The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 181: Vignette

"Cai Wei, do you know?"

The man behind him asked a little surprised.


At this time, Yu Changqing, the emperor of the Evergreen Emperor who was also in the four-man team, saw something, and looked at Baili Qingfeng for a moment, his face changed slightly.

"Guru !?"

Obviously, he could see the kind of grand master-like charm on Baili Qingfeng.

On the train, met a guru?

Or are they on a rescue mission?

Feeling the tension of Yu Changqing, Yu Caiwei seemed to think of the tasks on them, and said quickly: "Father, do you remember what happened on the mountain in Rizhao a few months ago? This ... sir, it was me and Yingxia The one who met at the foot of the mountain ... "

"Under Rizhao Mountain? Is that him?"

Yu Changqing froze for a moment, immediately understood what, and quickly stepped forward with warm greetings: "Chang Qingzong Yu Changqing, took the liberty to disturb, this gentleman does not know how to call it?"

"My name is Baili Qingfeng. Hello."

Baili Qingfeng replied.

"Yu Changqing?"

Shi Yiyi seems to know quite a bit about the Shia Wushi circle. There are only a few strong masters in the circle. She does n’t say that she can call everyone ’s name, but she ’s heard about most of them, and guessed immediately based on his self-registration number. Came out, surprised: "Are you ... Mayor Huang Qing, the Mayor of Huangyan?"

"The girl has good eyesight, it's me."

Yu Changqing smiled at Yiyi and turned to Baili Qingfeng again: "Mr. Baili, what happened on Rizhao Mountain, thank you for helping each other. What you have done is indirectly saved our Evergreen Sect, we are evergreen. Zong is grateful. "

"You're welcome. I was just trying to protect myself."

Baili Qingfeng said.

He knew a little bit about the grievances between Chang Qingzong and the Sun Gate from the gentleman sword afterwards, but he also knew why Yu Changqing gave thanks.

"No matter what the reason, it is a fact that Mr. Baili saved our Evergreen Sect. This kind of kindness will always be remembered in our hearts. If you need help in the future, just one sentence, we will grow If Qingzong can do it, he will never quit. "

Yu Changqing said cautiously.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

However, he is not an ordinary person, and he does not plan to fight for anything in the martial arts circle, and does not need any help from the people of the Evergreen Sect.

At this time, another middle-aged man among the four seemed to think, and suddenly said, "Mr. Baili, take the liberty to ask, I don't know what is the relationship between you and the old man in Baileijian, Baihejian, Wuhe City, Xiahai.

"It's my second grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"No wonder!"

Hearing Baili Qingfeng's statement, the middle-aged man and Yu Changqing suddenly realized at the same time.

"It turned out to be the grandson of Grandpa Baili. After being famous, he was disrespectful."

Yu Changqing's look could not help but be more polite.

Even his mind was already guessing that the destruction of the Sun Gate might be done by Baili Changkong. A peak battle would be supplemented by the amazing cultivation of the Seven Refined Gods. Difficult.

"Unfortunately, Father is not there. If Father is there, our task ..."

What the middle-aged man was about to say, Yu Changqing had whispered to stop: "Snoring ... they are already bow-struck birds, don't have any conversation to avoid mission exposure ..."

The middle-aged man immediately stopped speaking.

Baili Qingfeng didn't want to ask each other in his eyes. He has always been a savvy obedient person, and he wouldn't force anything that others didn't want to let him know.

At present, with Yu Changqing's enthusiastic attitude, the two changed numbers and returned to their respective positions.

"Qing Feng, how do you recognize Master Yu? Are you Grandpa's friend?"

Seeing Yu Changqing leaving, Shi Yiyi whispered.

"I also saw him for the first time."

Baili Qingfeng said, standing up, "I'm going to the toilet."

After all, stood up and walked to the bathroom.

The toilet in this compartment seemed to be broken, and Baili Qingfeng had to go to the next compartment.

Someone, and a few others lined up outside.

Baili Qingfeng didn't want to wait, simply went to the third compartment.

When Qingli returned to the toilet, Qingfeng glanced over a seat.

Exactly a man in his seat.

This position is a couple in their thirties and up with a five or six year old girl who is sleeping, which is normal.

What really made Baili Qingfeng make a noise was the breath of the man.

His breath ... weird!

Seems like a guru, but he doesn't have the kind of roundness!

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng, as a spiritual practitioner, judges whether a person's strength is not based on that master's charm, otherwise, don't want to see the true cultivation of this man.

The way that the guru's full-bodied charm can converge?

Baili Qingfeng felt a little envious.

It ’s not good to be a guru. People in the realm can easily see your strength, and come over to say hello or something. Although it is not malicious, it is not troublesome?

What if he was calculating a mathematical formula one day and was interrupted by a hello when he was about to get results?

Baili Qingfeng was envious. The man's eyes have been a little longer. The man couldn't help but glanced at him, his face was cold: "Is something wrong?"


Baili Qingfeng felt his rudeness and was a little sorry.

In order to avoid the situation of "you 啾 啾, 啾 咋 咋, you try again", he quickly said a compliment: "Your convergence is really good, you can completely hide the charm of your body Get up, terrific. I have seen so many masters. You are the only one who can hide your breath to the point. "

In the end, he just praised it sincerely, but the man and the woman's faces changed greatly.

The woman immediately took out a dagger and reached the little girl's white neck: "Don't mess around! Otherwise I will kill her directly! Your mission should be to rescue her? If she is because of your recklessness, Dead, I see how you explain to Yasuo! "

The other man was even more direct.

At the moment when Baili Qingfeng said that he was using the breath-convergence technique to condense his breath, he shot directly. The dagger in his hand was like a cold mang, and he was assassinated under the increase of the interest rate. The speed was incredible.


Baili Qingfeng was a little embarrassed.

Just one more glance at you in the crowd, are you going to kill me?

Don't even need the "three-style cymbals", just kill them?

Moreover, you are a guru, and I am also a guru. The charm of the roundness is obvious here. Where can your confidence kill me?

Baili Qingfeng was about to make the man awake, and to teach it well, why did he want to kill people when they didn't agree, but this time, the woman did not hesitate to pick up the dagger at the little girl in a coma Sting it down.

The purpose of this thorn ...

Obviously to distract Baili Qingfeng.

But Baili Qingfeng, who originally wanted to calm them down, saw that they were so brutal and shot directly at the little girl, and couldn't help but look: "Stop!"

In front of him is this master-level man. If he blocks, he must not be able to avoid the man. Obviously, he will take a slow step. Then ...

The innate demon Zuz suddenly imagined from his spiritual world.

The mighty coercion of the divine realm seemed to carry a mighty power and fell fiercely on the woman, accompanied by the thunderous roar of the innate **** Zuz.

Refining God!

He has never used the mystery of refining, only refining the divine manifestation of the divine, under the impetus of his divine realm, has already deterred the woman on the spot.

Then he fluttered, patted the man's stabbed dagger with one hand, and as the carriage shook fiercely, he hit the man like a cannonball, not inferior to the sturdy physique of Master Lianhua who hit the man on the spot. Fly out and hit the train window fiercely, and the force of his own guidance shattered the train window glass on the spot.

While taking this opportunity, Baili Qingfeng yanked a hand and directly pulled the still-sleepy girl, or the unconscious little girl over, and hugged her.

"Ah! What's going on !?"

"A fight, someone is fighting!"

"Hurry up, call the police."

The two went from fighting to Baili Qingfeng to show the refining divine spirit to deter the woman and rescue the little girl who she was inexplicably threatening herself with. The whole process can be described as a spark of fire, without a breath, the passengers in the carriage have just When I reacted, I was exclaimed.

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng had rescued the little girl, the man did not hesitate to grab the woman who had not returned to his heart, and screamed, "Go!"

The next moment, she just pulled her out of the broken glass window and set off the train.

Regardless of the train is moving forward at a speed of no less than 60 kilometers per hour.

"Someone jumped!"

"Warriors! They are warriors, they are fighting!"

"What the **** happened?"

There was another exclamation in the crowd.

And Baili Qingfeng is also inexplicable.

He glanced at him a few more times, and then exaggerated that his breath-taking technique was exquisite. He used a dagger to assassinate himself like a neurosis, and even stab the little girl?

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had practiced both hands, he would be in danger.

"These two are estimated to be traffickers. Looking at the people they wear, they didn't expect to do such a thing ~ ~ Baili Qingfeng guessed.

As for the question of whether it is unreasonable for the master to be a trafficker, Baili Qingfeng will not consider it.

He is also a guru, and he still bargains with the master for a little money while riding a motorcycle?

Looking at the little girl who was still sleeping, Baili Qingfeng was a little speechless.

Fortunately, I rushed over by the police and asked what happened.

Baili Qingfeng quickly said his guess.

The couple had swords, and they were still warriors. They jumped off the train when they realized they were wrong. They did not look like a good person. This approach of Baili Qingfeng was completely worthy of bravery, and it was necessary to give him something when he was on police praise.

However, doing good things without leaving a name is one of the basic principles of Miyoshi students. Of course, Baili Qingfeng did not try to name these names. After handing over the little girl to the police, he found a bathroom and went to the toilet. He soon came to his place. That compartment.

Although the time when Baili Qingfeng left was not short, it was only ten minutes. When he returned, he was seeing a man who seemed to be going out.

The two met, and the man asked with a smile: "Mr. Baili, there seems to be some movement over there. What happened?"

"Oh, two traffickers trafficked a child, and now the child has been rescued by the police."

"Well, the traffickers are really hateful."


Baili Qingfeng nodded in deep conviction and returned to his place.

The man who heard the news also returned to their box-like seat and yelled at Yu Changqing Road: "It was a kidnapper who was rescued by the police."

"That should have nothing to do with our mission. Don't be extravagant in matters other than missions. Our goal is to be extremely fierce and cruel characters. We must have a 12-point spirit ..."

Yu Changqing said, to discuss the specific information of the mission with the three.

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