Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 1: Puppet

Do you want to rebuild the Fulcrum City? "

"Of course." I nodded surely: "The plan of Fulcrum City has never been truly abandoned, and this is why we have not withdrawn Ling Yuan to blow them back. The Japanese battlefield has always been our strategic focus, always hitting both sides at sea. Ca n’t stop, we must shift the strategic focus. What's more important is that it can win the goodwill of South Korean and North Korean players. Of course, more importantly, these goodwill will be directly expressed in the form of cash. Of course ... "Me face In front of the Army Ant Fort. "After they're all done."

"The thirteen Zerg fortresses are all completed and it will not take long for the Seal of the Seal of God." Ying said: "With the current construction capacity of Steel City, if we stop all other projects, we can produce one fortress per day, or faster. ... but this capital investment ...? "

Rose whispered beside him for a long time: "Stop temporarily the expansion projects of Tianmen Island and * City, and after the equipment replacement projects in other cities are temporarily suppressed, the launch of the new battleship will remain within three ships a day, so we It can withdraw about 15 million crystal coins, and our guild still has 30 million funds. I think it should be enough. "

Hongyue also nodded: "The steel used in the construction is our own. A few special materials can be bought. It doesn't cost much. You count too many roses. I think that 30 million should be enough. Slow down the progress of other projects. It is not possible to raise funds from guild members.

What happens in other guilds is generally fundraising by guild members. There are not many guilds that can take care of themselves. "

"This ...!" I thought for a moment. "Let ’s do this. In the future, you will formulate a labor standard for the guild. In theory, all members of the guild must pay three crystal coins. If members participate in the guild labor, they will be offset according to the situation.

If a player completes the official work of these three crystal coins and then continues to help the guild work, they can be rewarded with guild rewards, such as a collective outing tour level and some guild place prizes. The allowance of not participating in the guild's official work and paying inconsistent membership fees can be delayed for up to one week. He didn't talk about kicking, and he will never use it again. "

A Wei asked: "Will this cause players to voluntarily resign?"

The gold coin called out immediately: "Retreat and retreat, and we are not a small guild to ask them to increase their popularity. Besides, if they just want to take advantage and refuse to pay for labor, such people do not want to.

I said to the reformist: "You take care of the specific things. I just give a general direction. You will decide how much the fees will be."

"Okay, leave this alone. I'll take full responsibility."

Large-scale construction projects within Steel City have all stopped. The squadron players instructed the laborers to send large equipment to the ground and assemble the other twelve Zerg fortresses. I ran inside the army ant fortress and walked in front of the ant totem. "Big ant, how do you feel?"

"Very good, I feel that my body is fully integrated. This steel material here is just too suitable for the Zerg Fortress. It is more than twice the defense and control of our previous Fortress."

"So you're satisfied?"

"Satisfied, I'm very satisfied." Ant's totem's voice showed that he had blossomed.

"You're satisfied. But you promise me something special?"

"Promise you? What is it?"

by. Does this guy depend on his account? "Don't you say that I feel there are some obstacles, as long as I help you, can you help me break through the obstacles?" The hierarchy was cancelled. But the newly emerged thing, battle level, has completely inherited the original level system. My current battle level is 800. No matter how I fight, I don't rise to the extreme. Obviously mission levels still exist.

"Oh, you say this." As if this guy just remembered it, he didn't know if he had really forgotten it or had something to hide.

"How can you help me push this line?"

"In fact, this boundary is very easy to break through. The thirteen zergs have their own physical abilities. If you get our recognition and become a derivative, you can break through the boundary."

"What is a derivative? Do you want me to become a bug?"

"Derivation is not a bug. This is our own ability given to other creatures by the Zerg. The main feature of this ability is self-reinforcement. After becoming a derivative, you will not encounter any limit of boundaries, as long as you feel you have reached a bottleneck. , You can use special abilities to break through it again. "

"What are you waiting for? Give it to me. Don't tell me to use the ability of 13 Chong Totems together?"

"That's not necessary, but our Zerg spawn ability has slight side effects. Let me explain first, this is your own request, don't ask me if something goes wrong."

"Side effects? What are the side effects? Any specific reactions?"

"This may be wrong." The ant tribe totem said: "As far as I know, five foreign races became derivatives. The first was an orc, and the side effect of the cold man was intellectual deterioration." "Isn't intellectual deterioration becoming an idiot? "

"Almost," said the Ants Totem. "That guy later fell into the swamp and drowned himself because he was so stupid."

"What about the other four?"

"There is a beautiful forest elf from Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Coat m that turned into an ugly monster with a sarcoma face. As a result, he was scared to death by the reflection in the lake during the training. I ca n’t control my appetite, what to eat, and I succumbed to too much food to eat myself. In addition, a dwarf became alienated into a hard carapace, and finally starved to death because he could not move at all. The last ... ! "

"Wait, wait, stop. Are the derivatives you know dead?"

The Ant Totem said with certainty: "The five I have seen have died because they became derivatives, but there are legends of surviving derivatives that have become very terrifying beings."

"Then you heard of those who are alive?"

"I don't know who it is. Each Zerg tribe kept secret from each other. The five I made were all hanged. Of the two surviving examples I heard, one was made by the Butterfly family and the other was a praying mantis. Tribe. I made a small number, so there are no living examples. Both the butterfly and the mantis tribe have produced hundreds of derivatives, and so far each has survived.

Good guy, the survival rate of one hundredth is too low, right? It is almost certain that death is certain. "Will you guys make a huge difference because of the derivation of different zerg shows?"

"We have not studied this, but so far there is no connection. It seems that the specific strengthening of attributes and the form of side effects are more closely related to the racial relationship from which they are derived. There are personalities in the derivatives of the Butterfly Tribe. They all appear similar. Situational side effects.

And the human derivative I made has similar side effects. "

"You mean the human who can't control his appetite?"

"Yes, human beings become derivative and have no control *. It is either appetite or *, or something else, anyway, it is some kind of husband control."

"That's troublesome!" I muttered quietly. "I'm a mixed race of angels and demons.

Later, Wei Na established a blood contract to become a vampire, and was also bitten by Red Moon as a root. Do four races add up to four side effects or none of them? "

Ant totem heard my mutter. "A semi-elf derived from the last Batu show had a severe mental allergy. He was nervous all day, and later died of nervousness and heart failure. I do n’t think that the mixed race will have the original race problem. It should be a fusion New side effects. But we have n’t seen a race you are so responsible for. Or else you bet on success or not? It ’s an experiment. ”

"The beauty you want. I'm not a mouse. Hey, by the way. You can wait, I'll be back in a while."

Out of the army ant fortress, I went straight to Isinger and got into the Panda Hall like a gust of wind. As a result, I only saw the empty room and the bsp packing the toys; "Well auspicious?"

The guard saw me first got up and saluted, and then said, "They went to the ground city to play. I quickly ran to the Juling Pagoda and took the elevator to the ground city. The Isinger Ground City has been fully opened. The playground is still lively. How can you find such a vast crowd! There is no way to pick up the city radio to convey the order: "All guards pay attention. Immediately confirm whether the mascots of the Downward Conference are near you, and now quickly send them to the gate of the third city wall. "

Fortunately, there are many guards in our city. After a few minutes, the two naughty babies were carried back by the two guards.

"Come on, the two of you follow me." I turned around and left, but it turned out that Auspicious Ruyi didn't follow. "Why don't you go?" Jixiang pointed to his mouth and rubbed his stomach. I certainly understood the obvious meaning. "Come back and give you two trays of roasted rabbit meat."

He shook his head auspiciously, then crossed his crosses with two claws, then pointed himself, then crossed his fingers with his wish. His gesture translation is that he and Ruyi want ten people each.

"Is everyone okay?"

Auspicious was immediately compared to eight.

"Six sets."

Jixiang immediately jumped up with Ruyi and followed up. He was really a lazy guy. I took the two pandas to the Army Ant Fortress again, and let me stand on one side and hold my leg, so I could die for a little luck. As long as you are a member of the Association, the closer you are to Lucky Auspicious, the better you will be. This is our long-term experience, and we should make good use of it this time.

"Big ant, help me upgrade to a derivative. There is no problem with this double insurance. Even if there are side effects, there should be no major problems."

"Are you sure you want to upgrade?"


"First say, I'm not responsible for the accident."

"of course."

"Okay, you're ready, I'm going to start."

The ant totem suddenly became dazzling, and a red ray flew out and hit the black crystal directly on my head feed, but nothing happened.

"It's over?" I checked myself, nothing changed!

The Ants Totem wondered, "It's weird, but it didn't hit the same shot just now. Your helmet may have offset this as an attack. You can take it off and try again."

After I took off the helmet, the ant family totem shot a red light again, this time hitting my forehead, I just felt that my head almost hit me on the ground. "Fuck, or else the helmet will actively intercept this thing, just like a physical attack."

"Do you feel anything change?"

I immediately felt the martial arts. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The throne of the gods and the pride of the world are the strongest. Moving Qiankun will kill the night of the gods and the seal of the throne, and ask the demon to be proud of the world. Nine Heavens is the strongest. It is nothing special. "No change! Are you lying?"

"It doesn't make sense!" The Ant Totem thought for a while. "Just do it again."


Another red light hit my forehead, this time it hurts more than last time, it almost looks like a sap.

"Any reaction?"


"What reaction?"

"I want to vomit! I'm probably concussed by you! Ah! So uncomfortable. I have to find a place to vomit."

Quickly let go of luck. I ran out of the army ant fortress. The stomach felt like an explosion, and a strong feeling of vomiting all the way from the stomach to the throat.

As soon as I ran out of the gate of the army ant fortress, I couldn't bear a mouth. The result was not a thing in the stomach but a small white clump. This clump was still hanging in the air and there seemed to be a line connected to my mouth.

Woma had originally directed work. Seeing that I was wrong, I rushed over. "What happened to Ziri?"

"In the stomach ... the stomach is uncomfortable ... the vomit--!" The Bai Tuantuan fell to the ground completely this time, but the wire it was attached to was still in my mouth. I tried to grab the wire and pull it out, but it got longer. Constantly. Damn, has it evolved into a silkworm baby?

"Why did you shred?"

"I don't vomit ...!" This mouth came out with a large group of glittering filaments, these ribbons were glittering, and there seemed to be water on the surface. I stuck my hand as soon as I grabbed it, it was sticky. As soon as Woma was ready to help, I was blocked. "Don't touch it. It won't come down if it sticks."

"Spit ..." A larger lump of silk was thrown out, and a small silk pile piled up on the ground.

"Ziri, what's the matter with you?" Woma was anxious.

"It's okay. There was a small accident in the experiment."

I had just finished speaking and suddenly felt a strong feeling of swelling in my stomach, then my neck lifted back uncontrollably and a huge silk ball squirted out of my mouth. After the silk ball flew up, it was automatically dispersed into a bunch of silk threads, and then the loops dropped neatly and just wrapped me inside. The silk thread quickly tightened as soon as it fell to the ground. My feet crooked and fell down. The silk thread naturally wrapped me up.

I naturally turned into a large white silkworm cocoon with glittering glitter. My body was struggling inside, and the silkworm cocoon followed. Woma quickly called for help, and a player went up and chopped on the cocoon, but the knife broke off. The player looked at his knife in surprise: "What's so tangled?"

The cocoon on the ground jumped a few times before moving, and soon its surface began to fuse, and the silk threads all melted together to form a large olive-shaped cuff. The outer part of the entire cocoon began to harden rapidly, and became more and more glorious. It looked like a pearl, but was not in the right shape. Because the husband went sticky, some people who got stuck because they rescued me fell off automatically. Woma knocked on the shell, and a cooing sound came from the cocoon shell.

The cocoon was transported to Isinger, and they arrived quickly. The eagle looked at the huge cocoon in front of him and asked Woma: "Are you sure Ziri is in it?"

Woma nodded: "I watched him twitch himself and wrapped himself in, then it became like this." What? Aren't they attacked by monsters? "Hong Yue asked in surprise:" How could Zi Ri spun? "

"How do I know! Anyway, he came out of the army ant fortress and was not right, and then started vomiting, but all the spitting was white silk threads, the last bite was more, and then he tied himself like this." At the beginning of this cocoon It is also elastic, and the surface is not so smooth, and it is particularly sticky. Later, it seems to gradually harden and lose its adhesion.

Hongyue asked, "Can't you knock with something?"

Woma shook his head: "The outer layer of the cocoon shell is as hard as steel, and the weapons have been interrupted. No scratches have been left on it. I am afraid that I will hurt the purple sun inside."

Su Mei dragged her chin and said, "In fact, you don't have to be too nervous. Generally speaking, things that will be silky are evolved. Ziri should evolve some new ability. Anyway, it should be fine for him to spit silk. . "

Rose chop out of the cocoon and knocked hard: "Purple Sun? Can you hear it? Answer us," Don't listen, I'm here. " "

Everyone looked back to the door. A fairy from the beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat M floated in.

"You ...?" Eagle was a little confused.

Rose was relieved when she saw the people coming in. "This is Ziri's trumpet silver moon. Haven't you met last time?"

"I didn't respond for a moment." Eagle smiled and scratched his head: "The main difference is that the contrast is too great.

Fuck, Ziri, if you use this trumpet to accept new members, you will be guaranteed to change the threshold of the registration office within one hour. "

"Then I'll get a fox and apply some secretions on the body. If there is a odor, look at who dares to approach."

A Wei breathed exaggeratedly: "But now there is only a faint scent."

I kicked A Wei to one side, walked directly to the big cocoon and touched: "It's okay, it should enter evolution."

"By the way, what's the matter with Ziri?" Now the rank is low, there was no power in that kick, Awei, the dead boy, came back again. "Why did you suddenly spit silk cocoons? Do you want caterpillars to turn into butterflies? It's not your fault to grow ugly, why evolve into a butterfly?"

"Be careful, I'm out of my legs."

Su Mei came over and asked, "I guessed that you must have evolved. Tell us what I guessed, right?"

I nodded. "The original condition for the return of the Thirteen Zerg races in the tropical rain forest belt was that they had to help me pass the 800-level mission level. As a result, the Ant race totem said that it must evolve into a derivative to break through the level. It ’s easy to have side effects. After evolution, I do n’t know whether it is a normal reaction or a side effect. It turned into a cocoon. ”

"What about the attributes? Haven't you seen them?" Rose asked, looking at me.

"I looked at it before changing the trumpet, and the attribute showed only three characters-the date of transformation. None of the attributes could be seen."

"What do you do then?"

"First use the trumpet to make up. Anyway, the trumpet of this Silver Moon has been set to the highest authority, the guild can be freely moved. Players explain it."

"But those outside don't know you!" Hongyue said anxiously: "What to do if one day comes to court? But regardless of your size and trumpet, no one here can talk to the people in heaven except you ~ ~ The identity of the middleman of our guild is also because of your large purple sun, the temples of light and darkness, and the heavens and demons, who only recognize you. What if they come now? "

"Isn't it so coincidental?"

I heard footsteps behind my voice before a guard rushed in.

"Erji Jun is here. He wants to meet the President."

"Afraid of what comes!" The eagle first asked the guard to entertain and then said to me: "What can I do?"

"I can't seem to let me go?" Rose said, "Oh, I and Erlang Zhenjun said a few words."

"Don't be nervous, God is not the enemy, tell him that there should be no problem with the truth. He knows I can't get out here. He should understand. Is the reception ...!" The role of interim chairman is all right, and I believe it is not a big deal. "

"Let's talk about it this time." Gaige nodded: "Let's go and see what happened when Erlang Shen suddenly ran."

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