Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 385 Talented Wizard

After Lin Che finished speaking, everyone around fell silent.

The two rookie chefs were stunned for a moment.

Even Tian Lei had a dignified expression, and couldn't help but move closer to watch Fu Yu's operations carefully.

The more I looked at it, the more I was dumbfounded.

If Chef Lin didn't say anything, he didn't notice it at all.

Because Fu Yu's knife speed is really too fast, so in the eyes of others, he just modified the knife on Yu's body very neatly.

But no one noticed that when he changed the knife, he used the wave knife technique.

Tian Lei was a little shocked when he saw it!

Every knife of Fu Yuqie is really like this, the tip of the knife almost moves slightly in an invisible arc.

This person's grasp of details and control of knife skills has almost reached the level of a master.

Chef Liu and the chefs in charge of spoons, who were watching from their busy schedule, were also silent.

Looking at Zhang Zhen, who was concentrating on helping, and his own boss, who was paying close attention to Fu Yu's cooking, they couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, all the people unconsciously restrained their contemptuous attitude, and began to watch Qi Fuyu's cooking seriously.

But Chef Lin couldn't help wondering, what is Fu Yu's background?

It is said that he is the chef in charge of Qianlima, and he learns cooking from Zhao Meng.

But at such a young age, his strength is extraordinary, and his gestures are quite masterful, how could he be just an ordinary cook?

Zhao Meng also came to the music restaurant to help cook.

Although his cooking skills are good, why does it seem that Fu Yu is obviously better at the moment?

Is it true that the blue is better than the blue?

Then Zhao Meng is indeed too discerning, he can meet such a talented genius even if he accepts an apprentice!

Thinking of this, Chef Lin couldn't help but glance at his apprentice.

Tian Lei was watching Fu Yu's cooking enviously. He wondered if Chef Lin's eyes were too focused. If there was substance, he suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Tian Lei looked confused: Master, what are you looking at me for?

Chef Lin: What are you doing! It makes me upset just looking at it! Look at others!

It's really someone else's apprentice, how do you look at it!

Tian Lei: "."

Fu Yu took care of the carp and started to cook the carp with garlic bletilla striata.

Clean the carp and cook soup with garlic and bletilla striata.

Soup was stewed here, and Fu Yu started making scallops and cabbage hearts over there.

Take the core of the cabbage, wash and cut it in half; put the scallops in the pot, steam them thoroughly, and tear them into shreds.

Add oil to the hot pot until it is five to six minutes hot, pour in the cabbage heart, add 6 cups of broth, simmer on low heat until the cabbage heart is cooked, remove and drain, and spread it on a plate.

Put the scallops into the pot, add 1 cup of broth, add salt and monosodium glutamate, bring to a boil, add 10 grams of cornstarch water and chicken oil, and pour the scallop juice on the cabbage heart.

The focus of this dish is on the presentation.

The soft and rotten cabbage hearts are stewed, and each leaf is disassembled, and placed flat on a light blue porcelain plate with a round bottom and a shallow opening, with the bright yellow cabbage leaves facing outwards.

The remaining whole cabbage hearts stood up and leaned against the middle of the plate, and eight fat and attractive scallops were placed in the center.

Fu Yu was careful when arranging the plate, for fear of damaging the outline of the tender leaves of the cabbage heart, he spread out all the tender leaves of the cabbage as much as possible.

This kind of dish that focuses on presentation and visual effects is very difficult.

What to consider is not only the taste and heat when cooking, but also how to ensure the integrity of all ingredients and the vividness of color.

Every step of the operation has to be carefully considered and implemented carefully.

The better the dish he is good at, the more careful Fu Yu is.

It's been done before, and cooking live, will always be different.

Experience is precious, but practical operation is also very important.

Especially, when it comes to real cooking, every seemingly simple and smooth operation is actually carefully arranged.

After the scallops and cabbage hearts were cooked, Fu Yu turned to cook seaweed and coix seed porridge.

Add seaweed, kelp, and sweet almonds to a proper amount of water and cook.

After adjusting the heat, Fu Yu started to pack the papaya.

Vinegar ginger papaya is actually very simple to make.

Put 100ml of mature vinegar, 60g of papaya, and 9g of ginger into a casserole to cook.

Papaya is fragile after being boiled. The test of the chef is the skill of serving the dish. The hands must be steady and the movements must be accurate.

Since it is going to be a publicity record booklet, text publicity must be indispensable.

Yao Shi glanced at the photographer who had taken the photos and was holding up the camera to start recording, and suddenly asked, "Fu Yu, what are the effects of these dishes? Can you tell me in detail?"

Fu Yu kept moving his hands, and replied with his mouth: "The main effects of cooking carp and scallop cabbage heart with garlic bletilla striata are to detoxify, reduce swelling, stop bleeding and promote muscle growth, and are suitable for acne patients. Anti-inflammatory, softening and hardening, moderately symptomatic and tertiary treatment."

"As for the vinegar, ginger and papaya to regulate the spleen and stomach, and heal the phlegm temperature, it can be taken as a medicine. One dose a day, twice in the morning and evening, needs to be used continuously for 7 days. After that, I will adjust the recipe according to the actual recovery of the customer."

While talking, Fu Yu started to make loquat leaf cream.

The medicinal materials are fully soaked in advance.

While operating, Fu Yu explained: "The medicinal materials must be soaked for 2 hours in advance, so that the active ingredients in the medicine can be easily decocted."

In order to appear to be more advanced, Fu Yu simply repeated the theoretical knowledge that he had said in the teaching practice class, as if the electronic voice was chanting scriptures in his ear.

"As the saying goes, 'the medicine should be decocted thoroughly'. The so-called 'through' means just right."

"First boil the medicinal liquid on a high fire, and then decoct it on a low heat to keep it slightly boiled. When decocting, stir in time and remove the foam floating on the surface to prevent the medicinal liquid from overflowing."

Fu Yu operated carefully, and the others unknowingly held their breath and watched from the sidelines.

When the water boiled slightly, Fu Yu turned his hand and handed over the work of decocting the medicine to Zhang Zhen.

On the other hand, I turned off the papaya and ginger that had been boiled with vinegar, and let it cool.

Garlic Bletilla striata boiled carp, adjust the heat here, and then continue to cook loquat leaf paste.

Zhang Zhen has always been winking, and at this time, he could see that Yao Shi intended to ask Fu Yu to introduce more about medicinal food.

So he asked in cooperation: "So the loquat paste is made from loquat leaves? I always thought it was extracted from the fruit pulp."

Fu Yu really explained: "Although it is commonly called loquat paste on the market, loquat leaves are actually used as medicine in Chinese medicine. It can clear away heat in the lungs, reduce stomach qi, and is also helpful for irritability and thirst."

Zhang Zhen glanced at Yao Shi, who was obviously satisfied, and asked deliberately: "Is there anything that needs attention when making loquat leaf paste?"

Fu Yu thought for a while, and said: "There is one thing, which is very important. The old leaves are used to make loquat paste, which is not poisonous, but the new leaves and fruit pits contain traces of cyanide, which are slightly toxic, and should not be eaten randomly. "

While talking, Fu Yu suddenly said to Zhang Zhen: "Chef Zhang, watch for me and pay attention to stirring frequently."

Fu Yu went over to fetch vinegar, ginger and papaya.

Zhang Zhen nodded. At this moment, everyone in the back kitchen subconsciously held their breath.

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