The Book of Maiden Contract

Episode 735: Thoughts in Distant Time and Space, Unchanging Gensokyo

Scarlet Devil House.

Because of the special blood supply, the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Remilia, has continuously improved her level as a vampire. The most obvious feature is... Recently, she has changed from being nocturnal to getting up early and going to bed late, and the bat wings behind her can also be temporarily hidden, almost no different from ordinary humans.

As usual, after Remilia woke up, she sat in the seat that belonged only to her, yawning while watching her head maid prepare her morning black tea.

"Miss, your black tea has... ah!"

Izaya Sakuya smiled and handed the mixed black tea to Remilia, but before the latter could catch it, her expression changed suddenly, her hands shook, the cup fell directly on the table, and the splashed black tea hit Remilia's face.

Remilia, who was already wet, was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Sakuya with shock... As Gensokyo's first maid, Sakuya Izayo is almost omnipotent, no matter what she does, she can do the best and perfect, and with the ability to control time, she will never make mistakes in housework, but now she has made such a common-sense mistake... If she didn't know her enough, Remilia almost thought that the person in front of her was not Sakuya Izayo!

But the expression on Izaya Sakuya's face was even more shocked than Remilia's, and there was even a trace of fear, she found that her contract chain was broken!

After the Avenue of Stars was blocked by the evil king last time, all of them were sent back to Gensokyo by Lin Luo. At the beginning, they were extremely anxious, and tried to help Lin Luo with the strength of everyone in Gensokyo. Although it was unsuccessful, the feeling of danger disappeared after a while, and there was no abnormality, which reassured them.

But now, the contract will be broken, and there is still that feeling of anxiety... Sakuya has a very bad premonition in her heart, and she feels that she should discuss it with other people.

demon world.

This is the legendary Demon Realm, created by the master of the Demon Realm, Kanzaki, and the people who live here are all the people of Kanzaki, but six months ago, a person who has nothing to do with Kanzaki lived in the Demon Realm, her name is - Mercury Lamp.

Nine months ago, an unprecedented war took place in Gensokyo. Afterwards, when they left Gensokyo, they encountered an enemy that was enough to make them despair. In those two wars, she did nothing, but was always protected by other people... Mercury Lamp deeply felt her own powerlessness, and she had no qualifications to become Alice at all.

For this reason, Mercury Lamp made up his mind to become stronger, so she stayed by Alice's side, coaxing and tricking her to help Alice fulfill her wish. It took three months to persuade Alice and was taken to the Demon Realm by the latter. Then she met Kanzaki, the master of the demon world, and was adopted by Kanzaki as a righteous daughter, becoming the second princess of the demon world.

After Kanzaki's teaching and her own efforts, she has become stronger and stronger than before. She thinks that she will be able to help her father, but... today she feels that the connection with her father has been completely broken, and there is nowhere!

Could it be that he was abandoned by his father again?

Thinking of this, Mercury Lamp looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face. If my father really doesn't need me anymore, then what's the point of working so hard? Where is hope?

But recalling the past bit by bit, Mercury Lamp didn't feel that his father would abandon him, so why was the contract chain broken? Could it be that Father already... Mercury Lamp didn't dare to think about it, but the uneasiness in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

"Little Dengdeng, why is your face so ugly? Has anyone bullied you? Tell mom." At this time, Kanzaki came to Mercury Lamp and said softly. There was another girl beside her, it was Alice.

From the first time he saw Mercury Lamp, Kanzaki liked her very much, and treated her like his own daughter after adopting her as a adopted daughter, so at this moment, seeing Mercury Lamp's expression immediately became worried.

And facing Kanzaki, the master and adoptive mother, Mercury Lamp will not be as arrogant as when facing strangers, coupled with a melancholy mood, he immediately tells what happened just now and the guesses in his heart.

After listening, Kanzaki immediately hugged her and comforted her: "It's okay, Xiao Dengdeng is so cute, your father will definitely not abandon you, and if something happens, mom will help you, so just sleep well today."

Beside, Alice was also shocked when she heard Mercury Lamp's words. Her thought was similar to that of Kanzaki, so what would be the reason for the broken contract chain... Alice's face was somewhat absent-minded. She couldn't forget the sentence when she was desperate: just this once, let me be your knight!

Underworld Baiyulou.

Lily, dressed in pure white armor, stood in the middle of the courtyard, with her hands resting on the sword in the stone, her eyes closed, letting the wind of the underworld blow her body, she desperately needed to calm down now.

She has been standing like this for half an hour, without any movement, and the soul Youmu who is trimming the garden not far away looks at her with worried and frightened eyes. She has never seen Lily in such a state, so she dare not approach her.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps not far away, it was an old man with two swords on his waist.

The appearance of this person immediately opened Lily's eyes, with an extremely strong fighting spirit bursting out of his eyes, the sword in the stone came out of its sheath, his figure was like lightning, and he rushed to the old man in an instant, and then, the sword in the stone slashed at the old man with an unrivaled momentum.

This old man is called Soul Yaoji, and he is one of the top-ranked powerhouses in Gensokyo. He has been staying in Baiyulou for the first nine months, and he often competes with Lily in swordplay.


When the two swords intersected, Soul Yaoji swayed in place, but Lily was sent flying by the shock. This time, it was obvious that Lily lost the upper hand in this duel, but Hun Yaoji was greatly shocked. He had exerted 70% of his strength, but he could only gain the upper hand. It was only a few days, how could the opponent become so strong?

Moreover, that strong momentum is like facing thousands of troops!

She is not fighting alone!

"Again!" Lily paused in mid-air, slamming her sword again to kill Soul Yaoji, that violent attack was like a tsunami erupting, even Soul Yaoji couldn't ignore it.

Right now, she could no longer calm Lily down by just meditating. Only fighting, on the brink of life and death, without thinking about anything, was the only way... She could relieve the depression in her heart.

"Hey, what's going on?" Soul Youmeng, who was watching this scene not far away, couldn't help talking to himself.

"Oh, actually, there is no need to worry so much. If that person really dies, he will probably come to the underworld. I will treat him well at that time, as long as he gives me something delicious." Suddenly, Yuyuko floated to Youmu without a sound, and said vaguely while eating.

"Master Yuyuko, what are you talking about?" Youmu immediately asked.


"what are you eating?"

"This." Youyouzi flipped the palm of his hand, and suddenly there was a packaging bag in his hand. Although he didn't know what was in it, there were two words written on the packaging bag - festival.

Youmu frowned suddenly, "Master Yuyuko, don't eat indiscriminately, where did you get this food from?"

"It's not messy, Zi stole it from the Hakurei Shrine, and she gave it to me when I went to her just now, it's delicious, do you want it?" Yuyuko said nonchalantly.

Youmu shook his head decisively!

Sun flower field.

The lord of the flowers of the four seasons sees the fragrance in the wind. She stands in the flower bed with a sun umbrella as usual to enjoy the flowers. Opposite her is also the same as usual, standing a petite girl - Ewen Jielin.

"You don't seem to be in the mood today, so don't fight." Kazami Yuka looked at the expression of the girl opposite, said silently, then turned and walked forward.

As soon as she took a step, she heard a voice behind her, "It is because you are not in the state that you need to fight, Kazami Yuka... It seems that you are not in the state, isn't it?"

"What I think is different from yours." Kazami Yuka stood still and said so.

Yiwen Jielin looked at her back, "I feel the same breath on your body."

"I am a monster, you are a vampire, there is no similarity between us." Kazami Yuka turned her head, looked at Ewen Jielin, and said seriously.

Ewen Jielin grinned, but no smile could be felt on her face, and then suddenly her figure disappeared in place, and the next moment she appeared in front of Kazami Yuka, with bright red nails showing on the five fingers of her right hand, grabbing Kazami Yuka's heart.


Before touching it, Kazami Yuka had already grabbed Yi Wenjielin's wrist, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you are immortal, you will actually die."

"Yes, if the origin is wiped out, no matter how powerful an existence is, it will be wiped out in an instant." Yiwen Jielin ignored the domineering spirit emanating from Kazami Yuka, and said word by word, "Kazami Yuka, if a character like you is obliterated, is it possible to survive?"

Fengjian Youxiang was slightly taken aback, but she didn't answer, but looked up at the sky, and after a while, she said to herself, "Green... I can see it."

Then she let go, put away the sun umbrella, and stepped back a few steps, "Come on, let's have a good fight!"

"now it's right!"

Yiwen Jielin flicked her beautiful hair, and immediately attacked Kazami Youxiang.

The two started a life-and-death battle here, and on the boundary line of Gensokyo, there was a black crack in the open space high in the sky, and the girl who was also holding a sun umbrella looked at everything that her eyes could see, but it seemed as if she hadn't seen it.

She is the monster of the realm—Yakumo Zi.

(to be continued)

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