War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 1040 Confirm the results?

Although Itamar has never been on the battlefield, it does not mean that he has not read military books. All records show that before the anti-French war, almost no army could withstand 30% losses.

Tyutkale was not a coward, and he did not believe that the joke-like battle just now could kill or injure two thousand people. He wanted to see what tricks Itamar could play.

So the two of them came to the front line again with the officers and guards. The scene in front of them didn't look like they had experienced a big battle, it looked more like a wild boar coming down the mountain.

Behind a torn down fence, there were corpses of Hungarian soldiers in twos and threes in the vegetable field. The corpses pressed against the crops actually looked particularly harmonious, and they were very similar to the lazy serfs depicted in the textbooks.

The smell of earth and green vegetables also covered up the smell of blood and gunpowder, so much so that Itamar really felt that he was just a group of lazy soldiers in front of him.

He strode over the knocked down fence, walked up to a fallen soldier, kicked him hard, and then said indifferently.

"I know you're alive, stop pretending! There's not even blood on the ground!"

But the soldier didn't move. Itamar looked a little angry and kicked the soldier's butt several times.

"Get up, lazy boy! He's a Hungarian man, so get up!"

But the fallen soldiers remained unmoved, and Tyutkale on the side felt the same way. The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. At least there shouldn't be any chirping birds near the battlefield.

So the latter stepped forward and kicked the soldier violently, causing the soldier's body to turn over. Only then did people discover that the clothes on the soldier's chest had been stained red with blood, and the soldier's face had lost its color.


Itamar said in disbelief, and Tyutkale also looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

"Look at the others."

Tyutkalai ordered, and just as their men were about to disperse, they heard a burst of gunfire, and several officers and guards fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Motar lay on the ground and shouted. Only then did Itamar and Tyutkale realize a problem, that is, this is really a battlefield, not a farmhouse or a picking garden.

In fact, the militiamen in the royal estate also felt that it was very outrageous. Why did a group of people swagger into the middle of the battlefield to look at the corpses.

The militia captain looked at the mercenary leader, who was also confused. He had fought in many places in the world, but he had never seen one so arrogant.

But you can't stop eating the fat meat that comes to your mouth, let alone let them run away.

As a result, the artillery, rockets and sharpshooters in the manor were all aimed at that area. The purpose was naturally to ensure that the arrogant enemies could not come back.

Itamar, Tyutkale, and Motar escaped into the ditch next to the field under the protection of a group of guards.

These canals served as trenches for the peasants on the estate and as shelters for the attacking Hungarians.

"Damn it! Why didn't anyone remind us that the Austrians here haven't been wiped out yet!" Itamar complained as he lay in the ditch holding his head.

"That's enough! Go back and start arguing again!"

Tyutkale was upset and scolded sternly.

In fact, he was also very depressed. He didn't expect that his carelessness would lead him to this situation. What made him even more depressed was that there was no movement from the nearby reinforcements.

Tyutkale had been waiting for any movement from the direction of the military camp, but he still saw no one organizing rescue, so he couldn't help but curse.

"Why don't those guys come to our rescue!"

"That's right! Can't those guys hear the gunshots here?"

Upon hearing Choutkale's reminder, Lord Motar also reacted.

"Damn coward!"

"It's over, we are all going to die here!"

Itamar held his head, with snot and tears flowing out.

The officers accompanying the three were almost dead, and the gunfire gradually stopped.

"The gunfire stopped? Did they give up?"

Itamar sniffed excitedly, and the flames of hope rose in the hearts of those around him. But after all, someone needed to stick their head out to investigate the situation, and an unlucky guard was chosen. Just as he stuck his head out, a cannonball happened to fly over.

The cannonball easily shattered the unlucky man's face, and a stream of blood mist suddenly burst out.

However, all of them quickly returned to reality from the shock of this bloody scene, because reality was even more shocking and physically shocking.

Because he understood the trend of future weapon development, Franz was studying blooming bullets from the beginning, instead of spending time studying how to polish solid bullets smoother.

In fact, there is a group of people in the Austrian Empire's weapons development department who have studied this topic. They believe that rounder solid bullets can fly farther and have higher destructive power. They even use precious steel to make solid bullets.

However, Franz completely rejected this plan when this group of people proposed it, so at this time the Austrian Empire's explosive bomb technology was much more advanced than in history.

All royal estates had not prepared solid bullets from the beginning, but all blooming bullets.

It was not used before because it was not used at all. The kill rate of firearms against mobs would be higher, because those miscellaneous fish are easily scared away by explosive weapons such as artillery and rockets.

When faced with firearms, people tend to take chances. Anyway, they may not be the next ones to die.

The situation was different at this time. Because they wanted to combat the enemy's arrogance, the militiamen in the royal territory brought out all their heavy weapons. They wanted to ensure that the enemy would not dare to enter the royal territory with such arrogance again.

As the first artillery shell hit the ground, a cloud of mud exploded, followed by the second and third rounds of countless artillery shells and rockets that exploded near the ditch.

From time to time, people next to Itamar, Tyutkale, and Motar were directly hit and turned into a pile of minced meat, which fell together with the stirred up smoke, dust, and soil, and the nearby ground trembled.

Finally Itamar couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up, raised his hands in the air and shouted.

"I surrender! I surrender! I am Count Itamar, and I am an official noble of Austria."

But those artillery shells and rockets obviously couldn't understand what he said, and the militiamen who were busy firing in the distance couldn't even hear what he said amidst the rumbling sound of artillery.

In the rumbling explosion, Itamar's blood, flesh and smoke also fell together. The explosion lasted for more than ten minutes until the area around the ditch was completely shrouded in smoke.

The militia commander in the distance put down his telescope and nodded with satisfaction. He dragged his left leg with limited mobility onto a high platform, raised his right hand and roared angrily.

"We won!"

The militiamen also burst into enthusiastic cheers. The sound was so loud that even the Hungarian military camp in the distance could hear it.

Although Germans may not necessarily understand Hungarian, almost all Hungarians can understand simple German.

Especially sensitive words like victory, death, and money, this undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the Hungarians.

What's even more terrible is that the Hungarian army is really leaderless at this time. Itamar and Tyutkale brought almost all the senior officers to the battlefield, and the rest were some unpopular little characters.

And the explosion just now really frightened these recruits. They didn't expect that the opponent's firepower was so powerful.

But the advantage is that they have no knowledge and only think that their own artillery should have the same power. However, the artillery commander and his artillery have already disappeared without a trace.

In fact, the artillerymen brought by Itamar were all temporarily trained. They were basically on the battlefield for the first time. After seeing the firepower several times more powerful than the artillery they knew, they immediately chose to flee.

The commander was gone, the artillery had fled, and the remaining Hungarians all dispersed.

Seeing the Hungarians fleeing, the militiamen in the manor cheered again.

They hugged each other, held their weapons high, boasted loudly about their achievements, and expressed their inner pressure. Happy smiles filled everyone's faces.

The battle ended so hastily that the staff officer sent by the Austrian military was a little disbelieving. He felt that the other party must have a conspiracy and was very dissatisfied with the militiamen's hasty celebration of victory.

In fact, this so-called staff officer is just a military academy student, but this does not mean that he is incapable. These people are all top talents in the military academy.

However, due to the special system of the Austrian Empire, they lacked background and could only start from the bottom. They had to experience a true narrow escape before they could become officers.

This generation of Austrian Empire nobles lacks available military talents. The senior officers of the Austrian Empire are generally in their 70s and 80s. Basically, these old guys will retire completely within ten years.

It was impossible for Franz to live forever. In the generation of Albrecht and Friedrich, their abilities and identities were too dazzling, but on the other hand, others were too embarrassed to take on important tasks.

Although Benedek worked very hard, his talent was really limited, while Gablenz was too proud and exaggerated.

The Austrians like to boast about Gablenz's tough guy style and the legend of never losing, but in fact this general has basically never fought a tough battle.

Including the major retreat in which he was responsible for breaking up the rear, Gablenz's strength was actually greater than that of the pursuing Sardinian army, but even so, he still lost an eye.

In this life, under the operation of Franz, Gablenz had a glorious resume, but he did not show any amazing talents. On the contrary, he was so crazy that he even proposed to massacre the city in the Italian battlefield to intimidate the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Count Stadion is a versatile civil and military man, but he has advanced tuberculosis and may not live long. Franz also thought about treatment methods, but neither isoniazid nor streptomycin could be synthesized with the current technical means.

As for other methods, Franz also looked for them. He knew that Europeans had no way to deal with tuberculosis, so he took the lead in eliminating it.

Franz's first thought was traditional Chinese medicine, but in fact, traditional Chinese medicine didn't really have a good solution for tuberculosis.

After that, I looked for Ottoman and Arab doctors. After all, they inherited the medical achievements of ancient Greece and Babylon, but they still had no effect.

In the end, doctors from India played some role, but they only alleviated the pain caused by the disease.

So Franz can only use this method of casting a wide net to find so-called talents.

Of course, Franz would not really leave the fate of tens of thousands of people to such fledgling military students, so they could only serve as staff officers. The real command and decision-making power was still in the hands of the original commanders in the manor.

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