Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 542: New Supreme Family Child

The Honghuang Sea area has always been a very strange name for the couple, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

Before this time, I have not received any rumors in this regard, and I do n’t know whether it is because the state has protected the area too well, or something else. In short, few people talk about this strange name.

However, since the flood waters were so treated this time, even the peak of the demon tribe did not hesitate to use the radical method and hoped that Pei Junlin would go there, then all kinds of mysterious auras were revealed.

The information given by the military asked Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong to go to Dongyang Tiankeng.

When Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong rushed to Dongyang Tiankeng, they found that the entire Dongyang Tiankeng base had already gathered strong men and blood, and the air was filled with a strong sense of oppression.

Pei Junlin is really familiar with Dongyang Tiankeng. This is the place where he entered the world of Tiankeng for the first time, and he feels a second home.

Sure enough, the figures of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong just appeared. Both the guarding soldiers and others in the base greeted him warmly, shouting his name one by one.

Pei Junlin also has a deep memory of these familiar faces, and nodded with a smile.

"Pei Junlin, here!"

A shout came, and Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong looked up, and they saw a crowd not far away, surrounded by a group of people. The atmosphere was very lively, and Li Tianpei was calling his name!

There are Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, and Luo Yan standing beside Li Tianpei. In addition, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Monk Jie, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan who have been away for half a month also It's all here.

However, all of them were standing on the edge of the field, each with their necks stretched out like a giraffe. Look inside.

Pei Junlin walked around with Prince Qiong, and looked inside with curiosity, and found that someone had set up a table in the open space-fried golden flowers!

However, the bet is really a bit big. I saw that the huge table was filled with a mountain of spiritual crystals, the number of which was almost a thousand, and the quality seemed to be all high-quality spiritual crystals.

That aura that belongs to Gao Pinling Jing has attracted many onlookers. Many people even intoxicated and continuously sucked the scattered spiritual power in the air with their noses.

What attracted Pei Junlin's attention was not the surprisingly high-quality Lingjing. What made him curious were the five people who were bombing the golden flower.

Bai Yulong, Yang Xue, and Sun Kai are acquaintances. He knew them, but he didn't know the other man and woman.

The temperament of this man and a woman is very calm and sophisticated, full of powerful aura, expensive and compelling, that kind of breath is definitely not what ordinary strong people can have.

An idea suddenly rose from the bottom of Pei Junlin's heart—the children of the Supreme Family!

Of the five people sitting at this table, Bai Yulong, Yang Xue, and Sun Kai are all children of the Supreme Family. Since the two strange men and women can sit peacefully with the three, the answer is already very Obviously.

You know, there are nine Supreme Family members. Pei Junlin has now met four Supreme Family members, and the remaining five Supreme Family members have never met.

This time the flood waters opened, it attracted many top powerhouses.

"Boss Pei, did you see the young man with a solid head and a solid body full of sturdy breath? His name is Pang Yue, a child of the Pang family of the Supreme Family, and Panghu Supreme is his father!"

Xia Houping whispered to Pei Junlin secretly.

Pei Junlin showed a touch of enlightenment. He said that the youth's appearance looked familiar. It was so.

He has seen Pang Hu, a very domineering and sturdy strong man. This Pang Yue is indeed his son, and he is very similar in terms of appearance and aura.

"What about that woman ?!"

Pei Junlin asked in a low voice.

Xia Houping glanced at the glamourous woman sitting at the gambling table without losing anyone, and lowered his voice: "Huajia, the only female supreme granddaughter in the Nine Supremes, the name is Huamuzi."

Pei Junlin looked surprised. He once heard the name of the flower family once or twice. The reason is that there are so few female Supremes in the Supreme Strong. Only this one is so special.

It's hard to imagine how much pressure a man in the flower family has to endure every day, especially the supreme woman ...


When Pei Junlin was thinking strangely, a domineering voice came from the field, interrupting his thoughts, and when he returned to God, he saw that Pang Yue pushed all the spirit crystals in front of him all into the center of the table. There are five hundred and five hundred high-quality spirit crystals, and the value is amazing!

This is a gamble with a lot of chips. The bright high-quality Lingjing is refracted by the sun, and it reflects the gorgeous luster, which makes more and more powerful people gather around.

At this time, at least 2,000 psionic crystals have accumulated in the center of the table. This is an amazing wealth for many powerful people.

A high-quality Lingjing is equal to ten medium-quality Lingjings, which is equal to a hundred low-quality Lingjings. In today ’s martial arts world, many martial arts do n’t say that they can afford high-quality Lingjings. Zhongling Lingjings are all luxury goods. Ninety are all cultivated by the low-quality spirit crystal.

Such a fortune has made many powerful people enthusiastically, even Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Na Lanhao, Xiahou Pingping, etc. Although they are much better than ordinary martial arts, such precious high-quality spirits are definitely not Dare to take it out casually.

Even Pei Junlin was secretly feeling that the children of the Supreme Family were all big dogs. They were too rich. It was really enviable.

The situation is just like the ordinary people in the mundane world. When they meet the rich second generation who spends a lot of money, driving a sports car, and fighting for red wine, it is not normal to be envious. No one wants to live a good life, but it ’s a pity that there are no such good parents .

The children of these supreme families play cards that are specially made, and can forbid any detection of mental power. Therefore, it is impossible to cheat, and it is a kind of courage and luck to play.

"I fold!"

Under the eyes of a pair of eyes, Sun Kai took the lead in discarding the cards in his hands. His face was only one-to-five, which was not too big.

"I fold too!"

Yang Xue followed suit, and her pair was also a pair. For J, if she had a smaller stack, she might dare to fight, but it was too big, and she lost some pain.

At this time, only Bai Yulong, Hua Muzi and Pang Yue were left.

Bai Yulong looked hesitant and looked at his card several times. It was a straight, not too big but just seven or nine, but not too small. This kind of card is the most uncomfortable and can't be beaten.

"Bai Yulong, I remember that you are not a hesitant person. Playing a card, it is necessary to be so entangled! If you want to fold, hurry up, and if you want to hurry up, you will have to kill heaven and sword, and want to get rich overnight. Can you fight hard? "

"Take a fight, the bike becomes a motorcycle!"

Pang Yue said, he is really like his father Pang Hu, and everything is full of forward-thinking and eager.

Bai Yulong looked hesitant, and suddenly, at this time, Hua Muzi said, "I also fold, and you two fight together! I will give you this opportunity!"

With that said, the cards in his hand were directly discarded, and at this moment, Bai Yulong and Pang Yue remained on the field.

Seeing Hua Muzi also discarded the card, Bai Yulong bit his teeth and directly pushed the five hundred high-quality spirits in front of him, throwing the floor with a voice: "Open card!"

"Haha! Happy!"

When Pang Yue laughed, he threw the three cards in his hand directly on the table, and said loudly, "Flush!"

Bai Yulong's face suddenly paled for three minutes, and his face was grinning.

He lost, completely lost!

The crowd around him saw Bai Yulong's Junzi, booing, showing regret, and looking at Pang Yue's eyes full of envy.

In this game alone, Pang Yue at least netted more than a thousand high-quality Lingjing, which is really an instant rich.

With a smile on his face, Pang Yue directly embraced all Lingjing with his hands in front of him, and shouted, "Come and come, the next game! The next game!"

"Looking at everyone who is lively, if anyone is itchy, they can also come up to play! The more people the more lively!"

"Our gambling game is fair and fair, and childlike!"

"The licensee is a randomly selected friend ~ ~ guaranteed to have nothing to do with any of us!"

"It doesn't matter if there is no Lingjing, points are also possible!"

The crowd on the sidelines heard that although each one was very itchy, but the bets here were really too big, and finally they could only shake their heads and smile hard, and kept back.

Many people can't afford to win!

"Can I count one ?!"

"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you just want to meet two new friends!"

Pei Junlin suddenly stepped forward, stood in the field, and instantly became the focus of the audience.

When he saw his face, everyone soon whispered and shouted Pei Junlin's name.

Now Pei Junlin is really a big celebrity. Few people don't know him. It is really amazing that he has done all these things.

Hearing the people around him shouting Pei Junlin's name, Pang Yue and Hua Muzi's eyes also shot two sharp lights at the same time, full of inspection, and looked up and down Pei Junlin.

For the name, the two of them can be regarded as thunderous, but this is the first time they have really met.

"So you are Pei Junlin!"

Pang Yue's eyes were inexplicable, and Hua Muzi next to her eyes were also curious.

Pei Junlin couldn't help but grinning his nose and said, "Am I really so famous now? Even two children of the Supreme Family know me?"

"Hehe, now in the entire martial arts world of Huaxia, who doesn't know there is a fierce man, who dares to bombard the peak of the Dongfeng family's Divine Realm, and almost kills the top of the Divine Realm!

Hua Muzi stood up and laughed, then reached out and said, "Hello! Pei Junlin, I'm Hua Muzi!"

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