The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 156: 1 hammer trading

"Under my perseverance, day and night, my strength has finally strengthened. Now it is a little easier to deal with the cavemen warriors, and it really is a reward for heaven and earth! Even if my talent is worse, it is far beyond As long as I'm willing to work hard and use my brain, those sages and virgins will still be able to overtake the curve, and make rapid progress, surpassing those truly geniuses. "

Baili Qingfeng was somewhat pleased.

Surprised at the end of your efforts, and surprised that you can grow stronger all the time.

And just before Baili Qingfeng killed this caveman warrior without a breath, the vortex channel rippled away, and a caveman warrior suddenly emerged from the vortex and fell to the ground ...

The caveman warrior who fell to the ground still found the Baili Qingfeng guarded by the sword for the first time, his expression was a little hesitant.

Immediately after ...

He saw the suddenly fallen headless body of the Grotto Warrior.


The Grizzly Warrior's characteristic irritability and signature greetings appeared simultaneously on him ...



Baili Qingfeng started a refining **** Xiansheng and smashed it.

This caveman warrior is not a caveman warrior. Just visualize the innate demon Zuz to make it manifest. There is no need to cast the staff of thunder.

His refining **** Xiansheng now has a sense of "realism", and the deterrent effect is more than twice as strong as before, one deterrent and one deterrent.

Stop, kill with one sword!

The entire process is no more than one breath.

Moving clouds.

"the second!"

Baili Qingfeng completed the second kill, and continued to stare at the swirling channel.

And that passage did not disappoint him.

A second later, another caveman warrior jumped out of it.

As a result, the next battle becomes simple.

It's almost like repeating the picture just now.

Aggression, roaring, refining gods, deterring, killing with one sword ...

Then the next ...

Come again!

Next one ...


"It's better to refresh one by one."

Baili Qingfeng just stood at the exit of the vortex channel, and really did one, kill one, two, and kill a pair.

Anyway, it's a deterrent plus a sword.

The whole process is very rhythmic.

He even made Baili Qingfeng think of his Walkman, which hasn't been repaired for this since he broke down.

If you can play another song at this time, it is best.

There were only one or two songs in his mind.


The Walkman didn't take it.

As a last resort, Baili Qingfeng had to take the time to clean up the corpses of the cavemen who quickly accumulated at the exit of the vortex channel, so that those cavemen soldiers who jumped out later accidentally stepped on the pioneers and fell. , Disrupting the rhythm of his slaying cavemen.

Ten, fifteen, twenty ...

Just as Baili Qingfeng himself did not count how many Grotto soldiers were beheaded, the steady stream of Grotto soldiers suddenly stopped.

This interrupted rhythm gave him a slight pause.

Coincidentally, at this time, the channel has expanded to the extreme. Although it has not reached two meters, it has a diameter of one meter and six meters.

The pause lasted ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, the ripples dissipated, and the two cavemen jumped out of the passage at the same time.

A caveman warrior, a caveman warrior.


The cavemen warriors and cavemen warriors shook their heads with dizziness and quickly saw the miserable sight of a corpse in the entire cave. The eyes suddenly became blood red, and the anger was burned fiercely on the two cavemen.


The cavemen's warriors snarled loudly, and the terrible horror erupted all over their bodies, rolling about, leaving the entire cave filled with a touch of oppression.

"Come here!"

Bai Liqing Feng's eyes flashed, holding the sword on.

"Human @% ¥ & 死 * # ……"

Facing Baili Qingfeng, this caveman warrior shouted a wave of Baili Qingfeng who did not understand, and then ...


Not bad!

This menacing, but also left a few swear words, the Grotto Warrior inspired the evil spirit, bloody, and did not aim at Baili Qingfeng like everyone else, but chose to turn around and Run and want to withdraw from the channel!

"What about your unyielding spirit and courage !?"

Baili Qingfeng drank in a low voice and quickly visualized the innate **** Mozuz. At the same time, a large number of lightning bolts appeared on the demon, holding in his right hand to pick the stars and take the moon.

Mystery Refining-Staff of Thunder.

The Thunder Wand is formed and projected ...

Never step through the void!

Almost at the time of the formation of the Thunder Wand, it already acted on the spiritual world of this caveman warrior. On the spot, the thinking of this caveman warrior was completely blank, as if his will and spirit were blown up and shattered.

"call out!"

Jianguang is empty!

Baili Qingfeng's long sword flew, and this deterred caveman warrior was pierced through his head by a sword.

But when he killed this caveman warrior, the caveman warrior who walked with the caveman warrior took the opportunity to step back into the vortex channel and lost his trace.

Seeing that it was gradually shrinking, it would shrink to a passage that humans could not enter in a minute or two, and Baili Qingfeng had to stop the idea of ​​chasing in.

Not to mention what happens if this channel is closed, just two or three hundred cavemen warriors on the opposite side are ready to go, which is enough to make Baili Qingfeng stop.

The Grotto Warriors are not the strongest of the Grotto social classes. Going up, there are lords, great lords, and kings of the Grottoes who can open up a country.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the still open channel and waited quietly.

A minute passed.

"Should these cavemen warriors not come?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the vortex channel without any movement, and couldn't help frowning: "Should the cave people not be afraid of death one by one, there are as many as two or three hundred people in the cave, maybe even more Many ... I am just a newcomer who has practiced martial arts for less than a year. So far, there is no ternary training in one, so I am not a real strong person. Why are these cavemen no longer transferred here ... When is heroic Fearless burrow people have become so timid? "

Baili Qingfeng continued to watch, watching ...

Until the passage narrowed to no longer could accommodate any creatures.

He was speechless.

not coming.

Grotto people really don't come.

In the case of hundreds of elite warriors and at least one caveman warrior, they stopped and stopped their aggression against human society.

A person.

He's the only one here.

But also a newcomer who has practiced martial arts for less than a year.

The third-level warrior, let alone the entire human world, can't splash any waves even if it is thrown into Xia.

But he was a small third-level warrior, but he forced hundreds of cavemen warriors to step into this channel ...

These cave people ...

Definitely the most irritated group he has ever seen.

Compared with those brave and fearless people in the war of Shire at the time, these people in the caves can be called as human shame.

Baili Qingfeng waited for a few more minutes, and when he did not see any of the cavemen fighters rushed out after the passage was completely closed, he turned his eyes silently.

He had a hunch in his heart.

This was just discovered by him, and he used the recent Chen Jin to refresh the point, I am afraid it will be used up.

Shaking his head, Baili Qingfeng turned his gaze back to the cavemen who had been killed by him.

Counted a few, two cavemen warriors, cavemen warriors ...


This time he killed a total of twenty-six cavemen.

The number is not many, compared with the previous nine cave people, it has not been tripled.

Even because of an accident, this time the Big Cryptocratic explosion is likely to turn into a hammer sale.

However, Baili Qingfeng was somewhat relieved that this time the cavemen were mostly elite. Of the twenty-four cavemen warriors, nineteen were self-defense soldiers.

Ordinary cavemen can provide two to three kilograms of Chenjin. The cavemen who have a self-defense caveman weigh about ten kilograms, and the cavemen on the cavemen often reach forty kilograms.

In other words, the twenty-six cavemen provided him with a total of nearly 300 kilograms of Chenjin.

It doesn't matter what it takes to build a heavy armor.

"Unfortunately, I just don't know if those cavemen will continue to invade our human world after nineteen days."

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, looking at the corpses in the entire cave ... One after another moved to the end of the channel and buried it ~ ~ Xin Kui When the cave people dug the tunnel, it was relatively long Otherwise, there is no place to bury the entire passage. "

Baili Qingfeng relied on the increase in physical strength given by the demons disintegration technique, digging one by one, the efficiency is not slow.

After a while, twenty-six cavemen had been buried by him.

With scattered pieces of Chen Jin, it took Baili Qingfeng two trips to move all of these expensive materials into his yard.

Looking at these Chen Jin, Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

Either the heaven and earth spirits, or the heavens and earth treasures, only those that can come in handy are good treasures.

Even if he has a few hundred kilograms of Chenjin, if it cannot be used, it is still useless.

Considering that he last hit the Aurora Empire consulate, the duration of the entire battle lasted two minutes, and Chen Jin's armor couldn't bear it anymore. Now he took out his mobile phone and dialed directly to Xuanhuang Hui.

"Mr. Baili is here to inquire about the progress of your armor repair? Please rest assured that we will complete the repair of the armor in three days to ensure that your armor looks brand new and bright."

Orly's voice came from the mobile phone, and at the end, he added: "In addition, at your request, we left a small pocket on the inside of the armor, which ca n’t hold too many things, but a walkman or a mobile phone is still No problem. "

"Really? That's great. I'll give you a good review by then."

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

But he did not forget his business.

"The performance of that armor is not as good as I expected. Although Chen Jin is a special metal, he wants to carry high-explosive shells and armor-piercing shells, so that the armor is better than heavy tanks. Light and medium armor is obviously not enough, so I think Cast another set of heavy or super heavy armor, and see when Master Batter has time. "

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