Cosma Empire

Chapter 155 New Department

When Du Lin stepped into the confinement room, he didn't know that, thousands of miles away, something that could affect all the bootlegging industries in the entire empire was quietly happening.

"When did it happen?" After signing his name, the leader of the new party rubbed his temples and took off his glasses and put them on the table. He looks only in his forties on the outside, but he is actually fifty-four years old, but he has always been well maintained, so he doesn't look old. He has blond slightly curly hair, only some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes on a fair face, a high nose bridge and full lips make his facial features very three-dimensional. Coupled with the long-term work of presiding over the new party and the empire, he still has a very aggressive majesty in his calmness without any expression.

Like all fathers, he also cared about his next generation, his heir. His son is not a good son, at least not good enough in playing the role of son. Perhaps most of the high-ranking and powerful people have such worrying things. His son is a waste of wood. He hasn't done a few right things since he was a child, and he spends all his time on pleasure and making troubles.

Women, alcohol, and a messy private life have already made him scratch his head. He tried his best to supervise that bastard, but something happened. Just now, his secretary-general told him that his son was in a car accident and was seriously injured. He hoped that he could go to the hospital.

"I remember I had someone put a speed limiter on his car, and he told me he didn't go anywhere at home yesterday." He pocketed his glasses and took out his fancy pocket watch to watch After a while, he had about twenty minutes. Twenty minutes later, the heads of several institutions in the Empire Center will come over for a brief meeting to discuss some policies to be formulated and promulgated before the mid-term elections.

The Secretary-General hesitated and couldn't speak. The newest sports car of the party leader's son from the Federation did have a speed limiter installed. The principle of the speed limiter is not that complicated. There are two main types. One is a physical speed limiter, which reduces the working efficiency of the engine by reducing the ultra-high compression steam entering the engine from the kinetic energy chamber. The second is a chemical method, by adding a special substance in the kinetic energy chamber to reduce the reaction speed between the crystal and the catalyst, so as to achieve the purpose of limiting the speed of the vehicle.

These two methods are used in the sports car of the party leader's son. But everything in this world exists opposite. You can put all these things on him, and he can also remove them through some means. The speed limiter was installed by the Secretary-General himself, and the unloading of the same speed limiter was also arranged by the Secretary-General himself. He thought nothing would happen, but it did.

The only thing he is thankful for now is that the bastard has fallen into a deep coma, and the doctor said that even if he can wake up, he will encounter some functional obstacles.

For example, slurred speech, becoming mentally handicapped and other sequelae.

Thank you God for not abandoning me!

The Secretary-General followed Magus, the leader of the new party, out of Magus' mansion. They were actually not far from the best hospital, only three minutes away. Along the way, Muggs kept silent, his face was a little gloomy and a little solemn, and it was not until he arrived at the hospital that he showed some anxiety.

The hospital knew that the seriously injured boy was the son of New Party leader Magus, and they sent all the most famous doctors to form an expert team to analyze the boy's condition. But the situation is very bad, the bastard hit a wall at a very high speed, and he needs to thank God for being able to survive until now. As for whether he can be completely rescued, no one has the confidence.

"I think we need to open his skull to find out why he is still in a coma." A surgeon offered his opinion.

Magus's son's physical wounds have basically been healed, but he is still unconscious. In fact, the doctors here know it well.

The problem must be in his brain. If it wasn't for the brain being crushed by inertia under the violent impact, there might be hematoma and blood clots somewhere that pressed the brain. But so far, only this one doctor has put forward this view.

In this era when there is no way to find the inside of the skull through the skull, all craniotomies are actually a gamble, because the window you open may not happen to be on the lesion, so in many cases, once the craniotomy is confirmed, the brain will be damaged. It is not one bone to be cut, but six bones. All people who have undergone craniotomy can not do strenuous exercise for life, and cannot contact water for a long time. They must also wash their hair with a special disinfectant with disinfectant every day to avoid infection.

So far, among the cases of surviving craniotomy, the longest surviving person is an old man. He lived for seventeen years, then fell into a coma from a sneeze, and left this world soon.

There was a lot of pressure to perform a craniotomy on Muggs' son. So these doctors who were unwilling to take responsibility never mentioned the craniotomy, and kept looking for problems in several injuries that had been treated, such as his tibia fracture. For God's sake, if there's a direct connection between a tibial fracture and a deep coma, maybe some prize for a doctor who thinks so.

In the silence of the group of doctors, the door of the ward opened. Several bodyguards cleaned the room first, and after confirming that there was no danger, Magus walked in with his head held high. His first sight fell on his son who needed mechanical cooperation even to breathe.

"My time is limited, please make a long story short." He quickly put his attention on this group of senior doctors. Here he and his son are not the protagonists, but these doctors are.

The doctor who proposed to have a craniotomy opened his mouth several times, but finally closed his mouth, it has too much to do with it! Although conservative treatment may keep Magus' son in his current state or even die, they don't need to pay any price for it. However, once the risky craniotomy fails, it will inevitably become the main responsible party-maybe he will not die without the craniotomy, even if he is unconscious, it is better than death.

Many family members have this idea, especially afterward.

Facing the silent expert group, Muggs pursed his lips. He was just about to explain that the doctors were not responsible for the matter, but suddenly the faces of several doctors turned away, and Muggs followed their gazes to look at The son lying in the hospital bed.

The next moment, all the doctors rushed over. Just now they discovered that the alarm device had been triggered. It was a very small thing, something like a spacer pressed against a section of exposed artery. There is a charged long needle on the spacer. Whenever the heart beats, the spacer will shake, and the long needle will also shake with it, and it will be separated from another conductor, so that the buzzing bee The chime produces a moment of silence.

Just now, the silence disappeared, which meant that the guy on the bed had stopped his heartbeat. The doctors began to rescue him quickly, and Magus stood aside, frowning, watching the doctors try various efforts on his son. His hands were in his pockets, clutching his glasses tightly. He had told many people that he didn't like his son, that he was a waste, but when he saw that his son couldn't even beat his heart, his heart seemed to be about to stop beating.

About ten minutes later, when the rescue actions of the doctors came to an abrupt end, his hands crushed the glasses in his pocket, and the lenses stabbed his palm, but he didn't feel the slightest pain from it. Because of his son's death, he had already been numb from the pain. He walked over quietly and stood calmly at the head of the hospital bed. The doctors and others all retreated, leaving the room to the father and son.

He stared at the child whose face had long been deformed and was full of suture wounds, and he couldn't find a similar appearance after searching in his memory for a long time. He shook his head, sighed, stretched out his hand and picked up the thin quilt from his feet, covered his legs, covered his chest, and when it was about to cover his face, Mag Si looked deeply at this son who had been giving him a headache all the time, and he wanted to engrave the appearance of this damned bastard in his heart forever.

The white sheet was slowly pressing down on the distorted face, Magus raised his head, blinked his eyes, turned and left calmly.

In the afternoon, when all the heads of departments participating in the meeting sat together, they already knew what happened to Magus. Before they had time to comfort the second man of the empire who had lost his child in middle age, Magus spoke first.

"To be honest, I never thought that I would experience such a day full of sadness. Yes, he is gone. But the problem is not here, but why he left me.", Magus opened his own Notepad, took out the pen, put on the glasses, "I carefully collected the details about his accident, the real cause of his death was not that he hit the wall, but three other things."

"First, wine!"

"He drank a large amount of smuggled high-grade alcohol before driving, and the alcohol would be ignited when it touched the fire. The alcohol made him lose his ability to respond to the outside world."

"Secondly, he abused the narcotics. The narcotics he ingested were enough to make his muscles uncontrollable by his body. Even though he knew at that time that he would hit the wall, he couldn't tell his body to change direction or stop the car. come down."

"Third, excessive speed, I believe if he hadn't removed those goddamn speed limiters, he would not have left me even if there was a car accident."

"So I have a proposal..." He looked at every pillar of the empire participating in the meeting, and then said slowly: "Establish a high-alcohol and restricted product management and investigation bureau to clean up all illegal bootleg alcohol in the empire. Establish an empire The Traffic and Vehicle Management Department strictly controls the speed of each vehicle and the physical condition of the driver!"

"Who, object?"

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