Olga was envious when she saw her parents still staying together despite their age, while her four brothers looked disdainful. Alexander even made a retching sound on purpose.

Then the ill-fated crown prince was kicked out by his father.

Several younger brothers hurriedly went to see their eldest brother. Alexander was surprisingly popular among the brothers.

Nicholas I was furious and cursed.

"You bunch of bastards! Get your guns! If you can't kill the prey, don't eat!"

The four brothers could only leave in anger.

Nicholas I turned to his daughter and said.

"Olga, we have found a good husband for you. He is very good and his father will let him marry you as the emperor of the Western Roman Empire. You will be a good queen in the future."

Nicholas I rubbed his daughter's hair lovingly, and Olga just lowered her head in obedience.

Queen Alexandra joked.

"You are a twenty-six-year-old old girl. Shouldn't you be happy that you can get married?"

Although the queen said it with a smile, there were tears in her eyes.


"My poor little Olga!"

Mother and daughter hug each other.

Queen Alexandra knew that the outstanding young people mentioned by Nicholas I must be very young and promising, but such people often did not have much time to devote to their families.

In addition, such a man must have many women, just like his eldest son. Although her husband looks down on this eldest son very much, as a mother, she knows very well that Alexander is the best among her children. Otherwise, it is impossible to gain the love of brothers.

Queen Alexandra never refuted her husband's statement. After all, the king wanted to save face, and she was convinced that her husband had no ill intentions and that the eldest son could stand up in critical moments.

Nicholas I and his wife did not tell Olga the whole truth. In the eyes of Nicholas I, having an affair before marriage was simply a heinous act, let alone on a sacred battlefield.

It's just that Russia really needs this ally at this time. After this economic crisis, Nicholas I knew that the economy of the Austrian Empire was much more stable than that of Britain and France.

Russia has a vast territory and abundant resources, and needs stable markets and processors like Austria.

The most important thing is that he found it much easier to do business with the Austrians than to tax those businessmen and poor people.

And most of this money will fall directly into the pockets of the royal family. Nicholas I can invest all of it in the army without any hindrance, and he no longer needs to listen to the nonsense of those courtiers.

Those ministers and businessmen would work hard to make ends meet, and during the years of trade with the Austrian Empire, Nicholas I could get a net profit of tens of millions of rubles every year.

In 1847, before the war, this income even exceeded 100 million rubles. Even in the war-torn 1848, the income in the first half of the year alone exceeded 65 million rubles.

Queen Alexandra was more worried about Olga's married life, but she was not so worried when she thought that Nicholas I guaranteed that her daughter could go home and live at any time.

In addition, Queen Alexandra does not want her daughter to know too much. After all, sometimes ignorant people are the happiest.

In fact, the concerns of the Tsar and his wife were somewhat unnecessary. Olga was born in the royal family since she was a child. Even though she was cared for, she was very clear about the fate of the princess.

Marriage first, love later, or even a transaction just for the sake of carrying on the family line and exchanging family interests, Olga can accept it.

As for the love of her parents, it is a luxury in the upper class society. There are few noble ladies around who are not looking for lovers. As for men, her eldest brother will basically change his skirt every day faster than she can. Much faster.

Olga admired Mrs. Sophie, but she knew very well that she could not be that kind of woman. She had no choice and did not want people to be afraid of her.

Moreover, Olga had a good impression of Franz. He was a handsome and knowledgeable little "engineer" who could also write some obscure poems.

When she thought of that handsome young man, she was still a little excited. Olga felt that Franz was a very kind man, otherwise he would not have accepted so many refugees, let alone help the Germans who were threatened by France in a messy situation at home.

Although she doesn't understand military affairs, she knows clearly that France and Austria are not directly bordering each other, so Austria can use the German region as a barrier to solve domestic problems first.

But Franz obviously didn't do this. Her teacher said that such a person is stupid, not like an emperor, but like a hero.

Olga has also read some novels. Franz is like those knights who fight for their faith, so she feels lucky to be able to marry such a person.

In fact, Franz and Olga's letters never stopped, and the former would send the latter some small gifts from time to time.

The content of the letters is very ordinary, mostly records of opinions on some events and trivial matters in life.

Franz's views always make Olga's eyes shine. Although they are a little deviant, they are always so appropriate.

After all, Franz drank a lot of poisonous chicken soup back then, and with just a few changes he could completely create the image of a close brother.

The gifts were some high-tech entertainment products including cameras, as well as some jewelry and diamonds plundered from the colonies.

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