Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 2: Heavenly Mission

I was the first to open the door of the reception room in front of everyone. "Erlang Zhenjun, what's the matter of coming to Isinger today?"

"Who are you?" Erlang Zhenjun went up and down a lot of me. "Are you a relative of Ziri?"

"Really?" I nodded. Anyway, it is not clear what he thinks it is. "I'm Yinyue, the deputy commander of the guild. Zi Ri is now entangled in some troubles, and I can't see the guests for the time being. If you have something, you can tell me first." It's awkward to say your name like a bystander .

"Is it a very important thing?" Erlang Zhenjun asked with some worry, "How long does it take for the Seal of the Throne to finish the urgent task at hand? If it is not very urgent, I suggest you get him directly , I have more important questions here. "

"I think you misunderstood what I meant. Ziri is not dealing with something, but is in trouble. In fact, we also hope that he can get rid of it quickly, but we cannot help with this kind of thing."

"Trouble? Can you take me to see it? Maybe I can help." Erlang Zhenjun said it very true, just do not know whether he is for our friendship or really because of the things at hand.

I thought for a second and decided to take him to see, anyway, he was not our enemy. Erlang Zhenjun followed us to the auspicious and comfortable nest. The big silkworm cocoon has been moved here. The lucky attributes of the two little guys can help me survive the crisis. In case of the probability calculation during the silkworm cocoon period, they will be there. Results Definitely not too bad.

Erlang Zhenjun entered the room and looked around, then focused on the huge cocoon. He looked at me in surprise with his fingers at the big cocoon.

"Don't doubt, you guessed it right, Ziri is here."

"Is Ziri the Zerg?" Erlang Zhenjun asked incredulously.

"How do you say this?" I thought for a moment, "It should be said that this is a reward from the Zerg, but it must go through a period of incubation before evolution. We don't know how long it will take to seal the throne. Evolution, so Zi Ri ca n’t discuss anything with you for the time being. If you really have any urgent matters, you can talk to me first. Now I can fully delegate Zi Ri to preside over everything. ”

Erlang Zhenjun considered for a moment: "I do have something very anxious, but I'm afraid this will not help anyone except Ziri."

"What the **** is it? How do you know we can't help without telling you?"

Erlang Zhenjun nodded and said, "All right. This is how it happened. Did you know that a lot of demons ran out of the damaged gourd last time?"

"Tell me about this purple day." I nodded to know.

"A few days ago, the great gods who patrolled the mountains showed demon qi, and the breath was quite huge. These monsters seem to be gathering, they may be planning something. The immortal qi of our gods is too obvious, even the stupid demon knows us Identity, so ...! "

"So you want me to help you find out, right?"

"I don't want you to go," Erlang Zhenjun corrected. "I want Ziri to go, but unfortunately it seems impossible to see this now."

I'm so used to pretending not to be myself, I accidentally say something wrong. Fortunately, Erlang Zhenjun has no problems. "There are also a lot of experts in our guild. We can handle this matter for you. What do you think?"

"Since Ziri has no way to act now, it can only be so." Erlang Zhenjun took out a piece of jade and handed it to me, "This is the jade of communication and put it in your guild. If you find anything, just tap the jade three times. And we will come here to meet you. "

I took the jade and passed it to Rose. "Jingjun please rest assured that we will complete the task as soon as possible. But ...!"

I have n’t finished before Erlang Zhenjun and said, “You are indeed a relative of Ziri, even with similar personalities. Rest assured, heaven will not keep you busy, and you will be rewarded afterwards.”

"Haha, Zhenjun joked. I just wanted to ask the specific place where the evil spirit appeared. But since Tianting is so generous, we are not good at sweeping Tianting's face, so thank you first." Damn, the gods really are all Slippery.

Erlang Zhenjun smiled and gave me a fist: "Then leave first."

"Send Zhenjun."

I was slightly relieved when Erlang Zhenjun left Isinger. Rose came over and asked, "You really do it!"

"This kind of rich man doesn't knock it out. But what exactly is the plan in the demon world? I have to go and see for myself."

Eagle pointed at my body in surprise: "You go like this?"

"I don't want to! But what can I do? Which Ziri body is still in the cocoon, and I can only use this body."

"What if the monsters attack you?" Hongyue asked.

"I don't know, I can only try it. Anyway, this trumpet is only 107, and it doesn't matter if you hang it once."

"Then don't you bring some gear?"

I pointed to the big cocoon over there: "Everything is sealed inside, what do you want me to take?"

"Then there's no way."

Rose asked, "Will I go with you?"

Seeing everyone listening to Rose has the intention to go with me. I quickly reached out and stopped: "If the monsters admit my existence, then you do not need your help. If they do not admit, you all go with me. usefulness."

Rose nodded: "Be careful then."

A Wei joked sideways and said, "If you meet a monster such as a satyr, remember to stay away, your equipment is now very easy to cause crime."

"Don't force me out of the dragon claws!"

After leaving Isinger, I went straight to the former site of the Governor's City, and now it has become a monster's den. The last time I let the monsters hide here, relying on the pressure of the people in the city above to control the monsters, now it should become the monster headquarters.

When he was out of the teleportation array, he left the city first, and then went to the cemetery in the wild of the city. This is the purpose of the city. The corpses in the city are basically buried here, so the scale is relatively large, because most of the monster gates do not like water, so the entrance of the Governor's City has been changed to this cemetery. Keeping it under the moat is not the answer.

There are no players on the way to the cemetery, there is no leveling area, monsters are powerful and experience is low. Not much is coming out yet, so everyone is too lazy to go. It feels special to walk alone on the road. The order suit on my body automatically became a robe form because of my mage profession. A golden magic crown on the head, it can easily be regarded as a girl's headdress if you don't pay attention. The half-length breastplate hanging on the shoulders just disappeared to the upper abdomen. The weak constitution of the mage caused the armor to evolve into a short and thin shape automatically. However, evolution makes the armor look very much like women's equipment. I knew that it should be a soldier. A wide golden belt around the waist, and a crystal hanging around it, this is a special treatment for senior members of the guild. Short skirt like a skirt under the belt. Skirt armor is nothing to wear on fighters, but with the white embroidered red-trimmed mage robe worn inside me, it feels like a skirt. The wings of the right angel are terrible. Because the evil value was not completely eliminated, it was still pink.

At the time of Isinger, A Wei was joking with me because this behavior was a bit too feminine, but I could not do anything about it. After all, this appearance is too feminine. Even if it is not a mage occupation, it is probably difficult to be considered a man. This is not the case, as soon as I came halfway, I met a group of players who came from another road.

There are five men in this group, four men and one woman. Except that woman is a mage, the other four are all warrior occupations. My presence immediately turned them around, and one of the tall fighters came over immediately. "Are you going to the city cemetery?"

I nodded but didn't speak, and didn't stop at my feet.

He nodded and said excitedly, "We also went to the cemetery. Do you team with us? We have too few mages, and multiple mages are faster to level up."

I shook my head: "I'm not here to level. I'm leaving soon."

"Oh, that's it! That's annoying." The man returned quite politely, but the other men around him immediately laughed at him.

I walked ahead. Five of them followed. The woman chased after approaching the cemetery. "Hello, my name is Flame Dance, get to know each other."

"Silver Moon." I shook her hands. This woman looks a bit like Hongyue, but not as pretty as Hongyue. A red mage robe is clearly a powerful flame mage.

"What are you doing for your own purpose?"


The flames fluttered and I knew that I didn't want to say that I had to return back with interest, and later several people talked to her. I ignored them and stepped up to the graveyard. Although it is daylight, the entire cemetery is gloomy. A white mist filled the entire cemetery. The light is quite dim. For me, this is a dangerous place. The only special feature of this trumpet is the charm. The undead creatures are mentally immune, and the charm does not work for them.

Walking between the tombstones, suddenly there was a dark shadow of a person in the dense fog ahead. I took out the staff and leaned over carefully, but the shadow disappeared suddenly. The sudden anomaly behind me let me know that it was standing behind me, but I did not look back but suddenly kicked back.

"Ah, wow!" The sudden scream made me turn back in surprise, only to see that the player team was standing behind me, and one of them fell to the ground holding the most important place of the man and rolled around.

"I'm sorry, it's you!"

The guy on the ground sat up with pain, "Wow, ma'am, can't you be gentle? I just want to talk, can't I be so hard?"

"I saw a ghost just now, and you just appeared, and I think of you as it. Also, don't call me Miss, I'm a man."

"Ha ha ha ha! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard." The guy on the ground got up and said, "If the lady is a man, I'll do a transsexual operation to be a woman."

The female mage said to him, "It's better for you to be a pig."

"What's that?" Something went wrong with a soldier.

I turned back and saw the shadow again. "I was just talking about it."

"So scary." The female mage hurriedly hid behind the team members.

"Will dispel?" The big man asked me at first.

I shook my head: "This kind of thing is not so troublesome." After that, I walked in their shocked eyes. They watched in surprise as I walked to the shadow and waved to them. They were still a little worried and leaned over slowly, and finally came to me.

I was standing beside a terrifying blood-red humanoid monster and beckoning to them. "What are you afraid of? It won't move anymore." I slap the monster a few times to prove myself.

The soldiers came over in horror. "He ... wouldn't he really move?" I punched the monster hard. "See?"

The tall soldier swallowed and said, "Miss, you are brave enough."

"Again, I am a man. This thing is called anti-corruption corpse, a 300-level monster, not very powerful."

The female mage quickly stretched her head and said, "But he is so scary." She shrank back after speaking.

The tall warrior also said, "How did you fix it?"

I beckoned them to come behind the monster and pointed to a dagger stuck in the monster's stamina. "Just plug it in, it won't move without pulling it out."

"Then it just stood and let you plug in?"

I put my finger in the eye of the ghost and made a circle: "See? It has no eyes. As long as you plug your nose and breathe it will not respond, this thing is similar to a zombie, it is chasing popularity active."

A younger-looking warrior said, "Ask me bravely. Do you work in a hospital?"

"No. What do you ask?"

"I see that you are playing with corpses just like playing with mannequins. This seems like most people can't stand it? I see this guy's legs and stomach cramps. It's still a little soft."

The female mage nodded desperately, "Yeah! There is nothing about living people, and I am not afraid of skeletons. This is the most scary kind of rotten and not completely rotten, and this one is a bit mutated. You can see it all There are thorns. "

"It turns out that you feel sick?" I swept down the anti-corruption corpse at the foot of my feet, and Ka-chan opened his chin with a sound. Reached out a hand through his mouth. The five players next to him looked disgusting. I reached in half my arm and finally felt a hard object, pinching it and pulling it out. It was a green crystal, and as soon as it left the corpse's mouth, it disappeared into a black smoke. "Don't you be afraid now, eh? What are you vomiting?"

"Gee ~ I'm sure you have been an coroner before," said the big warrior, spitting.

I stood up and said, "I run a restaurant. It sells buns."

The muscles of the young soldier next to him were cramped: "Haha, what a joke!"

"Fenglong." As soon as he reached out, Fenglong emerged out of thin air and stood on my arm. "Take this away." I threw the green crystal to Fenglong. Fenglong caught the crystal and disappeared.

"Your magic pet?" The female mage asked in surprise.

The soldier who was kicked by me said, "It's still a rare space department!"

I didn't answer, turned and walked into the thick fog, and they quickly followed. "What are you doing with me?"

The satyr warrior said, "We are all safer together."

"I don't need protection."

"It's what we need."

I smiled and shook my head helplessly. "Let's do it, but don't blame me for a while. I'm going to find a group of very powerful things. I may not be the target, but you must die."

"It's better than being scared to death."

"Why are you so afraid to go to the graveyard to level up? Isn't there a leveling area in the forest?"

The young warrior said: "We are practicing the skill Poison Sword. We must level up in the cemetery."

I shook my head and turned to continue walking, still counting the tombstones in my mouth: "Thirty-three pieces, turn left again. Three tablets apart. Haha, here it is." I kicked **** a tombstone The tombstone immediately backed away for a long distance, and a secret passage with blue light was revealed.

"What is this?" The five men were unable to shut up in surprise.

"If you don't want to die, you better turn around and leave now, but if you want to follow up, please help me keep it secret."

"Of course." They nodded desperately together.

I took the lead and walked down. When we all entered the secret road, the tombstone above came back automatically and blocked the entrance. This action frightened them five again.

As I walked down, I kept counting, one number per step, and when I reached three hundred, I stopped. Reaching out and pressing firmly on the side wall, the wall sinks down and slides away to the side.

"There is a secret passage!" Said the female mage in surprise.

As I walked in, I explained: "The stairs are fake. If you continue to go down, you will pass through the phantom channel and enter the Huangquan Realm. Don't expect them to come out."

As soon as we got into the wall, a sword hit my neck. "It's been a long time since I have seen such a creature from Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket, it will be very delicious."

The five guys turned in shock and tried to run, but the door closed with a bang. They all leaned against the wall like a frightened bow and couldn't move.

Although I have a sword on my neck, I am much calmer than them. In an imperative tone, I said to the owner of the sword in the shadow: "Go and inform the four protectors, Zi Ri is here."

"Who is Ziri?" The sword-bearer stepped out of the darkness. This is a half-human, half-mouse monster.

Before I could answer the guy, he was knocked down by a fist that suddenly appeared, and a man with red pupils came out, "Is your ambassador from Ziri?

"That's right. Are the four major protections in place?"

"The water deficiency protection law is here, and the other three are out."

"Then take me to see him, I have important matters to find him."

"Please follow me." This monster can be transformed into a human figure, showing that it is not a low-level member. He turned and blame the mouse that had just been laid down. "Never again, the benefactor's special envoy will hit you back."

The little demon nodded violently and dared not move. The next five saw the situation and quickly followed.

I turned around and said to the rat that had just been beaten: "You took five of them up to kill some zombies or something, don't let them get hurt, you know?" After saying that, I said to those five people: "He will follow you Do n’t worry, go up to leveling up ~ ~ I still have something to do with me. "

Turning around and following this humanoid monster all the way through the long aisle into Duling City, I was surprised to ask the monster in front. "Why are there so few people? Where have everyone gone?"

"This ... you still need to see Shuixu Fa law."

I seemed to be in a dilemma and nodded without questioning. Followed him soon to the former Governor's Mansion, and now becomes the command center of the monsters. Waited for a short while in the reception room and arrived. He looked at me and looked up and then asked, "Have we met before?"

"I have seen it."

"No wonder how it feels like a familiar atmosphere." Shui Xu motioned me to sit down and then I sat down and asked, "I heard that you are a special envoy of Zi Ri, do you know what is happening this time?"

"Actually, I am Ziri." What I want to ask next is the secrets of the monsters, and it is difficult to continue without figuring out the identity.

Shui Xu is also an old monster, and his mind is extremely deep. He didn't show much surprise when he heard me. "Can you explain it?"

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