Paris France.

In a deep alley, two people were dragging corpses. Upon closer inspection, there were actually seven of them.

The two men looked expressionless as they searched the corpses for anything they could use, including clothes and boots. One of them was injured, but he was still guarding the other. The scene was indescribably weird.

In fact, both of them were prisoners serving their sentences in Siberia, Russia, living a life of darkness in that cold hell.

But suddenly one day someone came to them and said that there was a great big man who needed them to do something. As long as they did it, they would be pardoned. Even if they died, their family would be pardoned and leave this bitter cold place.

Just like a drowning person clutching at straws, desperate people like them will naturally not let go of a glimmer of hope.

Soon they were hooded and loaded onto the carriage, which was a bumpy ride when the hoods were removed. Each of them found themselves in a room with five people and a full table of dishes, but only one chair and a set of cutlery.

In fact, people inside the room understood everything without the people outside saying anything.

Human blood, violence, and the desire to survive were vividly displayed at this moment. Rojim Kaslev personally took the lives of three people, including a tall but thin child, but he survived.

Suddenly he heard an urgent bell ringing outside, and Rojim Kaslev felt that it was time for him to go out to meet the big man.

Rojim Kaslev does not like the way of this big shot, but he must live until the end to let his family return to the warm southern Russian steppe.

But when Rojim Kaslev opened the door of the wooden house, he was dumbfounded because there were many similar wooden houses around, and those doors were also opening slowly.

After this night, only 20 of the 500 prisoners survived. Afterwards, they were sent to the Special Third Section for emergency training. In the end, only ten people came to Paris, and the others were "eliminated".

Their mission is simply to kill one of them at the meeting between Queen Victoria of England and King Louis-Philippe of France. It doesn't matter who they are.

If the assassination is successful, they are considered heroes, and these heroes and their families will receive amnesty, regardless of whether these heroes are alive or not.

If the assassination fails, they will not be recognized. If their identities are exposed again, their families and themselves will be erased from this world.

Regardless of whether the mission succeeds or fails, there will be a ship waiting for them next to the canal. This ship is a British merchant ship that has immunity and can freely pass on the Seine.

Of course, Duke Liubai also gave them the opportunity to withdraw and return to Siberia as if nothing had happened.

But although these people don't know the specific identity of the other party, they all know very well that choosing to quit at this time is tantamount to committing suicide.

Afterwards, these ten people were arranged to Paris with different identities, with the purpose of approaching and killing the target. Most of them were arranged in the crowd with ordinary people, and some were given the status of reporters and attendants.

The person closest to the target that day was only about fifty meters away, but the sudden attack disrupted the entire arrangement.

The chaotic crowd and a large number of soldiers completely separated them from the target. Later, a large number of patrol police drove them and ordinary people away from the scene, and they could only sit back and watch the plan fail.

In fact, in Franz's view, the Russians' one-shot deal seemed too primitive in approach. At the very least, the Dutch would deliberately find someone with a Russian accent to bribe Adolf Fitzkrarentz, and even if they failed, they would lead the person in the wrong direction.

Adolf Fitzclarenz was the captain of the Victoria and Albert and the illegitimate son of the former King of England.

But in fact, this approach of the Russians often has the highest success rate, but Franz disrupted the plan.

The assassination failed before it could be carried out, which also disrupted Duke Liubai's plan. These people are all very dangerous desperadoes, and among them are very brutal political prisoners and members of cult organizations.

It was impossible for him to let these people return to society, let alone let the French help him. Coupled with the failure of this assassination, Duke Liubai could already imagine Nicholas I being furious.

He now has to solve the mess he created, so a real-life Paris battle royale begins. In fact, there is a hint of a violent neighborhood. After all, Duke Liubai also asked the local gang to help in order to increase the success rate.

None of the ten killers returned to the pre-arranged ship, because those killers also knew who they were working for, at least who the big shot was working for. Nicholas I would not allow losers like them to remain alive.

The gang members teamed up with Duke Liubai's agents to launch a raid on the killers, but the battle was not fierce, there was no fierce gun battle, and there was no crazy racing scene.

Although Russia had acquired a mature technology for manufacturing revolvers at this time, only high-ranking officials were actually equipped with this weapon.

Even officers can't have one manpower, and the equipment rate of the Tsar's Guard is less than 50%, let alone non-staff personnel such as the Special Third Division.

This is not because of the high cost of the new revolver, nor because of the lack of Russian industrial strength. But because this weapon is too cheap and excellent, it affects the interests of many people.

As a result, this standard weapon has become a "rare commodity". After all, no one in Europe can compare with Russia in terms of corruption at this time.

The agents of Duke Liubai didn't have it, nor did the local gang members in Paris, but that didn't mean that they didn't have it among the assassins who were supposed to assassinate the king.

After a day and night of hunting, six of the ten killers have been confirmed dead, two have left Paris by boat, and two others are hiding in unknown corners.

And most of Duke Liubai's men have been lost. This is not because those killers are really super soldiers, but because the French police are a little embarrassed.

After all, Louis Philippe was very angry because of the shelving of the alliance proposal. He felt that this was a problem with the security work of the Paris police, so he had changed several police chiefs.

At this time, the newly appointed police chief even personally led people to fight crime on the streets. This had never happened before in France for hundreds of years and had extraordinary results.

After all, we are on French territory, and such a big incident will not end well.

Duke Liubai was still thinking about how to deal with the aftermath, so the Paris police did him a big favor.

The assassination of Queen Victoria and the continued violence were described as acts of terror by the rebels.

What's more, the next day the new police chief Chopper ordered his men to tie the bodies of the criminals killed last night to the back of a carriage and drag them away.

What the director never expected was that this move would once again greatly affect the image Louis Philippe had worked hard to create in front of the public.

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