The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 182: Light of hill

The train entered the Hill of Light station smoothly.

Light of Hill, capital of Kingdom of Shia, Shia military center, political center, economic center.

The development of the city is worthy of its name.

It is the light of Shia!

All sides of the city can be regarded as one of the developed cities even if it is put on the world level.

The population of this city alone has reached an astonishing 13 million, exceeding the total population of the entire state of Feitian and Chihu in the territory.

In addition, the city's GDP last year was 100 billion yuan, more than one-tenth of the country ’s GDP, plus various other factors ...

Makes the light of Hill the brightest pearl that is worthy of the entire Adam, a prosperous place that everyone aspires to.

This is the first time that Baili Qingfeng has come to Hill's Light.

Yu Changqing and others beside him frowned, frowning.

"What's going on? Why can't we find the target?"

"I turned four times in the carriage, and none of them met! Will we get in the wrong car? Or did the other party notice that they got off the bus earlier?"

"It is possible, but in this way, we are equal to the failure of the mission! This time is troublesome! This mission has a very high priority and the Prime Minister is responsible for it! The little girl who was taken away is our only Kia National Treasure Professor Kanis The granddaughter, Professor Kanis, disappeared three days ago and is suspected of falling into the hands of the gangsters. If these gangsters kidnap his granddaughter and use her granddaughter to force him to create highly toxic and biochemical weapons ... the consequences would be unimaginable. "

"The people have a mysterious background and a ferocious temperament. The Prime Minister's Gaia will lead the special team members to track them for three days. They also have no clues. They can't find anything useful. We have no way to defeat the Evergreen mission. "

Several people discussed, feeling very anxious.

However, Baili Qingfeng didn't know, and planned to go out under Shi Yiyi's leadership.

When Yu Changqing saw this, he quickly followed the two steps and reluctantly laughed, "Is there any arrangement for Mr. Baili? If there is no arrangement, it is better to walk with us and let us thank you for a meal? Although we are not people of Hill's Light , But it's a familiar one. "

"No need to bother, you seem to have something to do, but do your work first."


Yu Changqing hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "That's really sorry, we do have some things to deal with, Mr. Baili, please let me thank you for the opportunity."

"There will be a chance."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Shi Yiyi thought that the Thunder Sect that had just been established was in need of expanding its influence, and smiled and said, "Yu Zong has time to go to our city of Xia Ya, Qing Feng is now the Deputy Sovereign of Xia Ya."

"Thunder King?"

Yu Changqing gave Baili Qingfeng a surprised look, for a moment, nodded: "Must go!"

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng and the worried Yu Changqing all resigned.

The biggest impression on the Capital Railway Station Baili Qingfeng is big!

The station is large.

If it wasn't for Yiyi to lead the way, he wouldn't go around for half an hour by himself.

Looks like ...

Later, Hill Light took the train and had to rush to the station half an hour in advance. It was not possible to arrive at the station just at the time of ticket check-in as in Xia Ya and Wu He.

Out of the station, the lights were brilliant outside.

They departed from Charya at less than eight in the morning, and it was already ten in the evening.

Although it's not early, the light of Hill is still very lively at this time. The traffic coming and going everywhere can be seen in an alley not far from the train station. There are dozens of stalls.

"Qing Feng, I have already booked my accommodation. It is only one kilometer away from the Martial Arts Association. Let's go to rest for a night. I will accompany you to the test tomorrow morning. After the test, we will play in the Hill of Light? There is a lot of preferential treatment for martial arts. If you have a Level 4 certificate, many attractions are free. "

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Shi Yiyi quickly stopped a taxi.

Baili Qingfeng wanted to talk about changing to a bus, but soon he thought that the ticket could be reimbursed without having to pay for it himself. He immediately got into the taxi and arrived at the Shiyiyi hotel.

Although the hotel is not top-notch, it is not low.

After getting out of the car, Shi Yiyi came to the front desk and reported his name to the service staff.

The service staff took a look at Baili Qingfeng and looked at Shiyi Yi again. She looked slightly strange, but for a moment she smiled and said, "I'm sorry Miss Shi, we only have one room here, it is a warm and loving couple room. , It is suitable for you couples who are traveling, you see ... "

"There is only one room."

Shi Yiyi seemed a little hesitant and turned to look at Baili Qingfeng ...

Under the light, there seems to be some pink on her white cheeks?

"Qing Feng, look, you can live in one room and save money."

"This time all expenses are reimbursed! Why not open two?"

Baili Qingfeng said to the service staff: "I remember that there are usually presidential suites reserved in hotels. Give me a set, oh, remember to invoice."

Shi Yiyi is the granddaughter of the second grandpa friend Shi Tianya. He is innocent. If he lives in a room with Shi Yiyi, how bad is the reputation of other girls?

The biggest difference between children and adults is that adults learn to think for others.

The service staff heard what Baili Qingfeng said, it seems ...

Somewhat shocked! ?

A moment later, she returned to her mind and said, "Sir, do you want to open an apartment? In fact, there are several rooms in our suite, and it is more than enough to live with two people. Look, or how about we just help you directly upgrade the house? Let a lady It's not safe to live alone in a room, what do you say? "

"May I?"

Baili Qingfeng respected the opinions of Shi Yiyi.


"Then we will check you in."

The service staff secretly gave Shi Yiyi an expression that I can only help you get here, and then completed the relevant procedures for Baili Qingfeng.

Right now, the two took the elevator up the stairs.

It was just in the elevator that Shi Yiyi seemed a little unhappy.

But Baili Qingfeng expressed understanding.

Girls, there are always so many days of moody mood every month.

Presidential suites typically have two to three bedrooms.

After sitting in the car for a day, Baili Qingfeng was also a bit tired. After practicing the demon town, he took a bath, dried his hair and went to sleep.

one night……

Nothing happened.

After all, Shi Yiyi is the granddaughter of the second grandfather Baili, who is a long-time friend of Shi Tianya. There are naturally no other ideas for the relationship between the elders in Baili Qingfeng.

"Qing Feng, what is the arrangement today? Is it to go to the martial arts association for assessment or to visit the capital now?"

In the morning, Shi Yiyi and Baili Qingfeng greeted.

At this moment, she was wearing a pale pink pajamas. Although not as pure and beautiful as before, she was full of a lazy atmosphere.

"I'm going to my auntie and the third aunt's house, or you can help me first ask what kind of information to prepare for the martial arts certificate? For example, an inch-length photo, whether you wear a suit, or whether you bring your own sword or something problem."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Qing Feng, you are not going to test your driver ’s license or accounting certificate, but a Level 4 military certificate, that is, a war-level certificate. Which one of the war-level masters does not have respect and respect? As long as you can pass the assessment, these things do n’t need you to prepare. , Your own commissioner will arrange it properly for you. "

"Is it?"

Baili Qingfeng heard: "It looks very simple? Then we will do the business first, and then I will go to my grandmother's house after the test."

"it is good."

Shi Yiyi changed a little girlish clothes a little, the whole person a lot of color, went downstairs, and took him to the martial arts association one kilometer away.

However, Baili Qingfeng was out of the hotel, but his cell phone rang. As he connected the phone, a hot voice came out quickly: "Qing Feng, listen to your uncle saying you come to the light of Hill It ’s so boring not to notify me at Hill's Light, where is it now? "

"Xian Yin?"

This style of speech Baili Qingfeng recognized her identity for the first time.

Ge Xuan Yin, the daughter of the three concubines.

"Come here, I'll pick you up."

Ge Xianyin said directly.

Among the peers here, the only one who can talk to Baili Qingfeng is Ge Xianyin. On the one hand, the two are similar in age, on the other hand, Ge Xianyin is the kind of charismatic personality, frank and straightforward, and talk to everyone Come on.

"I'm with my friend ..."

"It's okay, your friend is my friend, and I promised my uncle that you're here to treat you well, don't hesitate, location."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Shi Yiyi.

"Ross Hotel, 103 Prince Avenue."

Baili Qingfeng repeated the moment.

"Well, are you on Principe Avenue? Wait for me for fifteen minutes."

Ge Xianyin hung up.

"Then I'll wait here."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud and looked at Shi Yiyi: "My sister is here, shall we act together or will you go to your friend?"

"Let's do it together, but I promised Grand Sky Grandma to take care of you, and I could also make a new friend ..."

Shi Yiyi's generous way added the last sentence: "Of course, if you feel inconvenient, I can go to the hotel to rest."

"I'm afraid you'll be bored then."

"No ~ ~ Aren't you still?"

The teacher Yiyi snuggled the hair between her foreheads and smiled lightly.

The two waited for more than ten minutes. A private car had already come over. A brake stopped in front of Baili Qingfeng. As the window was shaken, Ge Xianyin's figure was exposed, and he looked up and down a hundred times. Li Qingfeng gave a glance: "Well, cousin Qingfeng, I have grown into a little handsome guy in two years, and it is very stylish, it is exactly what my sisters like."

The next moment, her eyes fell on Shi Yiyi, and her eyes lit up suddenly: "Yes, cousin Qingfeng, this is a sibling? How beautiful."

"Shi Yiyi is my friend."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Shi Yiyi? Hello, I'm Ge Xianyin."

"Xian Yin."

Shi Yiyi smiled and greeted.

"Get in the car, will you come to Hill's Light for the first time? Sister will take you around."

Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi got into the car and asked, "Let's visit Dasao and Sansao?"

"What's there to visit? Everyone naturally met at noon while eating at" Jiang Xinyue ". By the way, do you have any play plans? If not, I'll arrange it."

"I was going to go to the Martial Arts Association to get a certificate today."

"The Martial Arts Association exams a certificate? Oh, I heard that you are practicing martial arts with your grandpa, right? Can it be verified? Trivial, I will arrange an assessment for you, a sister boyfriend will go to work in there, just go to work Can test! "

"Let's follow the rules."

"Rules and procedures? Um! Now everyone is practicing martial arts. You don't know the enthusiasm in front of the martial arts association. Don't care about the relationship, you don't want to line up for three days, anyway, you listen to my arrangements and get in the car."


(The plot of the next chapter should be guessed, if you don't like it, you can jump as appropriate.)

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