Before the canal was opened, merchant ships traveling to and from the East could rely on dry land boating. As a result, an unprecedented sight appeared on the river, with a large number of ships being hauled back and forth on the road. However, because it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, most ships are accustomed to unloading the cargo at one end and then transporting it to the other side via camels. This gave rise to a large number of ancillary occupations and inns, and local lords also reaped huge benefits.

Due to this situation, the local slave trade also flourished. The best black slaves sold from Abyssinia could be sold for 70 lei each, which allowed many slave traders to start on the road to wealth.

The king of Abyssinia was fighting increasingly fiercely in the interior, and he could no longer do without the financial support of Rome. For this reason, the few tariffs were handed over to Rome, and Roman merchants were allowed to sell salt and other supplies. The return is only 100,000 lei per year.

Roman merchants were even more aggressive than Venice. They liked to gradually eat up the other party's finances and then control them for a long time. This model was learned from the Chamber of Commerce, the predecessor of the East India Company. After more than ten years of development, it has become an instruction manual for businessmen across the country. Their goal is no longer limited to one place, but the whole world.

The coronation ceremony of the Hungarian crown prince was held in the Buda Cathedral, and envoys from various countries came here. Especially Sigismund's envoy, he hated this child so much that Mary looked at him with a satisfied expression, which could make her ex-husband angry to death.

Of course, there are more marriage requests for the little prince, including those from France, Burgundy, and Poland. Of course, Sigismund was also prepared. He initially wanted his daughter Elizabeth to be engaged to Lajoche, which would invalidate the engagement with Habsburg. Under the persuasion of his subordinates, he instead recommended his brother John's daughter Elizabeth of Görlitz to be engaged to Lajoche.

"No, absolutely not. I would rather give the crown to someone else than marry someone from the Luxembourg family."

When the request for a marriage from Luxembourg came to the table, Marie immediately vetoed the proposal. She complained to Peter about Sigismund's ambition, allowing the daughter of the Luxemburg family to marry Lajoche, and then marrying his own daughter to the Habsburg family. Now Jobst obviously couldn't support it, and he became the King Deok is a sure thing. If there are no heirs in the future, then Sigismund can rely on the inheritance rights of the woman to take over Hungary. The abacus beads all collapsed on his face.

The Habsburg family is very good at killing families. From a small German count family to now sitting in Austria and Switzerland, how much of this was done with real swords and guns, and the Babenberg family in Austria has no heirs. It was originally a union of kings of Bohemia, but at that time the German king of Habsburg said that he wanted the king to spit it out. Now he annexed it himself but did not hand it over to the emperor for distribution. What a double standard.

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to marry with Luxembourg, don't do it. You can also find someone from another country for your child."

Peter looked through the blind date information, and if it weren't for the close relatives and the fact that he didn't have a daughter, he would have let his son and daughter get married. But this picture cannot be seen.

"Honey, you must have the right person. For the sake of our child, he needs a suitable partner."

Peter thought carefully and decided that it would be appropriate to find Lajoche a Roman spouse. He also needs to look through the family tree to find a suitable one to send over.

"Leave this matter to me and find a suitable wife for my son."

Mary believed Peter, she could only trust Peter now. Anyone from the West cannot believe that there are bloody lessons in this.

In order to verify the credibility of Westerners, she also lost a child. This was the pain of the queen's life and she would never forgive Zsigmund.

Hungary now has the largest army in the west, with almost no defenses in Transylvania and Belgrade. Good relations with Rome are Hungary's confidence. Vienna must be destroyed. Why can your children grow up happily without your daughter? No, it must not be like this.

----Dividing line----

To say that Mihai is worthy of being a member of the royal family, he directly uprooted the local nobles and wealthy businessmen during his time in Novgrod. Their estates and properties were confiscated. Although some people fled to Lithuania, they were on tenterhooks along the way.

The gathering base of the Bartland family has always been so violent. The safest way in Europe is to win the recognition of local nobles in order to secure the position of ruler.

Now they have directly subverted this tradition. As long as the barrel of the gun is strong, no matter how powerful the noble is, he will surrender and praise his merits. Large numbers of the old nobles and landowners were sent to God and replaced by new nobles and citizens who did his bidding.

Mihai began to look for the address of the new port city. There was a place to the north from Novgorod where the city could be built. However, there were large swamps in the area, which would take a long time to clear. Mihai built a fortress first, and then In expansion.

The border with the Kalmar Alliance is also constantly changing. Because it is too cold, there are few towns on the border and the garrison is even sparse. There are basically no troops stationed south of the Karelian Isthmus, and coupled with the internal strife within the alliance, they generally don't care about the eastern border. It would be best if it could be handled peacefully.

Michael also followed his eldest brother's lead in carrying out some reforms in Novgorod in the way Rome did. He levied land tax for the first time, conducted a census, and prepared to introduce scholars from Constantinople to establish schools. A state of prosperity.

Small and medium-sized businessmen and citizens support Mihai's decision because the benefits released from it make them very satisfied. In particular, the selection of officials not based on family status but based on personal ability gives them room for advancement, which satisfies their political needs. , will naturally support Mihai.

At any rate, he had lived in Ruthenia for several years and was still very enthusiastic about reform. Among all European countries, Moscow and Lithuania can compete for the bottom ranking of civilization. The local civilization has been stagnant for more than a hundred years because of the Mongol army. Great strides forward are now needed, and to do so Rome's support is essential.

Moscow fell into a split, with the landed aristocracy supporting Yuri and the emerging citizens supporting Mihai. The Orthodox Church also gradually shifted to Mihai's side under Anna's persuasion. Yuri also found support from Vytautas. Behind every succession war there is support from other forces. Whoever can win over Moscow will gain an ally with unlimited potential.

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