Cosma Empire

Chapter 157 Shower

This was definitely an accident. In addition to the ball flying over in the sky, seven or eight strong men with naked upper bodies and sweaty bodies rushed over. Some of them stared at the spinning ball in the air, while the eyes of one or two people quietly focused on Du Lin.

Facing this group of people rushing over, Du Lin chose to get out of the way sideways, and his eyes were fixed on these people tightly, trying to distinguish whether someone among them was trying to trick him. He didn't believe it was an accident. Injury or even death during a handball match was nothing new. Maybe the opponent wanted to use this method to create the illusion of his accidental death.

So he chose to get out of the way, let alone catch the ball. A group of people ran past him. It seemed that everyone was chasing the ball, but Du Lin still found that one of them was running and chasing. Very brief hesitation and pause. It was this seemingly hesitant step that made Du Lin find him. He watched calmly as the guy and a group of people scrambled for a while and then ran back to the middle of the playground. He raised his chin at Duffer, then turned and left.

Du Lin was not afraid that these people came to assassinate him and put them into action, but he was afraid that these people would not do anything all day, making him unable to do something wholeheartedly.

The dinner whistle rang very punctually, and the one-hour release time before dinner every day is enough to reflect the humanized management. It is said that some prisons only have one or two release times every week or every month, and it is very short, so It can be seen that the warden is actually a good person.

After dinner, there is still 30 minutes of free time for free activities. Generally, most people choose to rest and stay quietly. In the last ten minutes, the prison guards will arrange for everyone in need to take a bath. Generally speaking, there are not many people who need to take a bath in winter. After all, the weather is already very cold, but some muscular pimples obviously don't think so. They enjoy sweating through strenuous activity like it's summer, and ten-minute showers a day are part of their routine.

After watching the strong men strip off and enter the bathroom, Du Lin stood up and took off his prison uniform. The price of 1 yuan is sold. Each of them walked into the bathroom with a towel, and the opening of the faucets made the hot water immediately increase the temperature in the bathroom, and also filled the water with mist, making it almost impossible to see the appearance of the person in front of them.

A strong man was humming a little song and rubbing his body under the shower. He squinted his eyes slightly, enjoying the creaking sound of his palms rubbing his skin very much. Before he came in, he knew his mission, which was to kill Durin as much as possible. No matter what method he used, as long as he did this, he would not only get a huge reward for him, but also get a certain degree of reward. asylum.

This is a good thing. Someone who is willing to shelter a guy like them is equivalent to giving them a ladder to the upper class. Most gangsters would feel that the difference between themselves and Godor is someone who is willing to reach out. Now that someone has reached out, he just needs to seize the opportunity.

He considered taking Du Lin's life in a more direct way, but he felt that doing so would be against him. Blatant killing in prison means that the sentence will be extended, and the specific time will be judged according to the mood of the warden.

Maybe a week, maybe seventy years!

Therefore, he felt that while there was still enough time, he could create as many "accidents" as possible to make Du Lin's death relatively "simple".

No one will form an investigation team for a dead person to investigate any possibility. This is not the capital, and no one is so leisurely!

He dunked a little liquefied soap from the groove hewn on the slate wall, and applied it all over his body and face. Just as he closed his eyes and hummed a little song to clean up his personal livelihood problems, a figure pushed away the mist, appeared behind him.

It's Dover.

His feet never left the ground, and he kept sliding forward, so that he would not make footsteps every time he raised and lowered his feet. He turned around and stood back to back with the burly man, then he tightly held the twisted towel in his hands, took a deep breath, raised his arms as far back as possible, when he felt himself When the towel caught something, he suddenly bent forward and folded his arms in front of his chest.

The sudden change caused the strong man to struggle. His inner world was full of fear at this moment. He never thought that just a face-to-face meeting would reveal his identity. He wanted to yell, but the tightly strangled neck prevented him from yelling out loud. He kept twisting his body, hoping to slide off Duffer's body, but in the next second, he felt that someone had stuck his arm and pulled it down forcefully. A towel was even covering his face, and the water sprayed from the shower wet the towel covering his face. The possibility of breathing was cut off at this moment.

He was struggling crazily, and his life was passing by every minute and every second. He was indeed strong, but he definitely couldn't lift a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy up with one hand. The sound of water splashed on his face, and as he struggled to the ground, his struggle became weaker and weaker, and Dufo also heaved a sigh of relief.

In about two minutes, his body was completely relaxed, and he didn't make any struggling movements anymore. The people around him left in an unhurried and orderly manner, leaving only a dead body and a towel covering his face.

When the steam dissipated, the prison guard in charge of cleaning the bathroom just glanced at the corpse on the ground and continued with his work. Isn't it normal for someone to die "accidentally" in prison? He even thought about why this guy died—it must have slipped and fell into a coma, and then he was smothered alive by the towel covering his face.

Look, what a reasonable inference?

It was a quiet night, so quiet that not even the police whistle sounded once.

Du Lin slept soundly, but the hearts of several people lying in other rooms were not so peaceful.

People were dead, and it was their accomplices who died. They didn't expect that an accident would happen not long after the operation had just started. Not only can they not raise doubts, but they also have to pretend to be watching the scene tomorrow morning.

Damn it!

This fucking mission!

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