Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 536: The war is over

Crazy, decisive!

It is not exclusive to human beings. Under enough temptation, the demon tribe can also do great things that shock human beings. This is the scene right now.

Watching one by one the demons rushed into the dark canopy madly and chose to explode. Many of the strong human beings who had rushed to the dark canopy stopped for a while.

It's not that they don't want to go in, but the energy of the demon clan's self-explosion is too powerful, blocking everyone's footsteps.

In just a few breaths, the front has turned into a sea of ​​blood-red energy. There are four or five demon gods who have chosen to explode, including three in the early stage of demon gods and two in the middle of demon gods.

Such self-detonation, the energy generated is definitely not as simple as one plus one. It can be seen by the naked eye that the dark sky that originally covered the sky was stung by blood red energy, which exploded a large area of ​​blank space.

Among them, Pei Junlin is the most touching. He is the master of this dark power. He is naturally very clear about the changes in his own realm. Then when he sees that the demon tribe is so fierce and not afraid of death, he must destroy himself if he chooses to explode. His power of darkness also revealed a touch of helplessness.

His current cultivation is still a bit weak, and he can't support such a crazy mode. Perhaps until the cultivation is taken a step further, and then he becomes more aware of the essence of the years of magic, the power of darkness will not be so weak.

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Holy Dynasty!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a crazy roar came, a **** light burst from the body of a demon god's late strong man, resolutely rushed to the center of the power of darkness, and chose to explode!


A terrible storm of energy emerged, this time directly evaporating a large expanse of dark sky, and the whole world was clear.

Pei Junlin's pupils tightened, lightning flew away, and at the same time, the destiny sperm burned wildly, increasing the output of the power of darkness.

In the end, the power of darkness has been extinguished until the tenth of the remainder, and it is finally able to withstand it. His face is extremely pale, even if the strength is improved a lot, but it cannot support this horrible consumption.

However, even if the power of darkness is completely destroyed, Pei Junlin's heart is satisfied.

In a short period of time, at least four or five demon **** strongmen chose to explode and fell here.

At the same time, Pei Junlin has taken this opportunity to retreat to the bottom of the human city. Such a distance is helpless even if it is the peak of the demon god.


"Grandpa, I am invincible. You demon tribe wants to kill me, next life!"

Pei Junlin stood under the city, and laughed loudly at all the monsters in the distance.

He has such a capital to laugh at. In order to kill him alone, the demon clan has fully used twenty or thirty demon **** powerhouses, and even abandoned other human powerhouses for this purpose, in order to kill him.

But in the end?

Pei Junlin was alone, breaking through many obstacles and rushing back, and on the way halfway, he attracted four or five demon **** powerhouses to explode.

Counting the twelve demon gods who had previously been killed, this time in the war, Pei Jun killed the eighteen or eight demon gods by himself, and those who were not seriously damaged were also such a record. Proud, but also proud capital!

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole !!!"

Behind the battlefield, seeing that Pei Junlin has already begun to siege heavily and returned to the lower part of the human city, the demon **** peak of the Peacock family is about to explode and keep roaring.

The peaks of the other two demon gods are also terrible and gloomy, almost dripping water.

This is the first time ...

There have been at least four times. Every time there is a war called Pei Junlin, there will be inexplicable losses. This human is a nightmare of the demon tribe, specifically restraining the demon tribe.

In order to kill this human, this time they really did their best to launch such a powerful battle. In the end?

It was still escaped by that sly human, and it also caused tremendous losses to the demon tribe, because the demon **** strong sacrificed by this human was as high as seventeen and eighteen, and more than ten were seriously injured.

These losses, the Yao Clan is also painful!

"Haha! Pei Junlin, good job!"

However, contrary to the rage on the demon side, the strong man on the human side is full of excitement.

"Everyone, kill me fiercely !!!"

"The number of strong people in the demon clan can no longer prevail!"

"So many of us, can it only be Pei Junlin's guy who steals all the limelight ?!"

"Credit! We must also credit !!!"

Shouts of excitement rang out throughout the battlefield. Taking advantage of this rare demonic morale, the powerful men launched a general attack.

A strong man, the war intentions raged like a fire, reached its peak, and beat the monster strong one by one.

Huh! !!

In the battlefield full of murderous intentions, the prince Qiong was like a female war god's possession, and directly penetrated the head of a strong demon in the early stage of a demon god, and then she slaughtered the whole body of another demon, and rushed to another early demon god.

At the same time, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping and others were also killing opponents, and in the end both quickly blasted off the opponent's head.

There are countless examples of this. Many human powers can fight with one enemy, two or more, and face an opponent alone. It should not be too easy to kill the enemy.

On the edge of the battlefield, I don't know when the battle between the three demon gods and the three human gods will stop. It is too difficult for them to kill each other.

"Lost! Lose again!"

The demon **** of the peacock family murmured to himself and looked at the army of demons who failed to become an army, and the warfare was down, and then looked at the human aspect, the warfare was burning, and the morale was rising.

The original battle was good, even if the human side had the support of the God-slaying chariot, the demon side still had the upper hand. The time when the paradox appeared was that after the arrival of Pei Jun, it directly attracted many demon gods to fight. kill.

However, in the end, not only did he not kill Pei Junlin, but it also caused the monsters to suffer heavy casualties.

No further miracles will occur, and only casualties will increase.

"Withdraw! Withdraw !!!!"

The three demon peak strongmen simply exchanged their views and gave a clear order.

Suddenly, the demon army that had already been defeated and began to retreat, and the human strong took this opportunity to harvest a wave of heads as much as possible.

"Xu He, don't go too far!"

Seeing that the strong human beings are still hunting down, the demon gods of the Baihu tribe can't help being furious.

"withdraw troops!!"

"Inventory loot and sweep the battlefield!"

Xu Hetong heard the words, and finally opened his mouth. Until then, the powerful men were unwilling to stop the offensive, and then held up their weapons and shouted: "Long live the earth! Long live the humans!"

"Triumph! Triumph!"

The shout sounded like a tide, rang through the entire battlefield, such an exclamation shout fell into the ears of the demon, let alone the piercing noise!

"Don't be proud, it won't take long before the flood waters once every three years will open. Haven't you humans always wanted to explore the ruins left by the strong human beings in my demon world, then I believe many young Tianjiao will go!"

"And at that time, I don't know the fate of other human geniuses. As long as this Pei Junlin dares to participate, he must die!"

His face was extremely gloomy, and the demon **** of the sunflower family couldn't help but measure it.

As soon as this remark came to an end, the goddess general, Xu He commander, and the peak of the divine realm of the Sun family could not help but stare.

At this time, the peak of the demon **** of the sunflower family suddenly faced the direction of the human city and shouted, "Pei Junlin, haven't you always claimed to be strong? No one in the contemporary young generation is your opponent!"

"It won't be long before the flood waters once every three years will be opened. At that time, no matter if it is the youth of my demon tribe, or your human genius, we will all go. Hope that we can still see you by then!"

"If you don't go, it can only prove that you are a counselor, and it has no name!"



Hearing the sudden words of the strong sunflower family, the shepherd general and Xu He's leader changed their faces and yelled loudly.

This article shows that it is uneasy to intentionally set Pei Junlin on purpose.

Below the human city in the distance, Pei Junlin, standing in the void, heard the sudden sound, and hesitated slightly.

Honghuanghai, this name is so strange!

But it sounds very tall.

At the same time, it is not only Pei Junlin who is faint, many human strong men, when they hear that shout, there is a commotion, and it is better to have never heard of the flood waters ~ ~ The strong men who knew the flood waters flickered, as if this place had some unimaginable secrets.

"If the three of you don't roll away, I will let people continue to attack!"

The gloomy voice came out of Mu Mu's mouth, and his face was very ugly.

"Oh! We're waiting for the good news!"

The three demon peak powerhouses seemed to be exhaling a little bit of anger, and they all gave out a grinning laugh and turned away.

"It's terrible! These grandchildren of turtles!"

The shepherd scolded in anger.

"Lao Mu, this is also no way out. Who made Pei Jun come to that guy, so eye-catching? The peak of the demon **** who was persecuted was so despicable!"

Leader Xu He shook his head and sighed: "I really doubted how much energy this young man named Pei Junlin could have. He was not a fairy and had three heads and six arms. It was just that the rumors were exaggerated. I believe it completely! "

"Some people in this world are born to be the focus of much attention. You can't accept it!"

The peak of the Divine Realm of the Sun family also sighed: "This practice of Pei Junlin seems to be only in the early days of Divine Realm, but the real combat power is probably not weaker than the genius of many Supreme families! Those proud rabbits ... "

"Okay! Let's not stand here blindly anymore, be careful with ears by the wall!"

Xu He commanded, and immediately shouted, "Retreat! Clean up the battlefield!"

Cheers rang through the battlefield, and many strong humans cried.


Victory again!

Blocked the invasion of the demon army, defended the dignity of the Huaxia country!

Many strong men have a kind of emotion for the rest of their lives!

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