The Book of Maiden Contract

736 He is not dead yet, otherwise why would we come here?

Looking at the distant land, Yakumo Zi's eyes reveal infinite thoughts and memories, as well as longing.

She didn't know when she was born, she didn't know how many years she had lived, and she also forgot how many people who were entangled with grievances, because she lived so long that she couldn't even remember herself, but is this really the case?

In the past, Yakumo Zi thought so, but today she has a completely different idea.

Today is a very meaningful day for Yakumo Zi. The maiden of Hakurei Shrine is already pregnant for nine months, and she should give birth in one month. As the first shrine maiden with offspring among the Hakurei shrine maidens of all dynasties, Zi Yakumo contributed a lot to Reimu's experience. Whenever she thinks of this incident, she has an urge to laugh, but now she feels a little melancholy.

Of course, the cause of Yakumo Zi's melancholy is not Reimu and the unborn child. Reimu is very good, although her personality is not suitable for being a mother, but it does not mean that she will not be a good mother, and she will help teach. As for that child, although he has not yet been born, he can feel that his aptitude is better than Reimu's, even surpassing his own, even compared to the child's father.

Yakumo Zi was very excited when she realized this, but this was also expected by her. After all, the child has the three best bloodlines, and it is normal to be able to surpass them... She believes that as long as she carefully teaches her, in the future, the child will definitely become the best Hakurei Miko, and will not be short-lived.

The real cause of Yakumo Zi's melancholy lies in herself... At the beginning, she had planted a link on Lin Luo's body. As long as Lin Luo was still alive, no matter where she was, she could feel the existence of that link. But now, the connection disappeared, and there was only one result—Lin Luo was dead.

And at the moment Lin Luo died, her dusty memory also woke up, and she remembered everything in the past.

This, to Yakumo Zi, was both a surprise and a painful thing.

"The dust-laden memory is awakening at this moment, but the past personnel and events are no longer there..." Yakumo Zi murmured quietly, took out a bowl of wine from the gap, and then sprinkled it on the ground, closed her eyes, and two lines of tears fell, "I understand that this is a farewell. From now on, maybe no one will call Xiao Zi this name..."

Forever Pavilion.

Looking at Kaguya of Mount Penglai sitting on the moon in the void, Yayi Yonglin suddenly felt that she couldn't see through her princess... After nine months, Kaguya had returned to her normal body shape, and her reincarnation didn't make her lose anything, on the contrary, she became stronger.

In the past, Hui Ye often pretended to be mysterious and teased people, but now, there are a few traces of mystery on her body that even Yayi Yonglin can't see clearly.

There were five bright pearls on the table in front of Huiye, and three of them were already lit up. She stretched out her hand and touched them slowly, then raised her head to look at Yayi Yonglin, "Already, three problems have been solved."

"He is dead, there is no doubt about it." Bayi Yonglin said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, he's already dead." Hui Ye stood up, looked at the void behind him, and said quietly, "If a person is dead, even if he solves the five problems, it's useless, but is he really dead? At least, the throbbing in my heart is still alive..."

Earth Spirit Hall.

This place is in a semi-closed state with Gensokyo. Even though some people in Gensokyo have learned of Lin Luo's death, no one here can feel it. It's just that Gu Ming, the owner of the Earth Spirit Temple, is unexpectedly a little uncomfortable.

Originally, she would take care of the ghosts in the Earth Spirit Hall and the pets at home every day, but today she couldn't lift her spirits at all, and felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart. Even if her younger sister asked her to play with her, she was listless and just wanted to lie on the bed and have a good sleep.

"If I can also close my heart like Lianlian, maybe it will be a lot easier..."

Lying on the bed, Gu Mingjue said softly.

Magic Cannon World.

Naye, Feite and Hayate are already ten years old and have just entered the fourth grade. Following Lin Luo's instructions when they left, they were almost inseparable for more than half a year, except for the time when they came home from school and slept.

Lindy has resigned from the position of captain, and stays with Feite in Haiming City, which is near Naye's house. Hayate lives not far from Naye's house, so sometimes the three of them often sleep together. People who don't know think that the three of them are biological sisters.

In addition, they have joined the Space-Time Administration not long ago, but because they are still young, they have not been assigned tasks. They will only go to the rescue when something happens on the earth, or when they have to contribute... This is also because their strength is getting stronger and stronger. After all, they have their own talents, ancient magic, and the heart of the world and their own hard work. It is impossible for them not to be strong.

In the past six months, they have been happy every day, but today they are not happy, and the reason is the same as other contractors, the contract chain between them and Lin Luo is broken.

Although they don't know what this means, they understand that it is definitely not a good thing!

The three of them thought for a long time and couldn't figure out why this happened, but they were inexplicably very uneasy in their hearts. After some discussion, they even thought about using the power of the Space-Time Administration to find Lin Luo. After all, for them, Lin Luo was not just a contractual relationship, but also their benefactor.

But this method failed, because the three of them were only small roles in the Space-Time Administration, and to find Lin Luo, what they needed to travel was not only the world, but even planes. Let alone whether the Space-Time Administration could do it, it was impossible for them to have this authority just because of their identities.

As a result, the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into silence.

Ten minutes later, Feite stood up first, and said resolutely; "I have decided, I want to stand at the peak of the Space-Time Administration!"

"Feite?!" Naye and Haifeng looked at her in disbelief.

Fei Te explained: "The only thing we can rely on now is ourselves and the Space-Time Administration. We don't have that ability, and the Space-Time Administration will not allow it, so we just need to move in these two directions."

"You mean..." Naye suddenly understood what she meant, "Rely on the power of the heart of the world to travel between planes?"

"And sit at the top of the Space-Time Administration?" Haifeng is not an idiot, and he immediately understands.

Fett nodded.

Not giving up one's own cultivation, triggering the miraculous power of the heart of the world as soon as possible, and only relying on one's own power to travel between planes, this is a direction. The second is to sit at the top position of the Space-Time Administration, and use the power of the Space-Time Administration to travel between planes... a crazy and bold plan.

Not only Naye and Haifeng think so, but even Feite himself thinks this plan is too foolish, but they have no other way, they can't treat today's incident as if it never happened, they must figure it out!


In the end, the proposal was passed unanimously, and the three girls intertwined their hands and made an eternal vow... No matter what, they must stand on the highest peak of this world!

One world, one small town.

Fujibayashi Xing has recently been troubled by the book of sages. Although she is very happy that her wish is easy to come true, what is the price of that mess?

It’s fine to be the heroine in the Eighteen Forbidden games, but there’s even a photo album of her… This is too bad, but fortunately, there is nothing too private in it, only some swimsuit pictures, otherwise how will she be called a pure and clean girl? !

"Hey, I think that a young and beautiful girl like me, who is in full bloom, will be troubled by such strange things. Now I will be pointed at by those guys when I go to school. If I can, I really want to leave this world..." Fujibayashi Xing said this, but before she could finish her words, the distant brilliance flashed into her body, and then her person disappeared in place.

White Emperor Academy.

Gui Daiju, who is the president of the student council, is not in good spirits recently, not because of the busy work, but because of the damn power of mind, which often makes her see some things she shouldn't see... For example, the ghost in the women's toilet, the bloody handprints in the clock tower, the piano sound in the unoccupied classroom, etc., which made her mentally exhausted.

"Hey, I really hope to find a few spiritual masters to solve it... Well, what is that?"

While sighing faintly, Gui Daiju suddenly saw a white light flashing through the window. Before she could react, the white light entered her body, and then a pen fell to the ground with a bang, and there was no more sound in the empty student union office.

...Ming Realm.

Lin Luo died. Everyone could see this clearly, but no one could accept it. This difficult battle of gods had already been won, so why did such an accident happen? How can you accept it!

But whether you accept it or not, facts are facts.

Sitting on the unclean land, everyone had sad expressions on their faces. The host, the Dragon Clan, the girl from Sky City, Karin, and even the people of the Red World... In this sad atmosphere, no one said a word, and they looked extremely silent.

"He's not dead." At this moment, someone suddenly spoke.

Everyone immediately looked towards the voice, and saw that the person who spoke was actually Lin Xiaoke.

"What did you say?" The girls were stunned for a moment and asked in unison.

Because it is an incomplete Gaia body, Lin Xiaoke no longer understands feelings, and said calmly, "Lin Luo, has he ever been to the top of Great Britain more than a thousand years ago?"

The girls didn't know what she meant, and shook their heads instinctively.

"That's fine, because the ancestors of Arthur and I are Lin Luo and King Arthur thousands of years ago, and he has never had an intersection with King Arthur of that era, and Arthur and I have not disappeared, so he can't die, otherwise... why did Arthur and I come?"

(to be continued)

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