Cosma Empire

Chapter 156 Handball

"The new alcohol prohibition has a great impact, but it is good news for us!" Du Lin sat on a chair in the corner of the playground and looked at the thin clouds in the sky, his eyes reflected brightly. Dufo and others sat beside him, and they were a little confused about Du Lin's statement. It was obviously a bad thing, but why did it become a good thing instead?

Sometimes some things do seem very funny. The proposal of the new party has just entered the process of the Imperial Parliament. These news that should have been kept secret for the time being have spread, and even the inmates in the regional prison outside the city of Tener have been obtained. information. The news came from a message from a prison guard, and there was no doubt that it must have come from the people of Ellistor. During is very optimistic about this, and he thinks this is a good thing.

Capitalism is rapidly expanding its influence, and some research books on capital are constantly appearing in this society. Some people have concluded that the price positioning of commodities does not depend on the quality of the commodity, but on the quality of the market. need.

To paraphrase it in a way that people who haven't been to school can understand, it's that if there's a demand for shit, both dogs and shit can fetch a premium. The former can produce shit, the latter can sell it.

The second alcohol prohibition did have a great impact on the bootlegging industry, and a new department is also under preparation. Once the new department is officially listed and starts working, the now rampant bootlegging industry will inevitably suffer a devastating blow. The promulgation of any policy is not only as simple as the publication of documents, but also requires the cooperation of a series of personnel such as executive agencies and supervisory agencies. The impact of the previous prohibition on alcohol was indeed great, but not many people implemented it, which naturally caused a flood of bootleg alcohol.

After the promulgation of the second alcohol prohibition, there will be a specific organization to implement and monitor it, which will inevitably cause a devastating blow to the bootleg alcohol market. At least now, these blatant large-scale shipments of bootleg alcohol via steam locomotives will no longer exist. . More than half of the bootleggers will disappear, and there will be fewer and fewer bootleggers in the market. According to the researcher, a commodity depends on the demand of the market, and when the demand is greater than the supply, the price will rise significantly.

Now a bottle of wine costs 8 yuan, and it may be sold for 18 yuan or even more in the near future!

This is definitely a good thing for all bootleggers who have the ability and confidence to continue their business. It means that they will get more pure profits with the same cost!

But at the same time, this is also a challenge for all bootleggers!

With stricter supervision and enforcement, it is no longer possible to transport bootleg alcohol in boxes and boxes on a large scale lawlessly, and it also needs to face the tragic attacks of other surviving bootleggers. The increase in the cost of pure profit will sharply increase the desire of bootleggers for market share. In the past, several people could coexist peacefully and share the resources of a city, but after the second prohibition, there are definitely not many people. I watched the income several times and ten times more than before flow into other people's pockets.


It has become the only way for the bootleggers to "election", choose the final winner, and eliminate the losers in terms of career and body.

Du Lin suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, how are the newcomers doing?"

On the fourth day of Du Lin's imprisonment, another group of prisoners came. The sentences of these prisoners were not very long, the longest was one year, and the shortest was three months. They were charged with armed robbery, and they injured the victim and had to be hospitalized. They were so stupid that they gathered together to go to the nightclub to talk about it loudly, and were finally caught by the late police.

The warden told him these news, and at the same time reminded him that the people who came in after him may not have really committed a crime. They were most likely arranged by the enemies outside Durin to get rid of Durin. killer. Du Lin also had the same opinion about this, so he asked Duffer to keep an eye on this group of people.

"They are very honest." Duffer tilted his head and looked at the two people who were sitting loosely in the corner on the other side, "One of the two races may be their leader, and the other few people have never had anything to do with anyone else. Conflict. At one point they were provoked, but quickly backed off, so now everyone here thinks they're 'harmless'."

Du Lin also looked towards the ladder frame on the opposite side of the playground. I don't know if it was a coincidence. The guy sitting at the bottom of the two people on the opposite side also looked at Du Lin, and nodded to Du Lin with a smile.

"It should be right, whether it is or not, we have to be careful, this is not outside!" Du Lin patted his legs and stood up, and the members of the fellow countrymen around him also stood up one after another, "Be careful, it will definitely not be the outside world!" Wrong. In addition to them, you should also pay attention to other people. It is easy to establish initial prestige, but how to maintain it is not an easy thing."

The conflict in the restaurant subsided quickly, and the brutal image of Du Lin and his gang had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, they were a group, and Du Lin's reputation gradually spread here, so not many people were willing to take the initiative to provoke them. Everyone knew that Du Lin was a bootlegger, and he was also one of the original Big Three in Tenel City. They didn't know more detailed information, and they didn't know that Du Lin was actually about to die. They didn't want to provoke Du Lin because they were afraid that Du Lin would go out to retaliate against them after a short sentence. If they knew that Du Lin basically had nothing now, they were afraid that someone would take action against Du Lin and the others soon.

The peaceful days seem to be extremely slow. After getting up and having breakfast every morning, there will be a short rest time, and then work. Tener Regional Prison is managed vertically and is under the supervision of the Imperial Prison Administration. Under normal circumstances, this department never interferes with the specific affairs of local prisons. Full details of released inmates.

They have no policies, and they have not allocated funds to the localities. The maintenance of regional prisons depends on the operation of the prison itself. To put it bluntly, it is self-financing. To manage so many prisoners, it is not a small expense to feed and drink them, take care of their clothing and other expenses, plus the salaries of the prison administrators. Therefore, the vast majority of prisons are running some small businesses, and they use the cheapness of prisoners not to pay extra labor costs to generate income.

Sometimes it is to undertake orders from some capitalists, and sometimes it will independently produce some things and sell them in exchange for the cost of maintaining the prison.

The other part of the cost comes from the "donations" from the families of the prisoners or the forces they belong to. These donations are not just simple donations. The wardens in various places have their own names to manage this special fund. Here are the donations It is the cost of improving the life of the prisoner from outsiders. The money would go directly into the warden's coffers, but they would prepare a "ledger" for the inmates to use for additional spending.

For example, cigarettes, which cost one yuan outside, cost ten yuan here. A chicken leg may cost less than five cents outside, but here it is one yuan and three. Even if the inmates want to use the things produced by themselves, they have to spend ten times the price to buy them.

Someone once said that there are two kinds of people in prison who can't afford to offend, one is that they don't take their own lives seriously at all, and these people are all complete lunatics, and they probably don't want to live anymore. Maybe you just look at him one more time, and he can do everything in his power to kill you, so this kind of person cannot be offended.

The second type of people who cannot be offended are "rich people", including those who live in "villas" and those who have a thick private account book. Without exception, these people have close relationships with the prison. The prison guards always have a "love" attitude towards them, which also violates the management regulations of the prison. They may only be locked up, but the "poor" is very I couldn't get out of bed for half a month.

People like Du Lin belong to the second type, but they are a little different from other second-type people. He still has to work. It's not that anyone forced him to work, but he thought it would be good to experience this kind of life, which can be regarded as an increase in experience and psychological progress.

More importantly, he finally defeated the big man in the dream in a certain aspect. The big man was shot within a few days of being in prison. He never lived a life in prison, but Du Lin did. As much as the experience feels a little... always on the winning side.

Sometimes when Du Lin thanked the big man for giving him rich experience and experience, he also had a comparative mentality that he didn't know very well. He felt that he would become a big man like the big man, and he would be more important than him Well, live longer, have more power and higher status.

Because he is Durin!

Just when Du Lin and his party were about to go back to have a rest and finish their meal, a ball flew over.

There are ball games in this world, no matter in any world, people have an inexplicable love for chasing round things that roll and bounce. Ball games are also quite popular in this world, mainly divided into two types, football and handball. The rules of football are relatively simple, and it is more like football in the world of Turin's dream, but handball is different. Kind of like a cross between volleyball and football.

The ball cannot land, it must be put into the opponent's net during the movement to win. During this process, in addition to punching, kicking, and obvious aggressive actions, all collisions and pushing are considered reasonable actions.

People like handball, not because they like the artistry of handball, but because they like to see blood splattered on the court by the same kind, and they like to see people get hurt. Whenever there was blood, the audience would stand up and shout, as if possessed.

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