The people responsible for the escort were naturally very professional. In order to take into account the reputation of both parties, they specially rented an inconspicuous civilian carriage.

However, everyone from the coachman to the guards were replaced by people from the Imperial Army, and then they were sent away directly through the side door.

There were no accidents along the way, but thanks to the growth of the photography industry in the Austrian Empire, the reporter also got a super evolution.

They are far more professional than their counterparts in history. Although they cannot monitor Franz's residence or check vehicles at will, they can wait and wait.

So the Duchess was immediately surrounded by reporters as soon as she left the carriage. Even though Fanny Cote was wearing a black cloak, she was still easily recognized.

At the third watch in the middle of the night, black robes are added to the body, and it is either adultery or robbery.

Although the Duchess ran into her residence quickly, she could order the guards to stop the reporters who were chasing after her, but she could not stop Youyou from speaking.

Rumors spread quickly, and the heroine's sexy news is always so exciting, and only she herself can't wait to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

These things have no harmful effect on Franz. After all, this is just a common trivial matter among the nobles. At the same time, in the male-dominated era, it is also regarded as a symbol of male strength and charm.

Moreover, those newspapers in the German region would intentionally or unintentionally portray Franz as a great and upright image, while in contrast, they further dwarfed the image of Fanny Cote.

In order to slander the image of the Orleans Dynasty, French newspapers vigorously smeared the image of the duchess, even calling her a bitch and a prostitute, and published a large number of jokes about the duchess.

As for the newspapers of the Orleans Dynasty, of course they wanted to protect the image of the Duchess, but they never dared to offend Austria or the German Allied Forces, so they could only emphasize the Duchess's bravery and sacrifice.

For a time, the rosy news about the Duchess even outweighed the tragic news about the economic crisis and became the second largest section of the newspaper.

(The first major section is war.)

Thiers is indeed an excellent politician. He is smart, capable, full of energy, and knows how to assess the situation.

In addition, the most important thing is that this person is shameless enough. When the duchess was deeply involved in the scandal and self-doubt, Thiers actually wrote a letter to the duchess in the name of the national government and the royal family.

The letter was filled with heavy national righteousness and feelings of family and country, and then moved with emotion and reason to ask the duchess to sacrifice herself for the aid of the Austrian Empire. After all, Orleans' economy had to develop.

Russia, St. Petersburg.

Nicholas I, who was hunting in the Peter Palace, received the latest war report from Europe. After reading it, he couldn't help laughing heartily.

"As expected of me, he is my son-in-law! The king of the Western Roman Empire! I didn't expect that he actually won the bet! It seems that my bet was indeed right!"

"Honey, what are you talking about? You're scaring the children."

Queen Alexandra Feodorovna pretended to be angry and said, while the children on the other side were eating barbecue and drinking red wine indifferently. These guys were not very interested in hunting, and they were not interested in Nico. Ra I was not interested in the good news in his hands either.

"Of course it's a great joy!"

Nicholas I picked up his wife, kissed her again and again, and even held her up in the air and spun her around several times.

Queen Alexandra, who was 1.6 meters tall, was like a doll in the hands of Nicholas I.

"Our daughter is getting married!"

Nicholas I said solemnly, but the queen was a little reluctant to give up. After all, she had only one daughter left.

"But Austria is still at war. You must know that Catholic believers are very barbaric. The king and queen of France lost their heads."

The queen said with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, it won't happen! Even if that happens one day, I will fly to Vienna to bring your daughter back to you!"

Nicholas I said seriously, he was telling the truth, he really doted on his children.

But there was one exception, and that was his eldest son Alexander. Nicholas I had a headache whenever he thought about his son, and he felt extremely stressed when he thought about handing over the Russian Empire to this playboy liberal in a hundred years.

Therefore, he wanted to expand his territory as much as possible while he was still alive and complete the glory and dream of the Third Rome, so that future generations could rest peacefully on the credit book.

Empress Alexandra was a very competent wife. She did not continue to pester, and could only lie quietly on Nicholas I's generous chest, feeling the emperor's ambition.

Nicholas I also liked this feeling very much. Unless his wife's body did not allow it, he could have given birth to ten children.

After the naval battle in the Mediterranean, the German allied forces successively won great victories in Celestad, Salburg and Lorraine, and their frontline was directed towards the hinterland of France.

As long as France surrenders or the British withdraw from the war, 300,000 Russian troops will immediately go south to attack the Ottoman Empire, with the natural goal of recovering Constantinople.

When the time comes, the Eastern and Western Roman Empires will stand side by side, and the world will return to its original order.

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