The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 288 Tens of millions of stars, billions of satellite cities (please subscribe)

Seeing Liu Wenyan happily holding Helium-3 without letting go, a few strands of hair were fluttering in the wind... For a moment, Chu Feng was speechless.

This kid - I'm afraid he's worried about electricity.

But no, my head is bald!

You must know that this person is only 34 years old, in his prime.

"It seems that he will also be included in the high-level training sequence." Chu Feng said secretly.

The so-called high-level training sequence is the various welfare gift packages he prepared for the high-level executives - there are monetary rewards; there are material rewards; there are honorary awards; there are titles...

very many.

It has been constantly modified and enriched.

He is strict and strict with senior management, but he is not stingy!

This is also another kind of high salary to support integrity. Anyone who makes outstanding contributions to the stars will enjoy corresponding benefits.

Among them is the life growth plan, which is to distribute omnipotent stones to further increase their life span.

Of course it can also cure baldness.

However, at the moment, there is only the right to wear it, which will be taken back after a certain period of time. Only when the contribution reaches a certain level will it truly belong to the individual.

After sorting out his thoughts, Chu Feng said:

"At the end of this month, that is, at the beginning of May, the population of our star will exceed one million, and it will officially become a million-dollar city!"

"This is……"

Glancing at the venue, Chu Feng chuckled and said:

"It's something to be happy about."

"It's worth celebrating."

“We can be proud;”

“We can be proud;”

"You can jump."

"You can jump."


"We absolutely cannot afford to be complacent."

"Don't be conceited!"

"The stars must not stagnate in the slightest because of this!"

"One million - just a small goal on the road to our star."

"You can't get any smaller."

"Our journey has just begun."


"I will arrange the next stage of our Xingchen's development strategy - build tens of millions of satellite cities and support the satellite city!"

"City Lord, isn't there enough food?" Li Wanrou frowned and asked.

"No, enough!"

Chu Feng explained:

"In my plan, the status of the satellite city is slightly lower than that of the stars. It is mainly to bring fresh blood and supply talents to the main city of the stars."

"His treatment is slightly lower than that of the main city of Stars, which is the city where we are now."

"For example, food."

"They mainly feed on cockroaches and earthworms, supplemented by a small amount of vegetables and meat."

"In a word: Whoever contributes more will be treated better."

"Once you pass the assessment, you can be promoted to the main city and enjoy the same benefits and treatment as the current people."

"The upcoming expansion of the cockroach and earthworm breeding base of tens of thousands acres is prepared for this. Everyone must pay attention to it!"

"This plan will be our long-term development task for a long time to come."

"All departments must cooperate with it and take action..."

For a time, the whole hall was filled with the sound of Chu Feng's eloquent words.

Inside and outside the words.

Everything shows that he attaches great importance to the satellite city and his expectations for its future...

Millions of stars are not yet cast;

Thousands of auxiliary cities are already on the way;

The reason why the satellite city project was launched in such a hurry was because Chu Feng felt an inexplicable pressure.

Since the provincial garrison meetings have been held one after another, and various sects, armies and other forces have settled in major cities, a state of separatist rule is still slowly and unknowingly taking shape...

Now all the major forces are vying for the actual control of the city, and there is no spare time to pay attention to the counties and towns below.

This is Chu Feng's opportunity.

An opportunity to quickly plunder a population.

But this time will not be too long, he must seize the time and act as soon as possible.


Forced by reality, he could no longer develop step by step.

He must make a leap forward!

Once each force has consolidated its territory, it will not be easy for him to recruit people in other people's territory.

Human nature is selfish.

Even if you can't raise it, they won't let you succeed easily, let alone watch you grow stronger.

After all, population is the driving force behind the development of a base.

Chu Feng had no hope at all, let alone any expectations, for the complex and fragile nature of human nature.


"Time waits for no one!"

"After completing the one million target at the end of April, we will prepare for the satellite city in May...preparing a series of daily necessities such as housing, food, clothing, etc."

"In June, we will further expand our recruitment scope."

"Our goal is - tens of millions of stars, hundreds of millions of satellite cities."

Everyone opened their mouths and were speechless for a long time.

But if you look carefully, you will find clues.

Everyone's eyes were shining and their hearts were beating fast. This goal was so big that it was suffocating.

But it is so exciting and exciting!

Bang bang bang - their blood is boiling and roaring!

is it possible?

Everyone is asking themselves.

But when I think about the development history of Xingchen, it started from zero and developed into a million-dollar city in just over a year.

Extremely horrifying!

Thinking of the city lord's power of gods and demons, in the blink of an eye, Nuo Da's underground city was dug out of the ground.

Like a god or a devil!

So scary!

tens of millions;

hundreds of millions;

Is it difficult?


It's hard.

Very difficult!

It's absolutely despairing.


In the stars.

God-like pioneering power + endless nuclear fusion power energy = no worries about housing, no worries about food, and no worries about clothing.

In this way, it all seems so easy - as if you just need to stretch out your hand and it will be within your reach.

"A thousand miles begins with a single step."

"We need to further consolidate the foundation and lay a solid foundation!"

In an instant, Chu Feng's words brought everyone's swaying thoughts back to reality.


"I request..." Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a hint of mental pressure, appearing unusually majestic.

Suddenly, everyone's hearts trembled, and then they completely woke up from the grand blueprint. They all looked solemnly and waited for the task assignment from the city lord.

"Here is the advisory group."

Chu Feng looked at Li Yaohua, the chief advisor of the City Lord's Mansion Advisory Group and the general advisor of the Xingchen Official Advisory Group.

"Currently, I need you to study capital carefully and find a new business development model suitable for Xingchen - how to lock capital in a cage while making Xingchen prosperous at the same time."

"I don't need the rise of Asan Kingdom - 1% of people control 99% of the wealth."

"I don't need that kind of prosperity at the expense of the masses at the bottom! The masses don't need it! The stars don't need it either!"

"The West - the capitalist development model in which 20% of the people control 80% of the wealth can learn a thing or two, but it is not what the stars need!"


"The Dragon Kingdom can only be used as a reference!"

"I don't want the future generation of our stars to be suffocated by houses and the like and lose the driving force of life! I don't want our stars to appear - people like M Group, Teng X, and Ah L who secretly exploit workers all the time. Monopoly giant."

After a pause, Chu Feng continued:

"But there's one thing you have to remember!"

"The ultimate goal of our Xingchen business development is not to achieve GDP and superficial economic prosperity, but to facilitate the grassroots people in Xingchen and improve their living standards and quality of life."

"In Stars - the purpose of capital's existence is to serve the people, not to squeeze out the last copper from the people."

"do you understand?"

Li Yaohua nodded and said with excitement: "City Lord, I am willing to accept this challenge - let the toothy tiger of capital serve the people wholeheartedly!"

Being able to play with capital while applauding, wasn't this the opportunity he had been waiting for?

An everlasting opportunity beckoned to him.

As long as he can tame the tiger of capital, he will surely occupy the most important place in the history of human economic development.

At this moment.

His blood boiled all over, and he shouted in his heart:

"I'm here!"

Chu Feng ignored Li Yaohua who was twitching with excitement. If he couldn't do it, he would change...

There is a way to restrain everything, including capital!

It’s nothing more than whether you are willing to spend time, energy, and money to do it.

Chu Feng has this patience, energy, and motivation - he always remembers that only when the general public has a happy life, can there be more shelters, and can he live a nourished life.

As for capital, what is that?

If it really doesn't work, then take matters into your own hands - fully developing city-owned enterprises is also a good way.

Then Chu Feng said:

"The next big task for our Xingchen is to develop enterprises, prosper the economy, and further expand the pockets of the public."

"The Finance Department must implement reasonable lending policies."

"The Ministry of Industry wants to gradually open low-end production lines to the public."

Looking at Li Kaishan, Chu Feng explained:

"The Ministry of Industry needs to focus on high-end manufacturing, such as magnetic levitation vehicles, bracelets, cold-proof clothing, sleds, batteries, etc., to open up the upstream and downstream industrial chains and achieve a closed ecological loop."

“From the initial raw materials to the moment the product comes off the production line, every step of the raw materials and manufacturing process... we Xingxing need to master!”

"It must not happen again like graphene. If others cut off their supply, our side will immediately be in trouble."

"Yes, City Lord!"

Li Kaishan solemnly said:

"Our Ministry of Industry will conduct a comprehensive self-sorting next, and in this way we will work with the Ministry of Foreign Trade to correct the leaks and ensure that we no longer let others hold our throat."


"very good!"

Chu Feng expressed his expectation.

He turned to look at his wife and continued:

"I also have requests for the Ministry of Agriculture."

“First, enrich product categories.”

"We Xingchen can only fill our stomachs and barely eat enough now. This is far from enough!"

“Your Ministry of Agriculture needs to put more effort into product categories.”

"Things like wheat, various fruits, etc. can all be considered."

"I thought too... there is no land!" Li Wanrou always remembered that he could not develop land unscrupulously, as this would affect Chu Feng's personal strength.

"If the land is not enough, then add more!" Chu Feng said firmly.


“We must make reasonable plans and avoid waste!”

Chu Feng still didn't dare to let go and put a tight spell on her.

After all, shelters worth more than 30 million yuan a month cannot all be spent on agriculture.

"Second, realize the self-production of seasonings."

"How to solve the problem of cooking oil, which one should I choose?"

"We must allow our people to cook delicious meals at home." This is a big burden, but Li Wanrou nodded with difficulty in the end.

"Third, linkage."

Chu Feng glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "This is not only suitable for the Ministry of Agriculture, but everyone here needs to be vigilant."

"Our stars are a whole, a complete ecosystem."




"You can't cover your head and work behind closed doors!"

"Take the Ministry of Agriculture as an example. Although cotton can also be used to extract oil, its value is too low compared to soybeans and peanuts, and it takes up too much land. Compared with other crops, the price/performance ratio is too low!"


"Cotton is an indispensable and important raw material for clothes. The Ministry of Industry needs cotton and needs a lot of cotton!"


"As our Star grows stronger, each department can no longer just focus on its own one-third of an acre, but needs to consider the interests of the Star as a whole."

"We must look at everything from the perspective of the overall development of the stars."

"Yes, City Lord!"

"City Lord, we will strengthen contact with other departments."

For a moment, everyone was thoughtful.

Xingchen is developing so fast that before each department has sorted out its own affairs, there will soon be millions of people.


This time Chu Feng's warning made everyone wake up from their confused exploration.

Looking at the time, it was already noon, Chu Feng said:


“As long as other departments develop in an orderly manner, today’s meeting ends here.


Everyone walked out of the conference room with excited faces.

Just today.

Right now.

The city lord gave them a piece of blue sky, waiting for them to write ink.

Thousands of stars, hundreds of millions of satellite cities!

Just thinking about it made everyone tremble with excitement.

Full of energy!

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