The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 155: Thunder Staff

Baili Qingfeng sat in this cave, quietly waiting for the people in the cave to refresh.

Soon he seemed to find something, his gaze fell on the top of the cave.

"This cave seems to have become a little higher ... Last time I remember that the height should not have reached this level yet ... Is it because I read wrong or the last time I refreshed the burrows, I was bored, knowing that I had not rushed Then, the cave was deliberately dug a little bit larger? It is convenient to fight with me as a battlefield? "

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment ...

Did not see anything.

Come on, keep waiting.

By the way, think about cultivating cancer cells in the body as infinite energy to perfect the feasibility of the three demons disintegration technique.

If you can really use this idea to perfect the demon dismantling technique three ...

Then it's time to call the four demons disintegration?

But this idea just makes up for the shortcomings of the demon dismantling III, so that the demon dismantling III can persist for a long time, will it be a bit exaggerated to directly name the demon dismantling IV, or it will be called the super demon dismantling III super version ? Abbreviation for Super Demon Smash III?

Maybe ...


Just as Baili Qingfeng thought about this problem, some small changes suddenly occurred in the cave.

The whole cave ...

No, exactly, the space where Baili Qingfeng is located seems to be thrown into the lake surface with stones, and ripples slightly.

Watching these ripples Baili Qingfeng froze slightly, instinctively felt the danger, quickly retreated, and retreated to the passage outside the cave in one breath.

After he retreated to the passage outside the cave, it was still a little fuzzy, and the ripples like a phantom gradually became real, and continued to spread outwards, and it seemed to be real.

Especially when these ripples hit the walls of caves, they seem to contain majestic forces, compressing those walls one by one, so that the diameter of the caves expands invisibly.

This scene explained the reason why Baili Qingfeng felt the cave expanded.

"Cave people are going to refresh? But, this refresh method ... is amazing ..."

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment and could only explain this scene with the spirit.

Ripples are rippling around, and the amplitude is getting larger and clearer. After this ripple has lasted for ten minutes, it seems to reach some kind of critical point. The pressure is dissipated. There was a flash of light at the point, and then, the light spread, gradually ...

Formed something like "holes", "channels" and "vortexes".

This "channel" appeared, so that Baili Qingfeng could vaguely see the opposite environment, it seems ...


It is also a cave.

But the cave is undoubtedly much larger than the cave where Baili Qingfeng is located. Baili Qingfeng estimates that the entire cave is 30 meters high, and the width cannot see the side, and, by some The shimmering moss plants, he can still dimly see some buildings in the distance?

Soon, Baili Qingfeng's gaze had shifted from those buildings to a group of cavemen behind the "channel".

The picture is blurry!

Seems like looking at the stones in the bottom of the lake through the muddy water several meters deep.

It can be seen vaguely ...

The cave people behind the "passage" are really not one or two, but a bunch.

At first glance, Baili Qingfeng estimated that there were definitely more than a hundred people in the caves opposite the "channel".

When he didn't have time to further see how many cavemen fighters there were, the picture became more blurred, like a chaos, he could only discern faintly. As the first three cavemen warriors in armor, he was shouting in front of the front, What mobilization? The remaining cavemen warriors screamed and shouted, one after another.


Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

If it is said that the cavemen are warriors wearing armor, then there are really three cavemen warriors on the opposite "passage"!

Generally speaking, the Grotto Warriors are equivalent to centurions in the Grotto social structure ...

If the three cavemen warriors, the cavemen warriors must have ...

Three hundred! ?

"Three hundred cavemen warriors, great, enough for me to brush up for a while."

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised: "I just hope that these three hundred cavemen soldiers do not brush out at one time when refreshing, it is best to have a few brushes, a dozen or a dozen can do it. Hit a wave, then collapse the mountain, rest for a period of time and hit a second wave, so that my cultivation treasure will be destroyed. "

At the moment, he patiently waited for the official formation of this suspected "channel".

See how many Grotto Warriors are opposite. He didn't hesitate to wait here early in the morning. Even the morning demon town had no time to train.

The "passage" in the middle of the cave was further stabilized, and a vortex one meter in diameter gradually appeared, and the vortex was still increasing.

Just that speed ...

Baili Qingfeng estimates that if it lasts for another two or three minutes, it will gradually shrink, and in three or four minutes, it will not be able to accommodate anyone to pass.


As Baili Qingfeng looked at the existence of this channel, a ripple spread.

Immediately afterwards, in the whirlpool-like passage, a small figure appeared suddenly ...

This figure ...

Full body armor!


A caveman warrior!

Grotto people refresh one by one! ?

At the moment when Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on the caveman warrior, the caveman warrior also seemed to see Baili Qingfeng, two distinct biological eyes instantly converging in the void.


Suddenly solidified.

The next moment, this caveman warrior reacted fiercely, with a loud roar in his mouth: "@% & * ambushed *!"

When the Grotto Warrior roared somehow, Bailiqing moved!

Baili Qingfeng has always been an action!

When confronting the enemy, you can never use your sword without empty hands!

If you can sneak attack, you are definitely not going to kill!

If you can start first, you will never give the other party time to react!

after all……

He is just a martial arts enthusiast, a martial arts beginner, who has practiced martial arts for less than a year. If he ca n’t recognize his position and learn all kinds of pomps and pay attention to those martial arts practitioners, he will definitely be born of the rich experience of the other party. Killed.


Out of respect and responsibility for his own life, he did not hesitate to run the demon dismantling technique one or two, detonating the blood and blood contained in his body, the majestic energy running through the body, and turning into terrifying kinetic energy to promote his body, Let him swept away towards this absurd warrior warrior like a wind.


The cavemen warriors have experienced hundreds of battles, and their reaction speed is not uncomfortable.

When the Baili Qingfeng was about to slay in front of him, with a loud roar, the tomahawk in his hand was about to be picked up and chopped off at Baili Qingfeng's head.

However, just as he burst out of his own power that was far better than Baili Qingfeng's plan to break through the sky, behind Baili Qingfeng suddenly appeared the phantom of the innate demon Zuz ...

Do not!

Not a ghost!

This innate deity Zuz seems to be a living creature from ancient myths. Today, he straddles the barriers of time and space and descends into the world, forming an unprecedented spiritual shock to all beings.

Endless coercion and raging thunder entangled in him, deterring all creatures' spirits, even though this caveman warrior, who is extremely resistant to the method of divine revelation, also lost his mind for a moment and thought he was fighting It ’s not the power of mortals, but the power of God!

How can mortals resist the true God! ?

Fortunately, the special will training made the Grotto warrior bite his tongue fiercely, and with pain and **** stimuli, he forcibly awakened from this deterrence. His mouth seemed to be completely enraged and fearless. roar!



This innate demon Zuz once again held a virtual hand, and the endless thunder condensed in his hand, radiating a fierce and violent light. In the center of that light, it seemed that a scepter was gradually condensing, like a divine punishment above nine days. In the moment of cohesion and formation, with great power, he threw directly at this caveman warrior.

Refined Mystery-Thunder Staff!

God is gracious!

Superb power!

The Grotto Warrior managed to get rid of the physical shock of the innate **** Demon Zuz, but in the face of this vast and mighty demon that can clearly bring harm and pain ~ ~ But it was shocking. Roar, can only wave an axe in despair at the thunderous rod that comes from the nine-day blast!


The unprecedented explosion filled the spiritual world of this caveman warrior, and scattered his entire body's spirit and will, leaving it blank!

If this caveman warrior is really a strong **** of refining, he would be awakened for the first time in this spirit and will torn apart and blank, realizing that his soul has not been smashed into fragments. ,blank……

Nothing happened at all.


He is not!

Although the cavemen warriors have polished their spiritual wills, they can feel that they have completely died and lost all the psychological resistance after "personally" experiencing the great axe of the thunder rod and smashing their consciousness. activity.

He worked hard and bravely gave out an axe of despair, worthy of his combat courage!

Is it reasonable that mortals die under the punishment of God?

The reason why the thinking has not dissipated ...

Probably his own soul, going up to heaven?

But soon, this illusion has turned into reality.

After deterring this caveman warrior's consciousness with a thunder rod, the hundred-lily Qingfeng sword rushed to it ...

A skull had risen into the sky, with red blood, crossed an arc, fell to the ground, and rolled a few more times.

One sword bowed his head.

Not long ago, a caveman warrior who had to die nine lives and died in a **** battle was killed by him on the spot, relying on his strength in refining the realm of **** and mystery.

the whole process……

Extremely easy!


(This is why human bones are different from humans, and the grievances in Newton's power have finally been washed away.)

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