The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 287 The energy of the stars (please subscribe)

"My great city lord."

"We can't continue to expand so wantonly."

"We're out of power!!"

After a moment of excitement, the young man scratching his head stood up and said bitterly.

He is the head of the electric power department - Liu Wenyan, Director Liu.

As soon as I heard that the power was about to run out, the whole room was silent.

For a moment, the only sound in Nuoda's luxurious conference room was Director Liu's shouting, and everyone listened with bated breath.

"Last year, our star consumed only 1.1 million kilowatt hours of electricity."

"But it's just the New Year."

"In January alone, we consumed more than 46 million kilowatt hours."

"In February, 2.1 billion!"

"Since March, a large-scale recruitment plan has been launched to provide power support to various small shelters...the power supply has suddenly increased to 400 million kilowatt-hours throughout March."

"until today."

"We need to consume 4.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity every day."

"That's 50 billion a year!"

"Judging from our current energy reserves, we can only support it for 3 years at most!!"

"Why do you need so many?" someone asked in disbelief.


"Not much! Not much at all!"

Liu Wenyan clasped his fingers and calculated a small account.

"First, domestic electricity consumption is non-stop 24 hours a day. Just maintaining the temperature of the entire shelter at around 24 degrees Celsius is a huge expense, accounting for 10% of the total electricity."

"Secondly, it goes without saying that the Ministry of Agriculture uses electricity for planting and breeding."

"Third, the military's daily training and weapons and equipment do not require electricity."

“Fourth, the Ministry of Industry’s machines are also large power consumers.”

"Fifth, the industry and daily life of the 300,000 people at the Magic City construction site require electricity. This is a gold-eating beast."

"No matter how much power they lose, they can always consume it all." Liu Wenyan said as he stared at Li Dahai.

Li Dahai touched his nose brilliantly.

There is nothing he can do.

There are more and more people and more machines, so the demand for electricity will naturally increase.


After a pause, Liu Wenyan said complexly:

"Since our star launched limited power support to major town-level shelters in January this year, our power supply has been increasing every day..."

"How much of the total power does this account for?" Chu Feng interrupted.

"Yesterday it was 8%, and it is still increasing rapidly..." He remembered these data very clearly, and he came up with it.

"In Fenghuang City, our Xingchen has supported 129 town-level shelters, covering a population of more than 2 million, and now it has connected with small shelters in Qing'an and Yangfu. The power consumption is increasing day by day, and there is no end in sight!!"

Scratching his head sadly, Liu Wenyan said hoarsely:

"City Lord!"

“In the past, our power sector’s slogan was: Guarantee for three years, strive for five years.”

"But now!"

"Don't say three years, one year is on the line."

"My great city lord, our electricity is in danger, we can no longer waste it wantonly..."

Looking at the ministers of various departments, Liu Wenyan reluctantly advised:

"We can't add any more, the electricity can't support it!!"


Chu Feng chuckled and said, "That was before. Now that I have found the nuclear raw materials, we stars don't have to worry about electricity."

"Really? How much is it? Is it a pound?" Liu Wenyan said excitedly.

If you are not at his post, you will not know his suffering.

Seeing less and less nuclear material, he felt restless every day, fearing that the helium-3 would be gone when he got up the next day.

"Here!" Chu Feng threw out a big jar.

"How many are there?"

"10 pounds!" Chu Feng said.

"Are you not worried now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, just make it whatever you want."

Holding the heavy helium 3 in his arms, Liu Wenyan was so happy that he could finally have a good sleep.

One pound of helium 3 can generate 150 billion kilowatt hours of electricity.

10 pounds = 5 trillion!

Even a big city like that only consumes more than 150 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, which is enough for 10 years.

"Short eyelids!"

Chu Feng smiled and scolded: "This will make you very happy."


Liu Wenyan was stunned, his eyes widened and he said: "City Lord, are there any more?"


"This is just the first batch."

Chu Feng affirmed: "There will be a steady supply of helium 3 in the future, and we will not be short of power!"

Immediately, all the senior executives present cheered.

Electricity is so important.

It is so important that it is the foundation of everything and the foundation of human civilization.

With electricity, machines can run;

Only with electricity can we grow food;

With electricity, the base can maintain its temperature.

In all aspects, all human life activities are inseparable from electricity.


Just today.

At this moment!

Their city lord told them they didn't need to worry about electricity, so why didn't they cheer.

No matter how reserved a person is, he cannot bear it anymore.


Li Wanrou excitedly hugged Chu Feng's neck, kissed him hard on the face, and said with a smile:

"Brother Feng!"

"you are awesome!!"

At this scene, the envious beauty couldn't help but pout.

For a while.

Dang Dang Dang.

Chu Feng knocked on the table, and the scene immediately became quiet.

The city lord is majestic and terrifying.


"You're not over happy yet, then go home and be happy again."


"At this moment, I still want to emphasize the discipline of confidentiality!"

With a straight face, Chu Feng said extremely seriously:

"Our Xingchen's nuclear power plant must be kept confidential - the power generation, the location, the nuclear materials must be kept secret... We must also keep it secret that we are using a nuclear fusion power plant."

"This matter cannot be leaked at all!! Including to your family members."

“Put it into your ears, not into your mouth—that’s all I ask of you.”

"Yes! City Lord."

"City Lord, we will keep it confidential."

"We will take this matter seriously."

"City Lord, don't worry... Whoever dares to leak it, I will chop him up!"

The senior officials said with serious faces.

Anyone who knows a little bit about nuclear power plants knows the horrors of fusion nuclear power plants.


Star's nuclear fusion nuclear power plant is even more terrifying.

Only one pound of helium 3 is needed to generate 150 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year.

As for Feihe provincial base.

Two nuclear power units operating at full power can only generate 30 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year, which requires more than 20 tons of uranium resources.

Comparing the two, you can see the horror of nuclear fusion.

This is something that can make any force, any organization, or any country fight for it crazily.

Once exposed, the stars cannot be saved!

Even the Dragon Kingdom may not be safe and sound.

Especially now, it is so important - important enough to start World War III immediately.

After emphasizing confidentiality discipline, Chu Feng stopped caring.

This was just a routine explanation, and he wasn't worried about anything going wrong.

First of all, those who can participate in this high-level meeting have a loyalty level of 95 or above, and their confidants are second only to die-hard loyalists!

The chance of betrayal is too small.

Secondly, the Dark Guard and the Star Guard are closely monitoring the situation, which is the second layer of insurance.

Thirdly, Tiangong is also secretly monitoring 24 hours a day.

He admitted that there could still be problems with such strict defense.

Of course, not telling is actually the best secret.

However, as operators of the Xingchen aircraft carrier, if they know nothing about the energy system, how can they formulate a realistic development plan.

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