The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 394 Border Provinces

Nearly 120,000 people are working hard on the construction site of the Suez Canal. This was the largest number of workers ever, and what they did would change history.

After the special envoy arrived in Constantinople, the canal foreman believed that it must be accelerated. The previous behavior could only be regarded as a small fuss. The company is not a charity. When will it be able to recover its costs if it continues like this? So they began to purchase slaves and requisition captives in large quantities, including women.

Moreover, the foreman works in two shifts. Each person works for twelve hours before taking a break. He works around the clock and the food is poor. This is all to save costs. In order to obtain more labor, the company also provoked conflicts between lord tribes and then purchased prisoners from the winning side.

Thanks to this kind of work, the excavation speed of the canal has increased rapidly, and it is finally expected that the canal, which will take ten years to dig, will be completed this year. It's really a beautiful thing.

However, the Mamluk Sultan also realized that after the completion of the canal, Egypt and the Middle East would be separated. If he wanted to rescue, he would have to use the navy to transport it or get Rome to agree to pass. Wouldn't this do more harm than good?

Therefore, starting from a few months ago, the tax on Roman merchants had been gradually increased, and troops were also prepared to attack the border. The caliph also used his influence to mobilize troops from Mecca and other places to attack from both sides.

Well, it's really good to think of this, but it's too late. Moreover, the previous treaty signed with Rome also became a constraint for Egypt. The Mamluks recognized Ashkelon as the sphere of influence of Rome, which was less than a hundred kilometers away from Jerusalem and was also a transit port for Rome in the south, similar to the existence of Acre.

If a war breaks out, the other side only needs to hold on to the canal to prevent them from sending troops to rescue. Then it starts to annex the land that was finally obtained. Damascus and Jerusalem will be lost, and the naval project must become stronger.

In order to delay Rome's advance, Egypt began to support the activities of the Baitakshi Order in Rome, and greatly delegated power to the emirs in the Middle East, as long as it recognized the status of Sudan. In this way, they could confront Rome, and the Emir of Damascus began to prepare for war to defend against Rome's attack.

In Aleppo, the defenders began searching the city for members of the Order. But because they were new arrivals and were not as familiar with the geography as the other party, most of them escaped. Those who were caught were put into prison, waiting for the emperor's punishment.

"These damn infidels, if I didn't have land here, they wouldn't be here to suffer."

The soldier who had just finished the arrest complained that he had more than 100 acres of land here and it was very fertile. The local government had solved the water problem by building water conservancy and digging wells here. In order to protect their property, they showed no mercy to the infidels. And he often interacts closely with Damascus, just to make the other party not to have any ideas about him.

"Let's be optimistic. At least they have escaped and we can take a break for the time being."

Another soldier offered words of comfort, saying this was all to protect his property. The same is true for the army in Fan City. The land here is redistributed. Only the local heretics who have not escaped and are small farmers have not confiscated their land. The rest are distributed to the church, the army and the refugees. But even this kind of life is hard-won. In order to continue to be stable, local people began to convert so that they did not have to pay the poll tax all the time.

Not only were the soldiers worried, but so were the local officials. The mayor of Aleppo and senior officials of Aleppo Province also feel that they need to quickly eradicate this group of infidels. If they fail to pass the assessment at the end of the year, their career as officials will come to an end.

While setting up examination institutions, Rome also improved its supervisory institutions. Official assessments led by the emperor were conducted every two years. Those who failed could just pack up and go home. And a salary system was adopted for officials. Having a fixed salary allowed them to work hard for the empire.

Sometimes the salary is not entirely composed of currency, but also some luxury goods such as spices, silks, and textiles are also distributed as wages. This will also reduce monetary pressure to a certain extent. In addition, senior officials will be given a manor for retirement after retirement. This also attaches great importance to civil servants.

The mayor of Aleppo directly ordered all citizens in the city to be inspected. Anyone who has private contact with these people will be directly imprisoned. And the religious leaders in the city must also cooperate, otherwise they will be treated as collaborators.

After all, situations such as border harassment and internal unrest test their abilities the most. If they are not handled well, they may be dismissed from their posts or beheaded in serious cases. However, at least no foreign forces were found to be involved. It should be just an internal operation.

Within a few days, the emperor's order came down. Officials from the seven eastern provinces were to conduct a thorough investigation of the Baitaksh sect and kill them on the spot if they found them. At the same time, preferential treatment is given to heretics such as the Alawites and Gruzites, and the recruitment of personnel is cut off from the roots of the sect. And encourage the expansion of trade with other countries to lift local poverty out of poverty.

The seven eastern provinces account for half of Anatolia's area, but have a population of only more than 3 million and a backward economy. After years of ravage, the local agricultural facilities have been completely destroyed. The 500,000 lei Peter mentioned has been distributed. , coupled with the local efforts to suppress bandits, this is better. Mircea exempted these provinces from taxes for two years and encouraged Balkan people to immigrate to the east to replenish their population. I believe there will be different results in two years.

And the Knights are already preparing to go to the East. They are already stationed in Yerevan, waiting for a suitable opportunity to go to the designated place to establish an independent country. The members of the Knights have contributed a lot to the empire in recent years, and everyone deserves respect. The leader also promised that whenever the empire is in trouble, they will come to help at all costs.

Shirvan Shah, who ruled in Azerbaijan, broke free from the shackles of the Black Sheep Dynasty and the Timurid Empire during the struggle and re-established a powerful regime. It will take some time for the Knights to gain power from it. At present, the opponent seems a little nervous when the army is pressing down, and Georgia is also nervous. I'm preparing to beat him. Didn't I say to forget about it before? Why are I regretting it now? Can't I afford it?

Brother, if Rome wants to destroy you, it would be better to just stop in Yerevan and go to Tbilisi. Is it still worth it for you to go to Constantinople to talk to the emperor and then sign the agreement? This is completely illogical. But Mircea did have the idea of ​​​​annexing Georgia, but he kept him because he needed to guard against the pagans in the east. He could secretly enjoy this situation. Maybe one day he won't be needed anymore.

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