The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 327: Elves waiting to evolve

The dull beast and the dull king actually have the same race value.

The only difference is that the race values ​​have changed after evolution.

After evolved into a dull beast, it will take physical defense as its strength, and is relatively good at physical defense. At the same time, it will be more inclined to develop water system attributes in the future attribute development.

And evolved into a dull king, he will be special defense for long, is better at special defense, in the development of attributes, will be more inclined to super powers.

However, the dull beast also has one advantage that the dull king does not have: the dull beast can be super-evolved, but the dull king does not.

Although superevolution has not yet been discovered and announced, but Aoki, who knows the subsequent development, thinks that some preparation must be made in advance.

Aoki originally told him about the future evolution of the dull beast through his electrocardiogram. At the same time, he also told the dull beast the advantages and disadvantages of the two evolutionary methods, hoping that he can make his own choice.

Actually, this foolish beast of Aoki was originally different from other foolish beasts. The ordinary foolish beasts felt a bit dull or stupid, but this foolish beast of Aoki can be said in terms of intellectual development. Reflects its characteristics as a super-powered sprite.

Aoki still remembers that Zeng Jin, a dark green dwarf, was remembered by the superpowered queen Nazi.

As an emperor-level trainer, he can look at a dark-green qualified elf, and it can be seen that this dumb beast's talent in terms of super power attributes is absolutely explosive.

Therefore, in fact, the dull king is more suitable for his evolutionary direction, but dull beasts can be super-evolved, which is another thing that must be considered.

After learning about Aoki's meaning, the dumb beast did not make a choice immediately, but fell into silence.

However, he confirmed one thing with Aoki, that is, who will be the leader after the integration and evolution? It is still the consciousness of the two elves.

In the end, Aoki told the dumb beast that there is a 90% probability that it is dominated by him, and after the evolution of the big tongue, more functions are still similar to the role of a defensive equipment model.

"Well, you still have time to think about it anyway, but no matter which evolution direction you need, you need a big tongue, and according to my understanding, the qualifications after the integration evolution should have the qualifications of the two elves The relationship is different from two flat spirits of the same kind, but if you find a high-quality large tongue, it will definitely be of great benefit to you in the future. "Aoki communicated with the drowsy beast telepathy.

If it is two iron dumbbells, the qualifications after evolution should be equal, but this evolution of the dumb beasts, although the qualifications will also have an impact, Aoki speculates that it is more likely that the qualifications of the dumb beasts are Foundation, and then promote him with the qualifications of the big tongue, as to which step can be reached, it depends on the actual situation.

"Yeah!" The dumb beast nodded and agreed.

Anyway, no matter what direction of evolution, the big tongue is essential, so it is better to first conquer a big tongue, and then think slowly.

Standing aside, Miyamoto looked at Aoki and the foolish beast communicating with super powers, but when he noticed the big tongue on the shore, he felt a stunned look.

Although he did not know that there was another evolutionary type of dumb beast, he knew that dumb beast evolution needed a big tongue.

So, are you ready to catch a big tongue?

Aoki is indeed preparing to catch a large tongue, but Aoki's requirements for large tongues are infinitely increased.

Now the qualification of the foolish beast is dark green, which is enough for his current strength, but when Aoki once again grows into a captain and even a quasi-cadre, the dark green qualification is not enough.

Although you can improve your qualifications through energy crystallization, if you want to upgrade again, you need cross-class promotion. Obviously, it is not something that can be achieved by medium-sized energy crystallization.

And Aoki is still thinking about it. If the dumb beast is a flashing elf, if it is combined with a large tongue that is not flashing, what is the probability that it will be a flashing elf after evolution?

Although the dull beast has not seen any advantages as a flash elf, the flash elf is a very rare elf after all. If it can maintain his flashing state, Aoki definitely hopes that the dull beast or dull king will still be after evolution. Flashing.

Then Aoki's requirements for big tongues are even more stringent. If they have more rare qualifications, it is best to flash big tongues, which is really nothing.

You must know that Aoki has been in this world for so long, and the only wild elf that has ever seen it is this dumb beast.

Really thought that everyone was Ogo, and found the four flashing elves directly?

However, Aoki can lower the requirements. If the large tongue found can have cyan or dark cyan qualifications, it is not a flashing spirit, and he can accept it.

But if it is dark green or light cyan qualification, it must be a flashing tongue.

This is the bottom line of Aoki.

Because he always felt that after the dumb beast evolved, he could fully reveal his glittering characteristics.

"Miyamoto, let's move around freely ~ ~ I'm going to look for a big tongue with excellent qualifications to prepare for the beast in advance." Aoki said to Miyamoto.

"Good!" Miyamoto nodded respectfully, and went straight into the woods with the hot monkey and monkey monster.

Aoki watched him disappear into the woods before falling into meditation again.

With his current strength, he is almost in the face of Yang Ping, not to mention he has a hole card. If the level of the elves can be improved again, or if several elves can complete the evolution, then his grasp will be a little greater.

Big tongue is just one part of what Aoki wants to prepare.

"Tyrannosaurus, go down to see how many big tongue shells and how many spiny shellfish there are." Aoki said to Tyrannosaurus.

After hearing the order, Tyrannosaurus nodded obediently, and a turn over disappeared on the water.

Aoki now has 80% certainty of this river, which is the same as the river that used to subdue the beast.

Standing on the shore with a dull beast and a dark crow waiting silently.

In fact, it's not just dumb beasts. Dark crows now have the conditions to evolve, but Aoki is waiting for a high-quality dark stone.

If you now hold a superb dark stone, and let the dark crow evolve into a crow's head, Aoki has a lot of confidence to defeat Yang Ping.

Because he used the worms of the insect system, and the crow's head after the evolution was evil and flying spirits, which has a great advantage in attributes.

At the same time, the prankster ’s dark crow ’s characteristics will become overconfidence after evolution. Although the role is completely different, overconfidence is also a very powerful feature. If you use it well, you can even complete a series of six feats. !!


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