The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Invitation from Central America (Part 2)

Franz personally feels that, in fact, in such a backward and conservative region, the imperial system may be more reliable.

"Why didn't the church choose to support a conservative, or a king?" Franz asked.

"Are you willing to help them?" Rauscher asked with some doubts.

"No. Is that what you mean, or those Central American priests?" Franz replied.

Archbishop Rauscher also noticed his slip of the tongue and immediately changed the subject.

“I slipped. But no one in the Conservatives has enough clout, let alone a legitimate European royal who wants to be king in Central America,” Rauscher said.

In fact, if you think about it, you know, not to mention Central America, even North America was once considered a wild land by Europeans. Throughout history, there were very few members of the European royal family who were willing to go to Central America to be kings.

That's why Franz's second brother, Maximilian, is so famous.

"Then let them pay, mercenaries. Carrera's main force is just some untrained Indians, and most of the weapons are antiques from the Spanish colonial period. A well-trained mercenary team can completely help China The American Federation quelled the rebellion, as for whether the Central American Federation can continue, it depends on their own determination."

The Central American Federation includes Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, which are nothing but the legacy of the Spanish colonial empire.

The Central American Federation is a country that should not exist. When Mexico declared its independence in 1821, it announced the annexation of the five Central American countries. At the same time, the five Central American countries announced their joining and allegiance to the Mexican emperor.

Later, because of the Mexicans' own coquettish manipulation and endless civil wars, the five Central American countries became independent and established the Central American Federation.

However, the conservative forces in Central America are strong and localism is very serious. Coupled with the radical reforms of the Central American federal government, the conflicts between regions have been greatly intensified. It can be said that the current mess is entirely their own fault.

Generally speaking, Franz is opposed to the use of mercenaries, after all, the discipline and loyalty of this kind of army cannot be guaranteed.

But the Austrian Empire will never intervene in this kind of dispute. Even if it wants to, it will be closed like the Mexicans. At least Britain, France and the United States will not agree, and maybe Mexico will be added.

Moreover, the rebel army is terribly poor, and they should not have the money to instigate the mercenaries, so they can be used with confidence.

"But the Central American Federation is not rich, they simply cannot afford to pay commissions, and the federal treasury in Guatemala was even robbed by Carrera," Rauscher said.

At this time, Carrera felt extremely wronged, because they only found 400 ounces of gold in the central American federal vault in Guatemala City, equivalent to 3342.8 pounds.

"It's very simple, you can use the land as collateral in exchange for a loan, and then use the loan to hire troops to help them fight the war."

This method of empty-handed wolves will definitely satisfy the priests in Central America. As for the result, Franz doesn't care. The geographical location of Central America is very important, but its value as a colony is too low.

The main economic source of Central America depends on agriculture, corn, sugar, cocoa, tobacco...

"But..." Archbishop Rauscher seemed hesitant to speak, and Franz knew that the latter was what Archbishop Rauscher really wanted to say.

"Archbishop, just say what you want, don't have any scruples. If you shouldn't say something, I'll just pretend I didn't hear it." Franz said.

"Is there a way for you to establish a parish in Central America? Our church will definitely support you with all our strength."

Franz's face changed several times. To be honest, the situation in Central America and Chenla is completely different. Neither the great powers nor the American powers would allow the Church to establish a country in Central America.

"The price is too great, and it's not the time."

"Will the Austrian Empire provide an army?"

"No, you should let them go to the French. Now the French are more interested in Central America, and the French are willing to lend them money."

In fact, the British are more interested in Central America, but because of religious issues, the French are more suitable than the British to enter Central America.

After the French entered Central America, the British had even more reason to fight against the French.

At the same time, France will double-team Mexico, and will once again trample on the Monroe Declaration of the United States.

For Austria, it is undoubtedly a good thing that the great powers have turned their attention to the Americas. Austria can use the North American version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms to profit from it, instead of being trapped in it like Britain.

"French?" Archbishop Rauscher was a little surprised by Franz's answer. After all, mercenaries are very profitable, and the Austrian Empire has been in a state of peace for a long time, but has a large number of troops.

If part of the army can be turned into mercenaries, sending them to Central America can definitely reduce the financial pressure on the Austrian Empire.

"Yes, you can ask the French church to come forward. I think King Louis Philippe must be very willing to give the church this face."

There has always been a connection between the Austrian and French churches. Even the last time the Austrian church organized a fleet of French armed merchant ships, if there was no connection between them, it would not be believed if Franz was killed.

"Well, Archduke Franz, everything is as you wish." Archbishop Rauscher said.

Franz pointed to the box on the table, and Archbishop Rauscher shook his head.

"Archduke Franz, I feel that these gems can do more in your hands. The business of holy water and holy radiance medical alcohol and bleach is enough to fill the vacancy in the church. We will pray to God that you will continue For the benefit of the world."

The widespread use of bleach and rubbing alcohol had a great impact on the Austrian Empire. At least the large-scale cholera epidemic in the Austrian Empire basically disappeared, the number of people who died of dysentery also plummeted, the rate of death and disability caused by trauma also dropped significantly, and the survival rate of newborns and mothers continued to rise.

Compared with the money earned by the church, Archbishop Rauscher was delighted by the return of faith and the improvement of the church's reputation. At the same time, these operations also made his position in the Austrian Imperial Church more stable, and some people even planned to let the Pope Canonize Rauscher.

Of course, Rauscher himself is not interested in the title bought from the Pope, and he thinks that he should live for many years, and there is no need to worry about the honor that can only be obtained by a dead person.

Franz didn't speak, he just thought that these gems would benefit the two in the next room.

After Archbishop Rauscher left, two heads peeked out from the door.

Thalia handed Franz a tray of snacks and a glass of juice, and then turned behind Franz to squeeze his back for him.

"Frantz, you are amazing!..."

Adjani made a tiring exclamation with a sweet voice, which sounded a bit strange, mainly because Adjani didn't know what tone to use to speak to Franz.

At the same time, she looked at Franz with admiration. Half of her was sincere, and the other half was pretending, looking very hard.

She really couldn't believe her eyes and ears. After all, in her heart, the clergy have reached the level of an archbishop in a country. I'm afraid it would be difficult even for a king to drive them away. Archbishop Rauscher looks more like a saint who has received discipline. Just like.

"Okay, okay, pick your own. But remember, leave the biggest one for my mother. Yes"

Franz sat in the armchair, thoughtful.

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