Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 541: Blood test-identification

The next day, in the morning.

At the gate of Jinling City's most famous private luxury hospital, slowly entered a Maybach that cost tens of millions.

The luxury car stopped and a man and a woman came out of the car, all wearing thick masks, showing only two pairs of eyes outside.

At the gate of the hospital, the person in charge of the hospital who had already heard the news had led hundreds of subordinates to welcome them warmly.

"Hello Mr. Pei! Hello Mrs. Pei!"

The dean is a pure fat man with a smile on Maitreya Buddha's face.

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong both nodded slightly, and at the same time their eyes showed a touch of surprise.

The dean in front of him is actually a strong congenital Jiupin. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, they really don't know that there is still such a figure in Jinling City. This dean is really low-key!

In the morning, Pei Junlin received a call from Bai Yulong of the Bai family asking him about some things on the Tushen chariot. After explaining, Pei Junlin asked him in an easy way, where is there a more authoritative medical institution, he needs to do Do something.

Then, Bai Yulong recommended his private hospital, and famously, this private hospital is actually a state secret research site in Jinling City. All the personnel and even the machinery and equipment are world-class.

"President Huang, you really are Qianlong returning to the sea. My Pei family in Jinling City can be regarded as a half-owner. I never knew that there was such a figure as you!"

Walking along, on the way into the hospital, Pei Junlin opened his mouth and smiled at Dean Huang around him.

The full name of Dean Huang is Astragalus, a white and middle-aged man who is very low-key and sneered when he heard the words: "What Qianlong, Mr. Pei, please don't make fun of me, compared to a big man like you, I am like this People do n’t even count a small shrimp! ”

"The biggest wish in this life is to do everything in my power to help the country make a little contribution, and you will be completely satisfied!"

"President Huang is humble, we are just different in the division of labor!"

Pei Junlin shook his head: "We are on the battlefield, facing the enemy, and biological experts like you are behind the scenes. Once the research results are out, it will definitely be a great thing for the whole country! So, it is not worse than us ... ... "

As they talked and laughed along the way, a group of people came to the underground research site. After passing through several level scans on the way, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong were surprised to find that there were no less than ten hidden strong men alone on the way, and The repairs are all in the innate level, here is called the copper wall and iron wall, and the defense is strict.

The moment when the alloy door was opened, a bright and dazzling light appeared in front of the eyes, which made the couple's eyes bright, like the scene in a movie.

The scale of the research room here is very ambitious. I am afraid that it covers an area of ​​at least thousands of square meters and the system is perfect. Each of the staff wearing special medical uniforms clearly performs their respective tasks. The research room is silent.

According to the information in Bai Yulong's discourse, the main research object of this secret laboratory is the demon tribe. The country transports various monster beast corpses collected on the battlefield here, and then studies them to extract them. Various elements conducive to increasing human physical fitness.

This is a very large and difficult project. Since ancient times, in the war between humans and demons, the physical quality has always been in a weak position. Therefore, the human side has been conducting research in this area.

In the process of progressing, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong even saw that a staff member was carefully dissecting the body of a monster and seeing that the body looked like it was from the **** ape family.

Dean Huang led the two to a special closed area. Pei Junlin took out the blood of the suspected Wang Ziyu and solemnly said: "This drop of blood is very precious. Just such a drop, nothing can be lost! "

Dean Huang patted his chest and promised: "Relax! Leave everything to me, and within two hours, there will be results!"

Having said that, when I pressed a button next to me, a professional came in soon, respectfully and shouted, "Dean!"

"Take this drop of blood to verify the DNA. There must be no mistakes. After two hours, I need to know the result." Huang Qi said. Although the expression on the face was still soft, the sound exudes no doubt. majesty.

The professional quickly left with blood.

"President Huang, I need to trouble you."

Pei Junlin said, "Thank you for finding a woman and helping my wife check her body to see if there is any hidden disease. You also know that people like us are injured every time, and some injuries will inevitably accumulate over time. ... "

"At the same time I need to check it all!"

"It's simple, I'll send someone to arrange it right away!"

Huang Qi nodded, and soon another female expert walked in and took Wang Ziqiong away, while Pei Junlin was inspected by Dean Huang Qi personally.

Almost an hour later, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong walked out of their respective testing rooms. It took half an hour to get the medical report. They were invited by Huangqi to the VIP room for tea and rest.

In the process of drinking tea, Astragalus revealed that now it is not only the Huaxia country, but the world is investing heavily in genetic research. Some foreign countries have even made breakthrough developments in genetic research and successfully cracked the difference between the demons. The monster's gene.

However, for the time being, they are some low-level monsters, but as long as the genetic research is successful, the genes of higher monsters in Japan can certainly be successful.

As long as the genetic problem is resolved, it can completely reverse the age-old problem of human physical quality.

It has been reported that the famous genetic research laboratories of some large western countries have put the genes of higher monsters on humans for experiments, and Huaxia is currently following closely.

Dangdang Dangdang!

While the three were chatting, a staff member knocked on the door and walked in, holding two sealed portfolios, respectfully saying, "The dean, the medical report is out! The gentleman and lady are in perfect health! "

call! !!

When hearing this answer, the prince Qiong sitting on the sofa breathed a long breath, and the expression on the face of Qingli's peerless face suddenly relaxed a lot.

No matter how strong and beautiful a woman is, no one will not care about some hidden diseases of her body, infertility and so on. It is really too common in today's society!

It's good news to be sure it's okay.

The blood test report is now left. For this reason, they have asked Dean Huang to retrieve the blood test reports of Wang Haishan and Qin Yan from the database.

Time passed by, and the closer the distance was to the answer, the more prince Joan on the sofa was fidgeting and kept walking around the room.

Finally, I do n’t know how long it took, the knocking of the door rang, and Wang Ziqiong flew over the door almost instantaneously. The first one opened the door, and the voice hurriedly said, "Is the blood test report out?"

In a hurry, Wang Ziqiong could not help but release the breath of a powerful god, almost scared the expert, and stuttered: "Yes ... yes!"


Before he could say anything, his portfolio was gone.

"what's the result?!"

Pei Junlin did not know when, but also came to the door, smiled gently and asked the expert.

"The result is perfect, it's a biological relationship!"

Boom! !! !!

It was like a big stone in my heart, completely discarded. At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt abnormally relaxed throughout the body. There was nothing more perfect than this result!

The so-called maiden of that evil strong is Prince Wang, who has been missing for more than two years!

"Husband! Husband! My sister found it! Found it !!!"

Wang Ziqiong hung on Pei Junlin's body in excitement, like a koala bear, and that bright and beautiful face was flushed with red eyes, and tears covered his face long ago.

At this moment, Pei Junlin didn't know how to comfort him. He could only hold the prince Qiongjiao in his arms tightly, and his mood was just as excited.

On the way back, Wang Ziqiong, who was sitting in the car, kept talking and remembering everything from his childhood to his sister Wang Ziyu. Pei Junlin acted as a listener and listened carefully ~ ~ Since Wang Ziyu's identity has been completely determined, so the next thing to do is to investigate the evil strongmen, especially focusing on the Yin Shazong.

Pei Junlin called the phone directly to Bai Yulong's father, Bai Zhenyang, and asked everything about the Yin Shazong.

Bai Zhenyang heard Pei Junlin's question suddenly became very serious. He bluntly said that Yin Shazong is a tumor of the entire Huaxia Kingdom. This power has been passed down for a long time, which is longer than the founding history of Huaxia Kingdom.

It is the head of the whole evil faction. It is mysterious and weird, its traces are difficult to determine, and its sect rank is strict. The strong are like clouds. Those underground forces that are famous in the world, such as the Sifanglou, Suzakutang, and even the overseas skull and bones assassins Clubs, Indian thugs and more.

Compared with Yin Shazong, these forces are simply a group of children who cannot get on the table.

In history, the country has sent troops to clear the Yin Shazong several times, but it is still difficult to extinct. According to rumors, the Yin Shazong has been living somewhere in the depths of the ocean. No one can determine the specific location. .

If you want to completely hang this organization, you may have to get the Supreme Power to do it, and there is more than one. It is rumored that the Lord of the Yin Shazong is also a powerful Supreme Power.

When all this information was learned, Pei Junlin didn't speak for a long time, and after a long time he gently exhaled, muttering to himself: "It's very difficult!"

As time passed, Bai Ma passed the horse, and unknowingly, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong had been home for more than half a month. At this time, the two of them were spending time with their family almost every day, and they cherished this rare reunion time.

On this day, the two received news from the military almost indiscriminately. There was only one content-the flood waters opened!

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