The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 326: The direction of dumb beast evolution

However, after all, the trial island is very large, and there are really not many people you can meet.

So most of the time, I'm fighting wild elves and looking for points cards.

Before dark, Aoki found a total of five points cards, adding up to a total of twenty points, Aoki scored sixteen points, Miyamoto four points.

But for Aoki, this point is not the most important, the important thing is that the strength of the elves has been improved again.

After knowing Yang Ping's strength, Aoki knew that he still had a little gap with him, so in the later time, he deliberately trained his elf.

Of course, Miyamoto also accepted two good elves, a 27-level, green-qualified monkey monster, which he encountered when looking for a second point card.

Miyamoto himself proposed a battle to make the hot monkey fat and eat the monkey monster, and finally conquered it.

It can be said that he knows the elves like monkey monsters well. As long as he is upgraded by one level, he can complete the evolution. At that time, Miyamoto's strength can be improved again.

Moreover, the green qualifications are still okay, even on the trial island, they are relatively rare.

Then there was a level 30, light green qualified rumbling stone, which was also encountered when looking for a score card. Miyamoto fancy his defense and existing combat power.

He believes that in the next period, with the cooperation of Aoki, his elf can take damage as the front row, because he found that Aoki did not have a "meat" elf in the front row, so he chose to do this position.

In this way, while the strength of Aoki's elves has been improved, the strength of Miyamoto is gradually recovering.

Soon the day was over. By night, when Aoki was making food for the elves and arranging training tasks, Miyamoto found a corner by himself and completely conquered both elves.

Then shocked by Aoki's extravagant use of advanced energy blocks for each elven, he also completed his initial mastery of two new income elves.

At night, each sent an elf vigil, and the two went to sleep directly in the forest.


The third day.

in the morning.

Aoki took Miyamoto and embarked on the exercise of the elves, looking for the point card by the way.

Yesterday, I found five points cards. Before that, Paul got a total of six points cards. Now there are only seven points left on the map with flashing red dots.

It can be seen that there are not many points on the map.

And the locations of the trial islands covered by these map fragments are not large.

Aoki estimates that if the size of the trial island is proportional to the size of this map, it is estimated that there are nearly 50 map fragments on the entire island, only a lot more.

Then, for each map fragment, you can get 50 to 60 points for calculation.

Just take him a little bit more, the score card on each map can have sixty points, for a total of fifty maps, then there are three thousand points? !!

so much? !!

Aoki was taken aback when he calculated it.

This may only be a conservative estimate.

Of course, it is impossible to find all the map fragments on the trial island, and almost half of them have not been found, after all, the land is scarce.

So that's 1,500 points?

The points of all the trainers add up to an estimated 500 points.

In other words, the total score is almost 2,000.

Then if you want to get the first place steadily, as long as you get a thousand points, you will be one hundred percent, and there will not be much deviation.

How many points does Aoki have now?

Together, there are now seventy-three points, which means that one-tenth of Li's goal has not been reached.

However, if all the score cards on this map fragment are found, you should be able to complete one tenth of your goals.

So, if you want to get more points, killing is the fastest.

Of course, it ’s not the weak chicken, it ’s better to be like Paul. The trainers who joined in later are very powerful. After two days, they must have collected a lot of points.

If you can kill these people, the speed of crediting will definitely be much faster.

However, blind search is not the way, Aoki decided to first find out the point card on this map, and then began a fishing program with Miyamoto.

When looking for the score card yesterday, Aoki deliberately found out the score card in the forest first, so all the score cards we are looking for today are either in the river or by the river.

Take Miyamoto to the familiar river again.

Aoki directly released the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it was much easier to find the score card in the water with him.


An hour later, the dumb beast defeated the last goldfish king and got a five-point points card that was dropped in their lair.

At the same time, because of this battle, the level of the dumb beast has been raised again, reaching 34.

After entering the Trial Island, the number of battles is still dumb beasts, so dumb beasts have the highest level, but also the fastest upgrade.

All these goldfish kings were discarded by the shore and ignored, Aoki took Miyamoto along the river and continued.

Only halfway through, Aoki found some large tongues lying on the banks of the river.

When Aoki went in, the three big tongue shells lying on the shore ~ ​​ ~ stared closely at the dumb beast beside Aoki, as if they saw something fun.

The dumb beast also felt a little surprised.

"Master, I feel ... These big tongues seem to have attracted me in a special way, as if ... they can help me." The dumb beast told Aoki his feelings through electrocardiogram.

The special sense from the sixth sense is very strange, as if destined.

Aoki heard it dumbly, too.

Now the dumb beast has reached level 34, and it will almost have a special response to the elves such as the big tongue.

As long as the dumb beast has enough strength, it will evolve when it is willing to be bitten on the tail by a large tongue. It is also one of the strangest evolutionary ways in the elven world.

According to Aoki, dumb beasts and large tongues should be in the elven world. Of all the elven species, a few can complete the evolution of integration with elves of two different races.

The other is the evolution completed by two kinds of elves, such as Ogo ’s metal monster, which is an evolution that can only be completed after the two iron dumbbells are combined.

After the dumb beast and the large tongue are combined, two evolutionary directions can be produced. One is to evolve into a dull beast after the tail is bitten by the large tongue, and the other is relatively rare. , Biting his head by a big tongue can evolve into a dull king!

Although the idiot king has evolved, not many people in this world know it, but Aoki knows it better.

So Aoki felt that it was time for the dumb beast to make a choice.

The dull beast?

Still a dull king?


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