Although Prussia had a share in the partition of Poland, the two allies of the Holy Alliance, the center of the rebellion was obviously not on their own territory, so they were happy to watch the show.

And compared to the Poles, Prussia felt that Austria was their biggest enemy. After all, a small Krakow really cannot afford an army of 300,000.

As for the Russians, it will take some time for the intelligence to reach St. Petersburg.

The new Polish Governor-General Wimberowski was already fascinated by Warsaw because it was a city with great heritage.

Moreover, the biggest problem in Russian Poland at this time was not the Austrians or the Austrians, but cholera. Since the flow of refugees to Austria was stopped, a large number of wanderers wandered in Russian Poland.

These people are the greatest source of trouble. Even if they are killed, their bodies will become petri dishes for plague.

At the same time, as more and more people became targets for deportation, Russian Poland experienced a rare labor shortage.

Moreover, with the closure of the Russian-Austrian border and the spread of the cholera epidemic, tax revenue in Russian Poland has plummeted, and businessmen are afraid to set foot here. This has a lot to do with the actual local situation and the reputation of the Russians.

As for the Polish democratic system, everyone knows that absolute democracy means that no one can make the decision. This may be the reason why everyone is unhappy when Landry Prome becomes emperor, but no one opposes it.

But at this time, no one was involved in the theoretical talk, so the meeting naturally turned into a joke. Everyone had their own ideas, and no one was convinced by anyone. In the end, it turned into a random chat.

Four carriages loaded with goods passed by quietly on an unnoticed country road.

In the refugee camps in the middle reaches of the Dniester River, the Poles were even more defeated. The king was obviously not as big as the emperor and God.

The refugees are very clear about this, and they themselves are either serfs or a low-class wandering race. They really have no love for Poland as a country at all.

Coupled with the role and visible benefits of the church and preachers, the riddled theory of the Polish Restorationists appears even more feeble.

You must know that these preaching masters selected by the church and the preachers trained by Franz travel around the country on weekdays, and face people ranging from big nobles and big businessmen to beggars and prostitutes. They have more masters than the people they have spoken to, and they are extremely experienced in fighting.

These nails that the Polish Zionist Army drove into the Austrian refugee camps were either pulled out by the refugees, left on their own, or were taken away by the secret police of the Austrian Empire after losing their value, and were either executed, reformed, or used as guinea pigs.

The brother and sister Rui Bi and Ace also arrived in Galicia. The once dirty lame boy had now put on a clean white robe. As the master of preaching and the senior preacher of the empire, he sat confidently in the carriage.

The little girl on the side who used to work as a hunting dog and compete with dogs for food was now wearing a large nun's uniform, with her legs crossed casually. However, whenever the carriage bumped, metal would inadvertently come out of her body. Scratching sound.

"Rubby, do you need to carry so many weapons every day?"

Ace asked his sister worriedly. He was still very confident in the security of the Austrian Empire. After all, the church and government would send people to protect such capable and important people.

Ruibi put her hands behind her head impatiently and said with a hint of resentment.

"Yesterday, the day before yesterday, and just now, if it weren't for me, you would have been dead. There were collaborators from the Polish Nationalist Army in the management of the refugee camp, and those guys came in with guns.

Do you know how dangerous the situation was at that time? "

Ace wanted to touch his sister's head, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was grabbed by the latter, and then a hidden sword was pressed against the former's neck.

Ruby raised her hand to retract her hidden blade, then raised her chin.

"People's hearts are evil! Brother Ace."

Then she received a violent shudder on the head.

"Whoever is your brother, call him brother."

"Brother, brother, good brother. Haha!" Rui Bi rushed towards Ace like a baby, and the latter said with a doting look on his face.

"Why don't you always grow up? Hey, you'd better stop doing that kind of thing."

Ribit stood up suddenly and said dissatisfiedly: "How can that be done? We cannot live up to the expectations of the Bishop and the Empire."

"Do you remember the Ten Commandments?"

"Of course, I know it by heart."

"God said, 'Thou shalt not kill,' so why are you still stubborn? Isn't it a good idea to go to a monastery to worship scriptures?"

"No! If everyone hides and doesn't care about the world, what will happen to the world? When we were in Silesia, we didn't dare to slack off for a moment every year, and we didn't do any bad things.

But dogs eat meat, livestock eat grain, and we only have potatoes! Potato! Or potatoes! Ah, no, if we are lucky, we will still have wild vegetables and mice to eat.

What did our family do wrong? My mother starved to death, and my father died of illness. We just went to the public forest to pick up some useless sticks that no one wanted and used them as firewood, but we were driven away by dogs, stripped naked and whipped!

It's not us who's wrong! "

Ace sighed.

"God will punish them."

Ruibi asked with a sneer.

"Ten years, or a hundred years?"

The former looked into the latter's eyes and said.

"You can't go to heaven with hatred, you should learn to forgive"

"I am only responsible for sending them to see God. It is God's business to forgive them."

"May God bless you, my sister."

"And may he bless you, my brother."

The preaching was still very successful. The young priest gained a large number of believers, but in an unknown corner, a young girl was cutting off the enemy's fingers with a guillotine until the other party gave her the answer she wanted.

The serfs' carnival has spread to the vicinity of Krakow. Although some people are eager to try this city, there is still a big gap between the ancient city that has stood for thousands of years and the landlord's fortress. It is almost impossible to conquer it with cold weapons. of.

However, this did not prevent the gentlemen in Krakow from getting nervous and using their brains. After some bargaining, General Bem and his officers were finally released.

In fact, in addition to facing the restless serfs, they also have to face the Austrian army that will arrive in the near future.

The armies of Franz and Stadion have merged, but the former is not ready to end it too soon. He plans to be invited by the Yasusky family to visit Dorobich.

As for the errand of siege of the city, it was naturally left to Count Stadion, but there was no need to besiege Sanque, just camp five kilometers away from the city.

For a vanguard force of nearly 100,000 people, just setting up camp was troublesome, and the daily consumption of supplies was huge. Fortunately, it had the support of railway lines and canals.

Franz only brought five thousand people with him on this trip, but it was still enough to crush the Yasusky family's guards.

Of course, the former is not here for fun, and the latter does not want to treat guests. A Hongmen banquet is about to come.

(Actually, this is not a break from the chapter, but a preview of the next episode.)

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