The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 159: Golden body red-tailed yellow river carp

Ye Fei live room.

None of the people thought that this audience named Lushan Yake would not hit it, but it would hit 50 aircraft carriers directly.

That's 1.5 million!

What makes everyone speechless is that this talk is still so low-key, not much, meaning, He is poor.

When thinking of these words from Lushan Yake, many people can't wait to have the urge to spit three pounds of blood, thinking that if you are like the poor, then what are we like? This is too hard for people.

After Lushan Yake's fifty aircraft carriers were rewarded, they directly concealed their skills and reputations, and the goods stopped talking.

"Lushan Yake, come out!"

"Come out and end with you. You're too bad. Can you give us hope for life?"

"Yake ... I'll give you one hundred and one points for your pretense. Even if you're proud, I can't deduct one point. It's too much of a surprise.

I was eating: "It seems that there are more and more seniors in Ye Shen's live broadcast room, but I look a bit abrupt."

Eat all over the world: "Oh, I'm going, this girl is really coming and going like the wind, I haven't responded yet, is this over?"

There were a lot of bitter smiles on his face: "Taught, really taught, I thought I was extravagant today, but I didn't expect there were any more powerful people than me."

An elegant bomb from Lushan Yake blasted Ye Fei's live studio directly.

If there is another person who stays calm, it is an old man in Nanjiang. This old man can't beat the original rhythm. The spacecraft, aircraft carrier, spacecraft, and aircraft carrier are crazy.

Ye Fei had no idea what was happening in the live broadcast room. After he finished making the puff pastry, he then put the pan on the plate, but he didn't dare to set it aside, because he was too clear about Qin Zekai and Duan Ziwang. It is estimated that when you finish making the sweet and sour crispy fish, you can only pack the plate.

Beware of Qin Zekai and Yin San and two goods!

After Qin Zekai finished eating the shortbread pancakes in his hand, the goods stared straight at the remaining ones on the plate: "Yes, can you eat another one?"

Yin San was also staring at the pastry pancakes: "Ye Fei, we are a platform, it should be a colleague, I think there should be a blessing and sharing between colleagues, I do n’t want one alone, and I and Qin Shao us Can two be one? "

Ye Fei pretended not to hear, and said directly: "Dear friends, the puff pastry has just been finished. Next, we will cook a second dish. This dish can be said to be made in many places, but the most authentic thing is Sichuan cuisine. "

"Sweet and sour crispy fish, this is a home cooking that is extremely common in Xichuan. The important step in making this dish is the ingredients. The fish is well selected and the taste is very wonderful."

"In fact, there are many kinds of fish that can make sweet and sour crispy fish. The most common ones are four big fish, herring, grass carp, catfish, and catfish. These four kinds of fish are the most used, which has led many people to think of making This dish is to use these four kinds of fish, which is actually wrong, and there is another kind of fish that is also the best ingredient for sweet and sour crispy fish, which is carp. "

With that said, Ye Fei came to the front of the storage compartment, opened a storage compartment, and took out a fish from it.

Look at this fish again. It has a flat body, a big belly, and a horseshoe-shaped mouth. There are two pairs of long whiskers on both sides of the mouth. The body is golden yellow and a bit orange-red at the tail.

Many people have been surprised by the appearance of this fish.


"Well, this carp that Ye Shen took was really beautiful, fat and big. At first glance, it was delicious, tender and juicy."

"No, lying down, no, brothers, this fish ... the golden body is red-tailed, this this ..... this Nima is the Yellow River carp !!!"

"Slumped, Yellow River carp? This is the best of carp."

"It ’s more than just superb. It ’s said that this kind of fish is related to dragons. The carp jumps over the dragon gate. According to legend, this fish has already crossed the dragon gate and can be turned into a dragon as long as the amount is credited. As a result, the ancients said that this kind of fish is arowana, especially the carp in the Yellow River, which is a rare food. "

"Yellow river carp, top quality food, is as expensive as cattle and sheep. This is really a good ingredient that makes people think about it."

"Yes, although there are more yellow carp sold recently, there are not many authentic ones at all, and many of them are artificially farmed."

"Yeshen definitely won't use artificially raised carps. We still know Yeshen's character."

Everyone was talking and saw Ye Fei holding the fish that was still beating in his hand and introduced: "The sweet and sour crispy fish we made today is the one in my hand. This is an authentic yellow river carp. Everyone also saw that the golden body and red tail are slender. This is the standard of the Yellow River carp. Carp. We usually also call red fish, hairy fish or crucian carp. It is also known as perch, lake fish, and pine salmon. Famous fish, and in the Yellow River, carp is rare and delicious. Our ancestors based on the long experience of eating carp, summed up the most delicious carp in four places, namely Xia Ning Yellow River Carp, Southern Henan Yellow Carp, Lushan Yellow River Carp and Xishan Yellow River Carp. Since our first dish is made of puff pastry in Lushan Province, the carp we chose for this Sichuan dish is also Lushan Yellow River carp. "

"To make sweet and sour crispy fish, the main ingredient is fish, but other ingredients are also essential."

Talking, Ye Fei started to take auxiliary materials from another storage compartment.

Onion **** garlic is essential, the other is vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, starch, small sesame oil, cooking wine, peanut oil and so on.

When all the ingredients are ready, Ye Fei starts to kill the fish.

There are many ways to kill fish. Ye Fei uses the most traditional killing method. First, he slammed the fish head twice with the back of a knife, and the carp suddenly jumped. Then Ye Fei went to the fish scales, and then used scissors to fish Cut off the abdomen, remove the internal organs, and leave only the fish stings inside. Finally, the left and right gills are removed, and the fish is almost the same.

Just to completely remove the fishy smell of the fish, there is another thing that must be taken out, which is commonly known as "commotion", also known as fishy line.

This thing is located under the fish head and one finger on the fish tail. If you want to take out this fishy line, it is a bit difficult for inexperienced people to do it.

I saw him slap the front and back of the carp gently with the knife twice, and finally cut a knife diagonally under the fish head with a knife, then a white head appeared, Ye Fei grabbed the white head, and gently pulled out A white thread was pulled out, and the fishy thread from the tail of the fish was pulled out in the same way, and the fish was completely cleaned up.

Rinse under clean water, then place the fish on the cutting board again, and Ye Fei started to move the knife.

How to make the fish add more flavor, this depends on how to move the knife on the fish. I saw Ye Fei first cut the fish with a knife and cut it down to about a centimeter, then the knife gently Turned aside, turned it into a diagonal knife, cut it against the direction of the fish scale, this knife cut about three centimeters.

Vertically and obliquely, this is considered a complete knife.

Then use the same knife to cut a total of eight knives on one side of the fish, then turn the fish over and cut eight knives on the other side as well.

When the sixteen knives were over, Ye Fei washed the fish again, then placed it in a large porcelain pot, poured raw soy into the pot, and salt, pepper and cooking wine began to marinate.

Take advantage of this time ~ ~ Ye Fei cut the green onion into two, one part was cut into green onions, the other part was cut into green onions, minced ginger, minced garlic.

At the end of this step, Ye Fei began to make soup.

The sweet and sour crispy fish soup is very important, and the proportion of each ingredient is also very strict. If it is arranged randomly, the taste of the soup will be unthinkable.

Ye Fei poured sugar, vinegar, soy sauce and clear water into a bowl at a ratio of 1: 1 to 1: 1, then stirred well and set aside for later use.

The fish was marinated in a porcelain pot for about fifteen or six minutes. Ye Fei made flour and starch into a paste and spread it on both sides of the fish evenly.

After doing all this, Ye Fei took the wok out and placed it on the stove to heat it up. The pan was hot and the peanut oil went into the pan.

When the oil temperature reached seven maturity, he saw Ye Fei holding the carp's tail with his hand, then the fish head face down, and slid the fish directly into the pan.

The carp enters the pot, the oil splashes, and the dark golden peanut oil in the whole pot suddenly boils ... …… ..

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