War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 447 Meeting Napoleon’s illegitimate son again?

Paris France.

Louis-Philippe looked very unhappy in the Tuileries Palace because he had not received news from Britain for a long time. In fact, except for Louis Philippe himself, everyone else had long given up any hope.

Because the so-called temporary suspension was a death sentence for the Anglo-French alliance.

What we should consider now is to stop our losses rather than continue to struggle with the British.

However, His Majesty the King himself has not given up on his dream of joining forces with Britain to carve up the world, and Prime Minister Soult, an old man who is about to retire, does not seem to care about the fate of France.

Although it seems that the dying old man can be knocked down by the wind at this time, it is not easy to get him to hand over the power in his hands.

Soult felt that the entire French cabinet was full of mediocre people. There was only one Guizot who was OK, but he was driven away by His Majesty the King.

Soult has been speculating all his life. Even Napoleon was betrayed several times, but he hated speculators the most.

Soult did not reuse any of those who came to him when Thiers lost power, and even often helped the former prime minister solve some minor problems.

As long as money is not involved, Sirte is still very generous.

But although this man is arrogant, greedy for money, opportunistic, and has no loyalty at all, he is an excellent strategist and a management master.

France is in chaos now, but as long as the rebels have the slightest intention of expanding outwards, they will be ruthlessly attacked by the French army.

It can even be said that the current chaos was created by Louis Philippe and the Orleans faction in a sense. They needed this uprising to reduce the influence of the Bonapartists, so this chaos could last for so long.

As long as the money or orders are in place, Soult can immediately mobilize a large army to quell the rebellion with an order, just like last time.

Rhône, Lyon.

Southeastern France, close to Switzerland and the Kingdom of Sardinia. That's why the rebels always come back from the dead. The French frontier troops also know this, so they always make easy money.

At this time, the armed forces in Lyon were becoming stronger due to the ineffective suppression of the Bonapartists. The Bonapartist general Viel had no troops to send at this time, only a group of gendarmes who could not fight at all. They were pacing back and forth in the headquarters, obviously very angry.

Vier Pollard did not participate in the Napoleonic Wars, nor did he have any military exploits. He only relied on his bragging and business management skills to get into the upper echelons of the Bonapartist faction in more than ten years.

He had never fought in a war, and he had never even killed a chicken.

The previous several battles with the rebels not only failed to make any progress, but also resulted in the loss of troops and generals. This allowed the royalists and Orleans factions to seize the opportunity to mock him for not being able to lead troops in war, but the Bonapartists could not retreat, and he could not retreat, because if he did, he would be removed from office and replaced by someone from another faction. superior.

In this way, Viel Pollard will never have a chance to climb up. He has always had a dream, that is, to become the emperor of France through a coup like Napoleon. As for world hegemony? Unify Europe? He doesn't have that plan, he just wants glory and wealth

However, in front of him, Viel Pollard was pushed into a position that he should not be in, and became a victim of the power struggle among factions within France. This made him very unwilling

Suddenly a voice interrupted Viel Pollard's thoughts.

"Report! There is an urgent military situation!"

"Come in."

Viel Pollard looked at the sentinel in front of him impatiently. His clothes were baggy and his boots seemed to be one size too big. He walked like a duck and had the same muddy legs. He also had a sense of poverty, which made him I couldn't help but pinch my nose and said with a frown.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

"Report to the General, there is someone outside who says he has a way to help you quell the uprising in Lyon City," the sentry said.

Viel Pollard sneered. He had seen so many people like this recently that he thought it was his chance to make a name for himself. Little did they know that a clever woman can't make a living without rice, and no god can defeat the city of Lyon without soldiers, let alone the bloody street fighting.

"Let him go!" said Viel Pollard angrily.

"Master General, he said he knew you had no soldiers to use, and he could quell the chaos without a single soldier from you." the sentry said again.

This time Viel Pollard was slightly surprised, but still didn't believe it, so he just said it casually.

"Let him in."

"He is here," said the sentry.

Viel Pollard said casually.


Only then did he realize that the sentry in front of him was the one who wanted to see him.


"It's me. My name is Charles, you can call me Mr. Charles."

Only then did Viel Pollard see the other person's face clearly. There was a contemptuous smile on that young face. There is no doubt that this is a mockery of him. After all, there are outsiders in his military camp but he doesn't know it.

This is simply a shame for the officer, but Viel Pollard was "parachuted" to the Lyon area to take over this mess. He didn't even have an orderly beside him except an adjutant, so he was in such a mess.

Fortunately, Viel Pollard does not have any arrogant self-esteem. As long as the other party can really help him solve the crisis at hand, it is not a problem for him to call the other party master.

"So Mr. Charles, how are you going to help me?"

Viel Pollard's attitude changed so quickly that the other party was a little stunned. For a moment, he even felt that he was in the wrong place.

After a brief moment of embarrassment, the young man named Charles spoke slowly.

"I can convince those civilians to go back home, and the remaining thugs are only a few dozen people and cannot defend the entire city. They can only choose to escape.

Of course, I can also let the civilians bring the thugs to justice, but that's a different price. "

"Why should I believe you?" Viel Pollard sneered.

"You should believe me." Charles replied slowly.

"I don't think we need to talk any more."

Vier Pollard was about to issue an eviction order, because he had already sensed a hint of danger and also smelled a business opportunity, so he began to bargain, first suppressing some of the other party's arrogance to prevent the other party from proposing too outrageous prices.

"Don't you want to ask about the price?" The young man obviously wanted to continue the negotiation, which played into Viel Pollard's hands, thinking, "Sure enough, he is still too young."

"what price?"

This philistine attitude made Ciel feel disgusted, but he really admired the other party's speed of change.

"I want a general."

"No!" Viel Pollard replied decisively. He even felt that he heard wrongly, or that the other party was a madman?

"Then Colonel, too," Charles continued to answer.

"Who do you think you are?" Viel Pollard said angrily.

"Napoleon's son." Charles replied calmly.

There are many legends about Napoleon's illegitimate son, mainly that almost every single mother will say this to her son.

"General Napoleon, had an affair with someone's mother" was already on his ears hearing the legend, and this one before him was the most outrageous.

He looked like he was only a teenager. Napoleon had been dead for more than 20 years. How could anyone believe this?

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