The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 565: Golden Moon

"Although you are only a human being, I still have to praise you for the usefulness of these gadgets."

In the end, Holo still couldn't rely on her own strength or perseverance to walk into that seemingly peaceful and beautiful space.

After persuading the other party to go back to Edric first and let him explore the way first to no avail, Xi Wei could only find a robe from his collection that could block magic elements for her to try out—after all, magic elements and The breath of life is not the same thing, God knows if it will work.

Facts have proved that the effect is not bad.

Her whole body was covered in a robe that was completely different from her own size, and Holo, whose hem was dragged directly to the ground, looked very satisfied, and even wore the robe to show Xi Wei a few times around.

"Although the uncomfortable feeling brought by the damn breath of life is still there, it won't hurt my body anymore."

Like a child who got a toy, she excitedly ran from inside to outside, and from outside to inside again, confirming the effect of the robe.

"When you've had enough fun, get ready to go." Xi Wei looked at Holo with a helpless smile.

"What's the matter with that tone of coaxing children? I'm much older than you!" The little girl immediately stared at Xi Wei sullenly. Although her expression seemed very unhappy, the hem of the robe behind her was moving. , it seems that the wagging tail should have betrayed her true mood.

"I don't care about your body's age. This body was born less than a week ago, right?" Xi Wei glanced at the girl's chest, and then walked into the door calmly, regardless of the other party's anger.

After getting along for a while, Xi Wei also found that although Holo had a bad mouth, her temperament was similar to that of a child. And because she signed an equal contract with Xi Wei, she couldn't seriously attack Xi Wei, so it didn't matter if she bullied him occasionally.

"Ru, disrespectful guy! I want to punish stop for me...slow, slow down, wait for me..."

Holo couldn't walk too fast because the robe was too big. In addition, he was a small man, and his pace was not as good as Xi Wei's, so he quickly fell behind him. He tried to run, but he stepped on the hem of his robe with his first foot and fell hard...

"Are you really a clone of a super monster from the Age of Mythology?"

Even Xi Wei couldn't stand it anymore. He picked up a dead branch and squatted beside the girl, poking her soft cheek with the branch.

"This, at this time, gently helping the concubine up is what a gentleman should do, right?"

"I'm the dean, not a gentleman. Besides, you're not a lady." Xi Wei poked Holo's cheek again.

Then the branch was ignited by the blue hellfire.

Fortunately, this space is filled with the breath of life, and the hell fire was extinguished within a short period of time.

"Fine..." the girl said softly in Abyssal Language.

"Fine?" Xi Wei threw aside the half-cut branch in his hand, and repeated curiously.

"Refined Venom Arrow!"


Although serious attacks are not good, this kind of slapstick attack seems to be okay-although for ordinary people, the second-level magic of the refined venom arrow is already considered lore, let alone instant.

After frantically performing a scene of magic and counter-magic. Xi Wei and the others finally had the energy to check the basic situation in this space.

"This place should still be in the forest, right?" Holo patted the dirt and dust off her body, and asked Xi Wei, who was studying the trees.

There are still trees in all directions as before, the only difference is that the trees here seem to be relatively sparse.

"It's hard to say. This is the first time I've seen this kind of arbor, which is similar to a tree man, but has no consciousness."

After comparing the difference between the plants inside and the outside world, Xi Wei frowned and shook his head and replied.

"Wood is different in every world, why do you bother with these things?"

Holo kicked a tall tree beside her. Then he looked at the surrounding situation, and said a little boringly: "It's really boring..."

"There are still traces of some trees growing up on the ground, which were magically accelerated, causing them to die naturally in a short period of time." Xi Wei pointed to several open spaces and continued, "Do you know what this means? "

"Is there someone living in this space?" Holo blinked and asked tentatively.

"Don't play tricks with me." Xi Wei pointed at her forehead and stabbed her again.

"Hmph, the same move won't work on Cerberus a second time!" A smug expression flashed across Holo's face, and he clasped his hands together in a gesture of empty-handed strike!

But it's a pity that Holo's physical strength is not strong, and coupled with the constraints of the black robe and natural breath, she can't play her original level. He couldn't receive Xi Wei's hand knife, so he knocked it on the forehead.

"You are a guy who has lived for such a long time anyway, so you must have some guesses about this situation, right?"

Xi Wei looked angrily and amusedly, covering his forehead, with a look of'I want to curse you! ’ expression Holo.

Anyway, the curse of the contracted creature will not work on the contractor, Xi Wei is not at all worried that this guy who is proficient in black witchcraft, poison magic, shadow magic and many other forbidden arts will impose any strange transformation on himself...

"Those who can manipulate the growth of plants. Except for the spell-like abilities of some monsters, there are only those believers with long ears of the Moon God." Holo glared at Xi Wei with resentment, and then said bitterly: "Here The cleared traces are still fresh, and the surrounding area has not been damaged, which means that it was not done by monsters, which means that there should be forest elves in this space."

Then she muttered depressingly: "But why reduce the number of such trees, I think these woods are very good, and they should be mass-produced."

"Probably to stop the forest from spreading."

Xi Wei guessed casually.

He is looking for a way out of here. If someone has been here, there must be villages around.

"According to what I just said, the space they hide in is actually not large, and the density of the forest increases. It will naturally compress their living area, so it is very important to maintain the number of trees in the forest. In addition This kind of behavior is generally carried out at the edge of the woods, in other words, we should soon be able to see the true face of this space."

With that said, Xi Wei found a well-hidden trail, and after confirming that it was not a beast trail. Just take Holo along that path. It didn't take long for the canopy above their heads to become thinner, and the blue sky and soft sunlight could be vaguely seen.

When the not-so-glare sun in the sky completely appeared in front of their eyes, Holo immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Are you kidding me?" She stretched out her hand tremblingly and pointed at the round sun: "No wonder I always feel that something is wrong with the night in this era, no wonder this space is full of breath of life... The creator actually dragged the Golden Moon in!"

—— Timothy En Dark Alliance. Westland Cliff——

Her Royal Highness the Vampire Princess did not return to the Clan's Castle. Instead, Asachel came to the hall again, facing the long-necked flask.

"Azazel... I knew you would come back..."

The existence in the flask that made people wonder if it should be classified as a creature said softly.

Its voice had a weird hiss and a piercing high pitch, which made Asachel frowned involuntarily.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the monster's size seemed a little bigger than it was at first.

"What is the help you said?"

Asachel felt that his throat was a little dry. This is an expression of nervousness, he asked in a harsh voice: "How strong can you become stronger?"

"Very powerful... Powerful beyond your imagination... All you have to do is eat a part of my body and become a medium of magic power..."

replied the monster.

The more and more textured black limbs on the opponent's surface, which were still wriggling in the bottle, made Asachel involuntarily think of a black octopus, which made him feel sick instinctively.

"Don't treat me like an idiot, you bloody monster!" Asachel yelled loudly, "Do you want to use that kind of thing to control me in disguise? I won't be stupid enough to do such a thing!"

Although the other party has now become a poor worm imprisoned in a flask, Asachel is very clear. This guy has survived since the age of mythology, and is a monster of the same level as Hubosulu. If you underestimate it, you will definitely die in the end.

"Don't worry...don't be nervous...from a long time ago...what I control...are only 'invisible and matterless' shadow creatures..."

"But that doesn't mean you can only manipulate those brainless guys." Asachel said with a sneer: "Consuming the body means sacrifice and loyalty in many dark magics. I am also in the abyss." I grew up in this kind of fighting, and I still understand this little truth!"

"Then do you want to give up, Asachel...the power at your fingertips...the unshakable position...being valued by that person...being relied on by that person...Are you going to give up, Asachel?"

It was as if he didn't hear Asachel's question. The eerie voice continued hissing.

After being silent for a while, Asachel snorted coldly and stood up.

"Whether it was when you were in the Styx before or when you are trapped in the flask now, you are such a disgusting guy."

After speaking, Asachel frowned. With a mocking expression on his face, he strode out of the room.

No one saw the entanglement and pain in his eyes, and no one could see the hesitant expression on his face.

Only the black substance on the surface of the beaker on the table formed a mouth, and that mouth showed a successful plan, a chilling smile...

——Fairy Garden Forest. The Hidden World——

"The golden moon?" Xi Wei looked at the celestial body in the sky that looked like the sun no matter what, and asked curiously, "What is that?"

"The golden moon, the quiet moon, and the bright red moon, these three are the gods who rule the night on the main material plane." Holo said solemnly: "The golden moon brings abundance, and the quiet moon spreads stability. The bright red moon endows enthusiasm, and the combined power of the three is similar to the sacred light of the day. I always felt that the night is a bit strange turns out that the golden moon is missing."

"How is it possible... If this thing is really such an important star, why is there no content about it in astrology?" Xi Wei showed an unbelievable expression.

"Didn't you say that there was a gap in your human magic civilization? In that case. Is it strange that the introduction about the Golden Moon is lost?"

Holo said dissatisfiedly with her arms akimbo. Apparently she didn't care why humans had no records of the Golden Moon.

"But although most of the classics are lost, the myths describing the last era have a long history-in fact, many magics in this era were deduced in reverse by relying on the descriptions of myths. For example, the disappearance of the moon Big things, it’s impossible to not even have a myth, right?”

Xi Wei still found it strange.

"Maybe, but you don't know?" Holo waved her hand impatiently.

Xi Wei really wanted to tell her that it was impossible.

Because after the mythology was upgraded to LV5. He already knew all the existing myths of mankind. It is estimated that if the level of this subject is raised, I am afraid that even the myths of other races will be clear to the chest.

However, Xi Wei thought about it and felt that there was really nothing to say about this aspect. What if human beings accidentally lost all the classics and myths about the disappearance of the Golden Moon? It's unlikely, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

The urgent task now is not to figure out this kind of thing.

"Besides, I have some bad news to tell you." Before Xi Wei could speak, Holo continued, "In this space. I have lost contact with the main body... If there is no timely magic power supply, it will be very difficult." Soon even the ability to move will disappear.”

"How? Is it because of the breath of life?" Xi Wei frowned.

Then he also found something was wrong.

It seems that he can't open the void channel, and even the demiplane and plane fragments can't be connected.

"Tsk, has my space magic also failed... It seems that there is no way to use space magic in this space." Xi Wei pinched out the experimental flame in his hand, clapped his hands and said, "Elemental magic can be cast normally .”

He obviously didn't feel the unfolding of the eight-fold phase string interference barrier like in the Great Magic Festival, but he also couldn't connect to other planes.

"I'm afraid it's not that this space prohibits space magic." Holo walked to a place about five meters away from Xi Wei. Then he appeared next to Xi Wei with a whoosh: "Flash can still be used. Rather than saying that space magic is forbidden, it is better to say that this space is sealed off. Apart from the door we came in, there is no way to use other means to go to the outside world." .Similarly, there is no way for the outside world to enter here in other ways.”

"No wonder..." Xi Wei muttered depressingly.

His gap magic can't be used directly in a single space like the flash, and it uses the void as a transition point to achieve effects such as teleportation. If there is no way to open the void channel, it is equivalent to the magic of the entire gap series being abolished...

However, the spiritual connection with another self is still there. It seems that the sealing level of this space should be below the miracle.

"Anyway. Let's move on, shall we?"

After sorting out his emotions, Xi Wei continued.

"That's right, Cerberus' honor doesn't allow me to run away without doing anything."

Holo also nodded in agreement.

"I don't think it has anything to do with honor..."

While chatting, the two continued to move out of the forest, and soon walked out of the forest. What appeared in front of them at this moment was a vast lake and the typical forest elf-style treehouse buildings built on the edge of the lake. .

It is worth mentioning that there is no central island in the lake, but there is a huge and ancient tree standing upright from the water. The trunk is too thick to measure, and the canopy even blocks out the sun, covering almost the entire lake under its shade.

What surprised Xi Wei even more was that the huge tree was not an elf's sacred tree like the World Tree or the Moon Tree, but an ordinary big banyan tree.

"Uh..." Holo turned even paler. She made a movement of vomiting, and said to Xi Wei in a dying voice: "There is something in that tree, and that thing produced a huge vitality, not only made an ordinary tree grow like that, but also turned outward Radiating life and sacred aura, it's really disgusting..."

Xi Wei felt that the breath of life rushing towards his face was not bad, but he would not be so stupid as to say such a thing in front of Holo.

"Holo, look at the lakeside." Looking around, he pointed to the lakeside: "That's a unicorn, right? But why are the mane and horns golden?"

Generally, the mane and horn of the unicorn, a symbol of purity, are silver.

"Well, but that's a special kind. You also know that unicorns like the moon, right? Most unicorns don't care about the type of moon, but there are still some exceptions, such as relying on the quiet moon, the fur color and unicorn are both The blue Unikon. The era in which this type of concubine lived was called Mignon, and it was a breed that relied on the light of the golden moon to survive."

Holo, who looked even worse, waved her hand to Xi Wei after finishing speaking: "Don't talk to me for now, I'm really going to throw up after talking about it."

"Are you okay?" Xi Wei asked with concern while sighing in his heart, "It's such a gentleman to have a unicorn called a young girl."

"Instead of asking this kind of question pretentiously, it's better to hurry up and leave after investigating..."

Holo looked in a bad mood.

Xi Wei shrugged, and when he was going to continue the investigation as she said, a voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Who are you? Outsiders?"

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