The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 566: New Breed of Elves

Xi Wei turned around in surprise.

His mage alarm was always on, and his perception ability was far beyond ordinary people, but he couldn't find the existence of the other party until the other party made a sound, which made him a little surprised involuntarily.

And Holo next to him was not much better, the little girl's robe behind her was bulging, and her tail seemed to be blown out of fright.

It wasn't until Xi Wei saw the speaker clearly that he realized why he couldn't detect the other person's existence.

Because it was a flower elf.

Flower elves are also called flower fairies or flower goblins. They are only the size of a palm and are rare magical creatures.

In nature, this kind of little thing that survives on nectar, pollen, plant fruit and dew can be said to be at the bottom of the food chain, and even a demonized mouse can target them for hunting.

Contrary to the crisis-ridden world, this kind of little thing has a stronger concealment ability than shadow creatures-in fact, the sighting reports of these little guys belong to the category of magical creatures that are very rare.

It has no combat power and is harmless to people. With the presence of ordinary flowers that do not attract the attention of others, it is normal to be able to escape Xi Wei's mage's alarm and perception.

By the way, no less than 30 of these 'extremely rare', 'very rare' and 'rare in the world' little things live in the potion greenhouse of Edric College, and with the expansion of the achievement building goblin tree shack And the installation of auxiliary components, this group will continue to increase...

"Hello, I'm Xi Wei Edric." Xi Wei naturally knew how to deal with flower elves.

These little creatures are cautious, curious, and have a very precise sense of the mental state of creatures. They can judge whether a person has malicious or good intentions towards them at the moment of contact, and can even judge to a certain extent whether what they say is the truth.

Edric's Disciplinary Committee likes to use cookies to buy flower elves and grass elves, and let them act as lie detectors to question students who violate school rules...

So if you deal with them. It has to be sincere.

As he spoke, he also took out a ziluo cherry that was intended to be a snack.

"My name is Natasha Beile, hello, Xi Wei Edric."

The flower elves seemed to have a good impression of Xi Wei, but they didn't immediately accept the cherry in Xi Wei's hands, but carefully looked at Holo beside Xi Wei.

I have to say that thanks to this space, the connection between Holo and her body was cut off. Otherwise, even if Holo herself is not hostile, the outrageous malice that Cerberus brings will affect Holo herself, let alone talking to Xi Wei and the others, I am afraid that the flower elves would have already avoided them when they saw them far away...

"This guy is Holo, and he's not feeling well right now."

Seeing Holo's bad face, Xi Wei didn't wait for her to speak. He patted the little girl's head with his hands, and pinched her ears by the way—he had long wanted to do that, and those two pointed animal ears still felt good even though they were separated by a layer of fabric.

Holo gritted her teeth and looked at Xi Wei, who was taking advantage of others, but because of her physical discomfort, she finally gave up on asking Xi Wei to settle the score, and just kept the score in her heart.

After feeling that Xi Wei did not have any malicious intentions. The flower elf slowly landed in Xi Wei's hands, and took a bite of the purple-patterned cherry like a small cantaloupe, with a surprised smile on his face: "It's so sweet!"

Not only is it very sweet, but as a kind of high-level potion material, ziluo cherry can sort out the magic power and remove the strange magic power, and it also has a good nursing effect on the body of the magician who often overcasts the spell. It is one of the main ingredients of the precious 'Rainbow Elixir'. Flower elves, who are magical creatures, would certainly like it.

It is difficult for ordinary magicians to see wild violet cherries, and Xi Wei's cherries were only cultivated in the potion greenhouse not long ago.

However, because of the relationship of the academy system, as long as there is a successful planting in the potion greenhouse, it will not fail again in the future. The only problem is the yield and the grass elves and flower elves who can't stand the temptation to guard against themselves.

Fortunately, those little guys don't eat much, and there are many other attractive fruits in Edric's potion greenhouse, so these little guys don't consume much. In addition, they pollinate the potion instead of bees. Take care of and plant potions from time to time, and its own spell-like ability is also a 'natural aura' that can make potions grow better. So it doesn't matter if the potions they eat are their rewards.

"Natasha, we are people who came here from outside."

Seeing the little one rolling in his hands with satisfaction, Xi Wei said softly.

"You are really outsiders." Natasha Beile nodded her head seriously, and at the same time straightened her beret made of petals: "No wonder your ears have the color of your eyes and you are from a village. It's different."

Thinking of those tree houses by the lake, Xi Wei confirmed his previous guess. It seems that the residents in this space should be forest elves.

It's just that I didn't see the Moon Tree and the World Tree along the way. How did they reproduce?

Instead of thinking about these things that could entangle the biologists, Xi Wei continued to ask: "Natasha, can you tell us the basic situation here?"

"Mm, it's a bit troublesome to say, I'll take you to the Great Elder directly~"

The little guy flapped his dragonfly-like wings, spread his wings and flew up, circled around Xi Wei's head a few times, and then flew in another direction.

Xi Wei and Holo exchanged glances, and immediately followed.

But not far away, several figures suddenly jumped out from the canopy.

"You are not allowed to move forward, who are you!"

They hold all kinds of weapons that look very delicate, like works of art, have long silver or light golden hair, wear costumes made of leaves, pointy ears, but pupils with only albinism The faint silvery white color may seem scary at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find a different charm.

They blocked Xi Wei in front, and warned with unfriendly expressions.

Xi Wei, on the other hand, did not take their warning to heart.

Although the aura of these guys in front of them is not bad, they don't have much combat power and their magic power is pitiful. It was only a little better than his students, and the weapons they held in their hands were not bad as works of art. Others were poor in hardness and toughness, and there was no magic power attached to them. It's not a magic item, but it's interesting that they are always bursting with life.

And although from the outside, the other party should be a kind of elf, but in Xi Wei's impression, there is no elf who looks like this.

The hair of forest elves and prairie elves is mostly dark green, and a few are blond; night elves who have turned their backs on the quiet moon have black or dark blue hair; half-elves have the most hair color. However, it is basically green or flaxen and brown, which are common to humans, and there is no silver or light gold.

That kind of scary pupil is even rarer. At least in Xi Wei's memory, no race's eye pupil color will be like that. At first glance, it looks like there are only whites of the eyes and no pupils.

"Sorry, we are travelers from outside. We don't have any malicious intentions..."

In any case, Xi Wei didn't intend to offend the aborigines casually, so he simply raised his hands to show that he had no hostility.

Holo, on the other hand, muttered something about "the glory of Cerberus" while glaring at Xi Wei with dissatisfaction, and finally raised her hand unwillingly.

"Jessica, they are my friends, I brought them here to meet the Great Elder~"

Natasha flew out from nowhere and said softly.

It seems that this little guy knows the leader who leads this group of unknown elves.

"Natasha, you are too kind. These outsiders are very cunning and treacherous."

The elf leader frowned and slipped the flower fairy aside, speaking in a voice that Xi Wei and the others would not be afraid of hearing, then she stood on the branch again, pointed the bow and arrow in her hand at Xi Wei, and shouted loudly: "We don't welcome you!" You outsiders, get out of here!"

After spending so much time running to this place, how could Xi Wei be bluffed back with just one word?

What's more, it's fine if the other party persuades them with kind words, but this kind of guy who directly defines them as villains and spies without even asking, and starts to drive people away without saying anything. Xi Wei also felt that there was no need for him to be humble.

He is a great magician after all, the pride of mankind! Since he was so rude, he naturally didn't have to be polite!

Feeling that Xi Wei's breath had changed, Holo let out a heavy breath, as if wanting to vomit out all her discomfort: "It should have been done earlier."

"No. You can't fight!!!"

Just when the battle is about to start. Natasha, who was carried by the elf named Jessica, felt the tense atmosphere, and suddenly shouted at the top of her voice, and the breath of life in the entire space suddenly violently rioted, like a hurricane It also swept over everyone present!

Xi Wei immediately stood in front of Holo, opened his magic shield, and blocked most of the breath of life. Obviously Natasha didn't have any malicious intentions, and the breath of life itself didn't have any offensive power, it was just a gust of wind to ordinary people, but if this thing blows on Holo's body, this guy might really have to kneel...

He is very surprised now, he didn't expect that little guy to have such power... Is she really just a flower elf?

"Really, Jessica, what are you doing! Why are you being so fierce to someone's new friend. Xi Wei, don't keep a straight face, it looks scary!"

Although she was still held in her hands, she put her hands on her waist and aggressively accused those in charge on both sides.

"But those outsiders must be coveting our treasure..."

Jessica still had full hostility towards Xi Wei and the others. She raised her head and shouted directly to Xi Wei and the others: "Don't think that you can fool us guardians just by fooling Natasha!"

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Elf!"

Xi Wei also said mercilessly: "I have no interest in the treasures of races that have never dominated a continent or a plane!"

Among the original eight tribes, giant dragons, night demons, and humans once dominated the entire continent. In the age of mythology, the orcs attached to the abyssal demons almost became the dominators of the continent for a while. The dwarves continued until the era of great migration. They are the uncrowned kings of the underground world.

Angels and demons represent the mainstream of heaven and abyss respectively, but the high elves have not only been huddled in the forest, but also cut off their blood in the end. It split into several branches: the forest elves continued to hide in the forest in the tradition; It's better, trying to compete with the dwarves for the title of underground king, but in the end they were overthrown by the vulgar dwarves and goblins in their eyes. Barely maintaining the title of the third largest underground race...

Although the elf craftsmen have made many world-famous treasures, to Xu Shenxing, those treasures are classified according to the system, and at most they are only legendary items.

Although he doesn't have much legendary equipment on hand, it's not without it. Follow the system strategy. Sooner or later, I will buy a lot of new ones, and I don't covet just one or two.

"What did you say!"

Jessica's eyes pierced Xi Wei like a short arrow - not a metaphor, but something sharp pierced the magic shield in front of Xi Wei!

Damn it, the empty cracked eyes are dazzling?

Xi Wei was taken aback, but soon he discovered that this kind of attack was just very unexpected, and its power was no different from ordinary arrows. It didn't even penetrate the magic shield, it just stirred up a layer of ripples. Compared with the riddled monsters in the recent dungeon that can hit the magic shield casually, Jessica's move is as harmless as a rabbit. Even the mage's alarm judged that it did not hurt, and did not send out a bit alarm……

"If you can't tell others, you just want to kill people and silence them. I said you are night elves, right?"

Xi Wei looked at Jessica who was also a little surprised.

"No, it was just an accident..."

The elf leader panicked: "I only learned this trick recently. I haven't been able to control it well yet..."

The expression on her face does not seem to be fake, but... so what if she really just used this kind of attack unintentionally? It was an unchangeable fact that she attacked Xi Wei in a sneak attack. If the attack was successful, it would be fine, but it failed even if she survived.

You must know that being reasonable without forgiving is also Xi Wei's forte.

"Huo Huo, if the sneak attack fails, it is said to be uncontrollable. If the sneak attack succeeds and seriously injures or even kills me, what is it? Could it be that I deserve to die because I came to this place by accident?" Xi Wei narrowed his eyes and refused to let me go. They were aware of the dangerous look in their own eyes.

Next, it depends on how the other party responds. If they are willing to admit their mistakes, Xi Wei won't be too fussy. If you refuse to admit it, then just get rid of all these guys. Anyway, they were the ones who made the first move, and their righteousness rested with them.

Jessica bit her lip, not knowing how to answer, while the other elves showed embarrassment.

Even Natasha didn't know what to say in the situation. The little guy frowned and thought hard.

At this moment, an old voice blew through the place along with the breeze.

"Put down your arms. Jessica, apologize to our guest and bring him to the old man."

"Guest?" Jessica's eyes widened, but in the end she reluctantly lowered the bow and arrow in her hand, and apologized to Xi Wei: "I'm sorry, it was my fault just now."

Xi Wei didn't respond, but looked around.

The other party's words showed that he was well aware of the current situation, but there was no detection magic like the Mage's Eye around him, which made Xi Wei a little uneasy - you must know that he has anti-detection magic on him, except The bug in the academy system, among all the detective magic, his image should look like a black mass.

On the contrary, the seemingly miraculous way of speaking just now is actually just letting his voice catch the wind element, and then turn it into a breeze and blow it out. It is a relatively superficial application, and even Tio can easily use it.

After realizing that Xi Wei didn't respond, Jessica didn't express any dissatisfaction, but just waved her hand to make the other elves hide again, then she turned around and walked away without saying anything.

This kind of childish behavior of "whether you follow or not, I have already taken the road anyway" made Xi Wei laugh for a while.

"Tch...the fight still hasn't started," Holo muttered with a bored expression. Xi Wei patted her on the head lightly to make her calm down a little.

"Sorry, Jessica wasn't like that in the first place."

And Natasha, the flower elf, flew to Xi Wei and said good things for her friend: "I don't know why she is so irritable today."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Xi Wei laughed, and gestured to Holo to 'follow', followed Jessica and walked forward.

"Is the one you just spoke to the Great Elder you mentioned?" On the way, Xi Wei asked Natasha.

"Well, he is the greatest person in this place and the patron saint here. He has lived here for a long time."

Xiaobudian nodded hastily: "It is said that the sacred tree in the middle of the lake was planted by him."

The sacred tree in the middle of the lake? Could it be that big outrageous banyan tree?

If you look at the age of the tree, the banyan tree may be nearly a thousand years old, right? Why do I seem to keep encountering this kind of old monster-level existence recently...

Xi Wei tilted his head to look at Holo who was walking beside him, and sighed in his heart.

"Natasha, do you know why the Great Elder asked us to go there?"

Xi Wei asked again.

"I don't know, but the Great Elder hasn't seen many people recently, and it's an honor for you to be interviewed by his name in the village." Xiao BuDian replied honestly.

"Glory... that's fine, let's meet that so-called Great Elder..."

PS: I am very grateful to Weirenqing for the reward... If I remember correctly, this is already the eighth time.

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