by a special alloy glass.

It looks like it is shrouded in a thick turtle shell.

瑙佸埌Gao Peng 娌°C湁鎹(二)垬鏂楁湇锛孧u Tieying 変簺璇у纾锛屸€滀綘涓嶆崲镄勫悧锛熶笡鏋楅噷钖勭Mutation 铓婅櫕锛岃槠鐒跺ぇ閮ㄥ垎铓婅櫕閮 澶 澶 澶 寲浜嗭纴浣嗘槸杩樻槸 寲浜嗭纴浣嗘槸杩樻槸 寲浜嗭纴浣嗘槸杩樻槸 chain chain 変笉寮 変笉寮 э纴濡傛灉琚挰涓娄竴鍙i偅灏 偅灏 毦鍙椾 毦鍙椾 銆傗

鈥滀笉蹇咃纴鈥浒ao Peng 鎽囧ご锛岀劧钖庢兂浜嗘兂锛屼粠闅忚韩鎸庡置屽彇鍑屽彇鍑屽彇鍑竴浜涘viii缁胯壊镄刋iao Cao 锛岃伞锛岃殜鍑€棣椤viii 夛纴瀵 夛纴瀵 殜铏湁寰埚 殜铏湁寰埚 с€€€

Crush the blades of grass and squeeze out some light green juice, then apply it to your bare body.

He did not waste the remaining smashed blades of grass. Take a kit and put these blades of grass inside and carry them with you.

“That’s all right, as long as they don’t attack the mosquitoes directly, they won’t attack me.”

Mu Tieying, looked at Gao Peng, who was light and simple, and looked at the bloated himself.


In addition to the mosquito-repellent incense, Gao Peng’s most important strength is that he signed a contract with Da Zi.

Those mosquitoes licking him are equivalent to squatting on Da Zi.

These mosquitoes bite on Da Zi, and the toxins are completely painless.

“Let’s take a look around. If you can hit the prey, it’s best. I don’t want to eat the seven-day compressed biscuit.” Gao Peng greeted.

Mu Tieying nodded, she had no opinion on this, she was not willing to eat seven days of compressed biscuits, and staying in a safe house for seven days was a waste of time.

Leave the safe house and open the road in front by the largest Lian Zi.

Mu Tieying 瀹禠ian Zi 镄凩evel 鎻愬崌镊矻evel 14 锛屾惌閰嶅畠Perfect 镄凣rade 锛屽畲鍏ㄥ ammonia鏂 笡鏋楁伓 笡鏋楁伓 笡鏋楁伓 笡鏋楁伓 笡鏋楁伓

There are a lot of trees in the valley, which makes the Lian Zi action not very convenient, so the speed is very slow.

After entering the jungle, the air became cool, and the leaves on the crown of the head shredded the sun, and the spotted light fell on the bottom of the jungle.

姣忎竴鑴氲 鍦ㄦ灟鍙 鍦ㄦ灟鍙 笂閮 笂閮 笂閮 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 娌欑殑 run run 娌欑殑 run

The air is filled with strong flowers and plants, with a hint of rotten dead leaves.

娌°C湁棰勬枡涓璏onster 婊”湴璺戠殑 跺喌锛屾垨璁 跺喌锛屾垨璁 跺喌锛屾垨璁 浼 浼 浼 浼 杩樻槸锏 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎 塎噷瀹夐润镄勭ⅴ瑙嗕粬浠€

“Water, water.” Da Zi’s top tentacles swayed and shouted in Gao Peng’s mind.

Gao Peng pot [all around 锛宎ll around 鍏ㄦ槸 yoga as a chain 钖庝粩缁嗕氦娴佸悗浠栨墠鏄庣槠 Da Zi 璇 inch殑鏄粈涔堟剰镐濓纴鍓嶉 涓嶈 涓嶈 涓嶈 澶勬湁寰堟 澶勬湁寰堟 閮佺殑姘 閮佺殑姘 閮佺殑姘 皵浼犳潵锛屽湪鍓嶉 皵浼犳潵锛屽湪鍓嶉 皵浼犳潵锛屽湪鍓嶉 夋 夋 夋 夋 夋 夋Filled with birch

Chain 夋 灏 唬琛ㄤ 唬琛ㄤ 塎 塎 onster 鏉ラギ姘 纴涔熷 纴涔熷 纴涔熷 〃涓 〃涓 鐗囧浐瀹氱殑鈥 鐗囧浐瀹氱殑鈥 鐗囧浐瀹氱殑鈥 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鐗囧浐瀹氱殑鈥

鈥沧垜浠厛杩囧幓鐪嬬湅钖с€傗€浒ao Peng chain helplessly said 锛岃 umbrella 浜汳onster 閮 borrowing key 呮槸鐢熷瓨镄勬櫤鎱瀹冧 瀹冧 涔犳傥闅愯棌镊 涔犳傥闅愯棌镊 锛岄櫎闱炵湡姝 笡鏋楅噷镞犳墍鐣忔儳镄勯 笡鏋楅噷镞犳墍鐣忔儳镄勯 笡鏋楅噷镞犳墍鐣忔儳镄勯 笡鏋楅噷镞犳墍鐣忔儳镄勯 笡鏋楅噷镞犳墍鐣忔儳镄勯 笡鏋楅噷镞犳墍鐣忔儳镄勯 垯涓 鑸琈 鑸琈 鑸琈 鑸琈 ster ster ster ster ster ster ster Argon 厜鏄庢澶х殑琛岃蛋殑琛岃

“Wait.” Gao Peng stopped.

Mu Tieying looked at him unclear.

At a position about five meters to the right of Mu Tieying, a blue-brown tree branch emerged, perhaps because of the rain all year round. The surface of this branch is covered with moss.

The wind blew, and the branches also swayed with the wind.

“Let your home Lian Zi hit the branch and use the greatest strength.” Gao Peng said quickly and whispered.

“Good.” Mu Tieying trusted Gao Peng, and asked why he did not ask why.

Lian Zi snorted and uttered a question, “Well~”

Then slowly backwards a dozen steps, the body leaned forward, the head bent downward, and the top of the head was like a spear spurting forward.

In an instant, Iron Rhinoceros seems to have a motor roaring, running wildly like a flood of flooding!

The muscles bulged to the extent visible to the naked eye, the thick rhinoceros was propped up, and a cloud of white mist spewed out of the nostrils.

“吼!!!” Iron Rhinoceros rushed out.

The speed is getting faster and faster, as if an armored tank is running in the jungle, all the branches along the way are broken, and the flowers are trampled into sauce.

The branch shook a little and then held back!

It can’t see me, can’t see me…



闾 牴镙戞灊鐩 牴镙戞灊鐩 牴镙戞灊鐩 骞蹭笂鎾 骞蹭笂鎾 锛屽儚涓 镙 镙 镙 镙 缁 缁 缁 缁 缁 缁 缁 缁 旀诧纴p pus ng p pus ng 镰 pull €斺€


The sharp pointed horns wrapped around the branches and smashed into a trunk that was surrounded by two people.

A drop of green blood dripped from the sharp corner of the tree trunk, and then merged into a scorpion, slowly dripping on Lian Zi’s face.

Two steps back, a twig that was not twisted and fell to the ground.

Occasionally twitching, there is a huge hole in the center of the abdomen, which continuously flows out of the green blood.

“Not dead yet, but it’s almost so fast.” Gao Peng glanced at the green tree snake lying on the ground, showing the state (fatal injury).

Unfortunately, the meat of the green snake can not eat, Gao Peng is somewhat disappointed.

杩欑铔囩殑 夎 夎 屽惈 屽惈 屽惈 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 忔瘨绱狅纴 ster ster ster

Just give Da Zi a meal.

Let Da Zi go forward to understand the life of the green snake, what Gao Peng suddenly thought of, he signed a contract with Da Zi, in theory, all his injuries will be transferred to Da Zi, that is to say if he ate something toxic , will the toxin be transferred to Da Zi?

This ability is a bit abnormal, and Gao Peng can’t understand the principle for the time being.

But driving does not mean that he must understand how the car is made.

Gao Peng looked at the body of the green tree snake, and his eyes gradually brightened.

Solving this green tree snake is just an episode, and the two men and two beasts continue to explore.

Just now 镄勫姩闱欎 涔庢湁镣 涔庢湁镣 ぇ锛屾 阃斾粬浠 阃斾粬浠 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 粬 Monster 銆

There was a faint glimmer of light in front, and the sun shone on it.

“It seems to be a pond.”

After seeing it, I saw the whole picture. This is a pond with a few tens of acres. The pond is a living water, and there is no stench.

A large lotus leaf is planted in the center of the pond.

“Hey!” A very crisp voice rang at the foot of Gao Peng, a watermelon head on the edge of the pond, and spit a slobber against Gao Peng.

It is saliva, it is more like a sputum, and the whole body is stinky. It falls on the waist of Gao Peng’s trousers, and most of the trousers are wet.

Gao Peng 鐪嬭 铡 铡 纴绔熺劧鏄竴 Monster 锛屼笉鏄墍 chain 夌敓鐗╅兘鑳 镄勪笂 镄勪笂 Monster 锛屾湁浜涘お寮 殑鐢熺墿閮 殑鐢熺墿閮 殑鐢熺墿閮 殑鐢熺墿閮夎揪鍒癕onster 镄勬渶浣庢爣鍑嗭纴镊︻劧涔熶笉鑳 绉 绉 Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon

[Monster Name] 锛欰zure-Skin Frog

[Monster Level] :Level 2

[Monster Grade] :common

[Monster Preference] 锛 枩娆 枩娆 (1) 鍏 粬鐢熺墿钖愬彛姘 粬鐢熺墿钖愬彛姘 €

[Monster Weakness] :1.Thunder Attribute 2.Earth Attribute 3. I hate other creatures spitting on it.

Gao Peng Me Me Melon-Skin Frog 灏 槸涓 鍙︻缁忕梾钖э纴鍙枩娆 鍙︻缁忕梾钖э纴鍙枩娆 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一瀵 畠钖愬彛姘 畠钖愬彛姘 纴 € € € € € € € 嶈镄勬槸鍝﹄ 嶈镄勬槸鍝﹄ 嶈镄勬槸鍝﹄ 嶈镄勬槸鍝﹄


Scheduled to be on May 1st, May Day Labor Day.

I beg you to come to the starting point of May 1 to support the subscription of God.

On the day of the shelves, the gods will explode.

(End of this chapter)

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