Dorobich, the territory of the Yasusky family.

The sky was wrapped in thick dark clouds, with only a faint ray of light barely breaking through the clouds. There was a dullness between heaven and earth, which gave people an inexplicable feeling of desolation.

Vihliu Yasusky was wrapping his injured left hand. He never expected that the slave his family had raised for decades would actually attack him.

Vihliu Yasusky is 46 years old. He doesn’t know the name of the serf who is responsible for slaughtering animals in the kitchen, but that guy is always there.

"What an ignorant white-eyed wolf!"

Vihliu Yasusky couldn't help but spat. Fortunately, the other party was old and frail, and the boning knife only pierced his palm.

"Damn Ham people, even letting them live in the manor will not change their despicable blood!"

At this time, a well-dressed young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked in.

"Sir, everyone has gathered. There are still one hundred and twenty Hams in the manor. They did not directly participate in the previous rebellion, but..."

Vihlyu Yasusky said expressionlessly: "Bury them all."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

The young man's tone did not fluctuate at all, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter, and as if he already knew the answer.

Soon there were screams of terror from the backyard, a mix of the old man's plea, the cry of the child, the scream of the woman, and the angry curse of the man.

These honest serfs don't know why the noble master is doing this to them. They obviously haven't done anything, they are so obedient, and they just want to live.

Then a burst of noisy gunfire rang out, startling the crows around and interrupting people's thinking.

Kulba fell to the ground. The sky was still so blue. He still remembered that when he was a child, he was called by his master to go to the river. There was a wooden sign by the river showing his white thighs.

Kurba was asked to identify which one was his mother. He made the mistake and his father was drowned in the Dniester River.

Kulba's mother was recognized as a beauty in the village, so she was often called to the manor by noble gentlemen.

However, because of this relationship, Kulba later became an "honorable" vegetable washer. He diligently washed every vegetable leaf and every fruit cleanly.

The old man often praised him for his hard work when he was still alive, but the new man grew up eating clean fruits and vegetables, so he reduced his wages by two-thirds as soon as he took over the manor.

But Kulba still worked hard. After all, except for him, others not only did not receive wages, but were even whipped.

Kulba also fell in love with a dishwasher who liked to laugh very much. They always washed things together, ate the leftovers of the old men, caught mice, and used blades of grass as harmonicas.

Later, I heard that the girl was spotted by the master's friend. Kulba was not jealous, but sincerely blessed her.

But what Kulba saw the next day was a girl with bruises all over her body and dull eyes, and her plump breasts were heavily wrapped.

Later, I heard from the old steward that the new master’s friend was a Czech Shepherd.

What we are talking about here is not the modern Czech Wolfdog and Dark Wolf Dog, but the appearance is somewhat similar to the modern German Shepherd Dog.

A few years ago, the new master became obsessed with slave fights to the death. This is not allowed by law, but the governor also likes it.

Before the new governor took office, Kulba personally killed his brother, his best friend, and his best friend's brother.

A few days ago, the old guys in the kitchen said they wanted to kill the master. Kulba was scared and wanted to escape, but he was locked in the woodshed.

Now that everything is over, Kulba finally left the woodshed, but what greeted him was not endless work, but a bullet.

My vision gradually became clearer, the world became quieter, and my body became very light.

But before Kulba had time to enjoy it, he was hit hard in the face with a hammer. Then blood splattered everywhere like a broken watermelon. Red and yellow juice splashed everywhere, and the air was filled with blood. breath.

Killing to establish prestige is not the purpose, but establishing prestige is.

Reese's usually polite butler swung a sledgehammer and smashed the faces of the undead one by one like a walnut.

It's just that with this two-handed hammer, he only started to breathe heavily after swinging it a few times.

Then he adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses with a hand full of blood, and then gave instructions.

"The rest were buried."

The team leader on the side quickly took out a white handkerchief, but the young butler just wiped a few hands on the other person's face and left.

The squad leader put away his handkerchief and shouted to his men.

"Move quickly! Did you see it? This is the consequences of betraying the family! If you want to be like these Ham people, you can try it!"

The men remained silent, ignoring the cries and curses of those people, and pushed the remaining men, women, old and children into the large hole they had dug before, filling it with soil one shovel after another. It only took half an hour to complete this hole. The big hole is filled.

The people in the pit already understood their fate, but they did not dare to resist at all, because those who tried to resist before, or might have resisted, had already fallen under the gun of the other party.

When people are in desperate situations, they often like to ask gods and worship Buddha, pray to heaven, and make wishes to gods. This is just a kind of psychological comfort and a way to try to escape reality.

Suddenly a scream came from outside, and then the ground began to tremble slightly.

"Is it an earthquake? But is the tremor too mild?"

Even Vihliu Yasusky, who had been sitting empty in the room before, walked out of the room. He looked at what was happening in front of him in disbelief.

First, a slowly approaching black line appeared on the distant hills, and then, as if the scroll of a painting was being pulled away, a black curtain swept in, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

But that's not a curtain, but an endless expanse of cavalry! A real cavalry, the thunderous sound of horse hooves makes people lose the ability to think.

With a neigh, the tall horse stood up in front of the manor.

"Let the Yasusky family speak out!"

The visitor was a colonel, and this young butler who looked like a gentle man would definitely ask a question.

"You're a little colonel, who gave you the courage?"

But the man who was dubbed the "gentle beast" trembled with his legs like a frightened sheep.

The captain of the Yasuski family guard, who was known as the last warrior of Poland and commanded 400 warriors, was not much better either.

Thousands of horses are galloping, its momentum is vast, the mountains and the mountains are flat.

They had read such records in books, but it was a different feeling when tens of thousands of horses actually appeared in front of them.

In fact, there were not tens of thousands of people, only about 3,000 people, but there were more than 5,000 horses. However, due to the loose formation and the raised dust, it gave people a feeling of boundlessness.

They had seen scenes of thousands of people before, but thousands of fully armed cavalry and thousands of civilians in tattered clothes and cowering bodies gave people a completely different feeling.

Moreover, these more than 3,000 people can be regarded as the most elite cavalry in the entire Austrian Empire.

"Let the Yasusky family speak out!"

The leading officer shouted again, and the horse seemed to feel the owner's impatience, and was digging hard at the soil with its hooves.

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