The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Invitation from Central America (Part 1)

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

In the royal chapel, Archbishop Rauscher was sitting opposite Franz.

The archbishop's body was completely new, and all the decorations were completely replaced with rubies, especially the nine rings inlaid with rubies were really conspicuous.

Archbishop Rauscher opened a box, which was full of red and blue gemstones. These gemstones had been polished and could be inlaid directly in the jewelry shop.

What Franz didn't know was that these gemstones were actually of the highest quality, and the total price should be around 3 million florins. As for those that were not in good condition, they were sold directly to jewelry stores.

"Most of these were found in Chenla according to your instructions, Archduke Franz, and some were donated by believers. The diocese has expanded to eight provinces, and I believe that the entire territory of Chenla will be liberated in a short time."

It is obvious that the church’s support to Chenla has played a great role. Rubber trees have been widely planted in the church-controlled area, but it is still a few years before it is officially put into production.

At present, Chenla's income is far less than the church's investment, but Franz still has a way.

"The church can consider taking back the silver mine in northern Chenla first to fill the daily expenses."

"But those silver mines are in the hands of the Siamese. Siam is a big country with a population of 8 million. Although we have ceased war with the Vietnamese, if we go to war with Siam, Vietnam is very likely to take advantage of the situation and fight back. Siam and Vietnam are at war, and we may not have enough troops..."

Rauscher said with some embarrassment that the Austrian church has paid a lot for Chenla, not only in terms of financial resources, but also by sending many capable and loyal believers.

"Don't worry, archbishop. The Siamese don't have that kind of courage, and fighting is not just about numbers. Indulgences can be used now, but they can no longer be used after the French come. Large transactions are exchanged for Austrian expected banknotes." , use white lead money for small amounts.”

The church uses indulgences as currency in Chenla, the purpose is to extract the wealth of the Chenla area, but this kind of thing is very easy to be imitated, and Chenla people, Vietnamese, and Siamese cannot imitate it, which does not mean that they have advanced technology Nor can the Europeans.

In order to maintain the long-term peace and stable development of the region, it is necessary to use expected banknotes with a higher degree of anti-counterfeiting. At the same time, white lead money is a currency of little value and has no imitation value.

In fact, the Siamese did not have courage. The British invasion of Burma made the Siamese see the strength of the West. At this time, the King of Siam was trying his best to avoid all conflicts with the West.

Of course, the Vietnamese did as Archbishop Rauscher expected, thinking that this was an opportunity to take the opportunity to organize a counterattack. Of course, the end was a disastrous defeat, and they had to continue to cede land and pay compensation.

"Grand Duke Franz, the quality of these gems is not bad, I hope I can help you."

In fact, the best quality of rubies is Burmese ruby, but the ruby ​​in Chenla is very similar to it, enough to be fake in the eyes of laymen.

Although the British occupied Myanmar, they did not have strong control over the local area. In addition, the output of Burmese rubies was not high, so the ruby ​​market was not controlled by the British, which gave Austria an opportunity.

After all, the ruby ​​output in Zhenla is high and the quality is good, as long as there is no excessive input, the price can be kept high.

The red and sapphires in this box are enough to drive an ordinary person crazy. For ordinary people in this era, even if they don’t eat or drink, it will take tens of thousands of years to afford the gems in the box.

However, in Franz's eyes, they are of little value, they are just some decorations, the output is far lower than that of diamonds, the market recognition is not as good as diamonds, and the effect of making money is very poor. It is better to win the silver mine.

But the old **** stick can come up with so much, it must be asking Franz.

"Archbishop, what's the matter with you today? Please speak up."

"The Commonwealth of Central America is experiencing a rebellion, and countless innocent people are being killed. War, plague, and famine are raging in that land. Civilization is being savagely driven out, and the people there need your help."

The rebellion in the Central American Federation was entirely caused by the willful actions of former President Ramosan. It is obviously a stronghold of conservatives, and it insists on liberal reforms.

It would be fine if he was milder, but the president's methods are extremely rough, and the opposition will be exiled in light cases and executed in severe cases.

La Mosan advocated French ideas and strictly enforced the Napoleonic Code, but most Central Americans did not understand the law at all, and there were more people waiting to be executed in front of the market than the citizens in the market.

He also treated the church very simply and directly, abolishing tithes, confiscating church property, exiling missionaries, dismantling monasteries and letting nuns return to secular life.

At the same time, follow the example of Napoleon to establish the Saint-Cyr Military Academy, follow the example of Emperor Sui Yang to dig the Nicaragua Grand Canal, forcefully conscript the native Indians, like micro-manipulation, and have almost never won a war by themselves.

At the beginning of the rebellion, there were only a few thousand native Indians in the rebel army, and they used spears and sticks in their hands. La Mosan led an army of 20,000 and fought back and forth with a swineherd.

A year later, the ranks of the rebel army had grown to hundreds of thousands of people claiming that they had almost occupied the entire territory of Guatemala. Morazan had no soldiers to send, so the countries of the Central American Federation declared their was once They wanted to mobilize troops to take the opportunity to annex the Central American Federation, but they were warned by Britain and France, and the Americans also reiterated the Monroe Declaration, although it was useless.

Obviously, the fragmentation of Central America is more in the interests of the great powers. Only the president of Nicaragua still supports the Federation, but he does not have enough strength and appeal.

"Archbishop, as far as I know, President Ramosan is very opposed to the church and has almost zero tolerance for religion, and he himself is the source of turmoil. Why do you want to help him?"

"Grand Duke Franz, all you read is that the Europeans don't care about the lives of Central Americans. The war in the Commonwealth of Central America has turned into a massacre against the whites. The white population in Guatemala has decreased. The church cannot continue to sit idly by."

In fact, the massacre of white people was instigated by the church. The church, which was cornered by Morazan, took advantage of the outbreak of the plague in Guatemala to spread in the indigenous villages that Morazan sent people to poison the water.

As a result, the uprising against the liberal government quickly turned into a massacre against whites and all privileged classes. Although the priests of the church escaped, there is a saying that "the rabbit dies and the fox mourns."

Most of the missionaries of the church were also white. Although the mob restored the land of the church, they could not give the priests any sense of security.

Sure enough, there were massacres and robberies against priests in some areas, which made the churches in Central America even more panicked.

Liberals and conservatives both want to restore order, but they have found the wrong person. An extreme liberal like Morazan is not only incapable of this task, but will make things worse.

Even if order is temporarily restored by borrowing external forces, the Central American Federation will fall apart sooner or later.

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