"This is Hungarian land! It's you who deserve to die!" Tyutkalé yelled.

He responded with a bullet, but it did not hit Tyutkale himself, but hit the horse under his crotch.

Tyutkale, who fell off his horse in panic, suddenly lost his arrogance, but still glared at Itamar commandingly.

The latter naturally knew what to do, and he was also a little angry, but the source of his anger was not that the Germans shot at the Hungarians, but that the serfs dared to defy the army.

Generally speaking, neither serfs nor farmers dare to provoke the army.

But the people in the royal estate are a little different. Many of them have seen the "freedom of the Magyars", and the fighting between them and the horse bandits has never really stopped over the years.

Countless simple tombstones remind people of the dangers of horse bandits. Around 1840, those were the days when horse bandits were most arrogant.

Groups of horse bandits were killing people and setting fires everywhere, even daring to kill the deacons and advisors of the royal estate.

In response to these appalling and vicious incidents, the Hungarian government just said, "It has happened since ancient times."

In the end, it was Archduke Albrecht who led the royal troops to the manor and suppressed the arrogance of the horse bandits.

(Mentioned previously in Chapters 20 and 25 of Volume 4 and Chapters 21 to 28 of Volume 5.)

In addition, the rescued Hungarian refugees in the manor are constantly telling the Hungarian government’s dishonesty, cunning and cruelty.

(Volume 4: The Hungarian Refugee Incident in 1836.)

The loyal education of the church and the royal family also gave most people a basic sense of right and wrong, and they would not be easily tempted to sway.

Franz's loyalty education has been carried out for more than ten years, and the effect is still there, at least there has been no large-scale defection to the enemy.

In addition to the above measures, Franz also set up multiple insurances, such as guards, mercenaries, secret police, special clauses implemented in the royal estate, etc.

There are three stewards in each manor, one is the manor manager, the second is the bishop of the church in the manor, and the third is the royal deacon.

The selection of these people first requires no record of rebellion or surrender within five generations, and secondly, they must have attended university, received a loyal education, and must have a positive view of the Austrian Empire.

Only those who are qualified to serve as stewards in the royal estate will also have a relatively complete monitoring and reporting mechanism.

Franz's actions within the royal estate were not restricted by the Regency Council, so he carried out many reforms and took many new measures. The purpose was naturally to simulate and find the political system most suitable for this era.

Of course there is the political system and the economic system, as well as compulsory military service.

In fact, at this time, the millions of people spread across dozens of royal estates, large and small, were all soldiers. They participated in military training every year during the off-farm season, and each estate also had enough weapons and gunpowder.

Franz would not really abandon these people on the Hungarian plains. His original intention had never changed. He wanted to eradicate this cancer and usher in the true unity and future of this country.

Itamar also fell from his horse with a burst of gunfire just now, but he was frightened.

After falling off his horse, Itamar crawled backwards in embarrassment. He didn't start shouting loudly until he reached a place where he felt safe.

"Attack! Attack! Kill them all!"

Naturally, it was impossible to hear clearly in the chaotic crowd, but shooting was a signal, which meant that negotiations had broken down and the fighting had begun.

Since New Silesia was the largest royal estate in the entire Hungarian Plain, Itamar brought more than 10,000 people.

But these people don't feel that they are here to fight, they feel that they are here to rob. They could barely maintain discipline during the march, but once the gunfire sounded, they turned into wild beasts.

After hearing the sound of gunshots, Itamar's soldiers rushed forward with howls. Tyutka couldn't help but praise when he saw this scene.

"As expected, I am a descendant of the Huns, I am very brave!"

The latter immediately thought of the poet. If he were here, he would definitely compose a poem. And what the latter wanted was to be my team, and to teach me a lesson to these damn serfs!

However, as soon as the battle began, the weakness of the Hungarian army was undoubtedly exposed. Although the scattered formation avoided the fate of being shot one by one, the originally very loose organization was instantly wiped out.

The main difference between the army and bandits is their discipline and organization. An unorganized and undisciplined army is nothing more than a large group of thieves.

The militia and reservists in the royal estate are good at dealing with this. The seemingly ordinary canals, wall stacks, and other man-made structures on the periphery of the estate may seem random, but in fact they are all carefully designed.

The first batch of Hungarians who rushed into the manor soon received a surprise that had been prepared for more than ten years. The farmers who had just put down their hoes shot with amazing accuracy.

However, it was difficult for the Hungarians to notice this in the melee. Wave after wave of Hungarians rushed in. The scene was very lively, with fighting everywhere, corpses everywhere, and screams.

It wasn't until the scorching sun rose above that the two sides stopped fighting.

As a result, Itamar was shocked when he counted the number of casualties of the soldiers. The total casualties were more than 2,000, and one-fifth of his troops were lost.

He couldn't believe his ears, and even thought that he heard wrongly.

"Adjutant, please repeat that."

As an adjutant, Lord Tamor was also confused. He did not expect that the losses in the battle with the serfs in the royal estate would be so heavy.

Lord Tamor was a witness to that bandit suppression. He knew how powerful the royal guards were. They, the private soldiers (horse bandits) raised by the rural nobles, were no match for them.

If the high-level officials in Vienna had not been persuaded at that time, there is no telling how many nobles on the Great Plains would have been expelled. After all, who didn’t have some private soldiers in their family to do private work?

However, intelligence said that the royal guards had already left the manor for the battlefields in France and Italy, and there was really only a group of serfs left in the manor.

Serfdom was still adopted in most manors in Hungary, so they believed that serfdom should also be adopted in the royal estates, especially after Franz took in the serfs who were sold to the United States.

Before 1848, the Hungarian government and nobles had a very tough attitude towards the Hungarian serfs who defected to the royal estates.

They asked the serfs to return to their masters' estates to fulfill their obligations. This was a joke in a sense, because the people who turned them into refugees and sold them were the so-called masters.

In fact, the Hungarian nobles did not have any good impressions of the returning serfs. On the contrary, they wanted these people to die in various accidents.

At that time, serfdom restricted the agricultural development of Hungary and it became the consensus of the Hungarian nobles. Rather than using serfs, they preferred professional brokers from Germany or Poland to use hired workers to run the farms.

Although it costs money to hire managers and farmers, the benefits of land output are much higher than the cost of hiring people, and serfs are only free in theory.

In fact, there are many hidden expenses. For example, if the land in the villages where serfs live can be rented out or developed into cultivated land, it will also be a very objective income.

At that time, there were enough Polish hired workers in Hungary to form an army, which shows the development of wage agriculture at that time.

The Hungarian refugees who were admitted to the royal estate around 1838 had long since given up their Hungarian identity under the continuous education of the Hungarian government and nobles for ten years.

After the adjutant carefully checked the information in his hand, he was sure that he had read it correctly.

Itamar was annoyed at first, but soon turned to joy and accepted the number.

Because he felt that his own losses were so great, then the enemy's losses must be even greater.

"Lord Mortar, what was the result of our battle?"

Itamar looked at the adjutant with expectant eyes. The latter was a little at a loss. He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said.

"Your Majesty General, we knocked down their fence."

Itamar nodded and said pleasantly.

"Well, good job. What else?"

The adjutant's face became even more embarrassed, and he whispered.

"No more, Your Excellency."

"No more?!" Itamar's voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Yes, Your Excellency. There are no confirmed results."

Lord Mortar was not a fool. He did not want to bear the Earl's thunderous wrath, so he said that there were no other results that could be confirmed.

This way of speaking can leave some leeway. If your colleagues are smart enough, they will definitely achieve something before the general confirms the results of the victory.

However, he underestimated Itamar's anger, and saw a fat body clapping the table and rising up, roaring angrily.

“*** (vulgar language), *** (vulgar language used to greet other people’s family).

Two thousand people were lost! Two thousand people! Now you're telling me that you only knocked down one fence? !

Pigs are more useful than you! If I put two thousand pigs in there, they can eat up all the Austrian crops, and they can advance at least two kilometers! "

Itamar's veins bulged and he paced angrily back and forth in the makeshift tent.

Chutekale on the side sneered.

"How come I haven't heard of any serfs being able to defeat the Magyar warriors? Two thousand men were wiped out in one battle. This was an unheard of defeat.

Count Itamar, I heard that you had two lovers who were not of your own race.

They won't have any deal with those guys in the royal estate behind your back, right? "

Tyutkaly's words were very vicious, overtly and covertly embarrassing Itamar and insinuating that he was a traitor to the country. However, the former was known as "the bravest man in Hungary", and coupled with his status as a parliamentary envoy, the latter really did not dare to do anything.

Itamar just frowned and said.

"Mr. Tyutkale, to be honest, I don't believe that our compatriots will lose more than two thousand people in one battle, but the facts are here.

Why don't we go to the battlefield together and take a look. "

Itamar's purpose of doing this was naturally to seal Tyutkale's mouth. After all, he didn't want to get into any trouble in this troubled year.

And he really didn't believe it. He didn't believe that two thousand people fell in at once and there was no movement at all!

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