Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 535: I am the nemesis of the monster

At the same time, many powerful people finally understand why the monsters are so eager to kill Pei Junlin!

If such a demon is an enemy of human beings, I am afraid they are no exception.

This son is immortal, and the harm is endless!

Fortunately, Pei Junlin is a human!

"Stop them! Protect Pei Junlin !!!"

At this moment, countless human strong men are shouting in unison, slamming their strengths, and entangled one by one the demon **** strong, but even so, many demon **** strong still broke away from the entanglement and flew towards Pei Jun. go with.

"Pei Junlin, let's die !!!"

Finally, a demon god's late strongest was the fastest. He intercepted Pei Junlin first. His whole body was so arrogant that he directly converted into a body. This is a strong peacock family who is very good at speed.

"You're paralyzed, it's you who **** it !!!"

When Pei Junlin saw this, a horrible warfare erupted throughout his body. When the demon **** thought that Pei Junlin was going to shake him, he saw Pei Junlin take a sharp turn in the volley, twice the speed of the sound barrier, and instantly Fleeing towards the other side.

"Damn! Sly human!"

The demon **** strong was furious and quickly pursued.

Unexpectedly, Pei Junlin, who was fleeing in front of him, beat out a black iron egg.

The speed of the iron egg is like a lightning, and the distance is less than ten meters almost instantaneously.

"not good!!!"

A terrified feeling in his heart, the demon **** late strong immediately flew to dodge, but the iron egg exploded instantly!

Suddenly, a terrible energy storm emerged out of thin air, directly blasting the whole body of the late demon **** strong, and his beautiful feathers became bald, completely turning into a bald hair bird, and the smell of barbecue was permeated in the air. .


At the critical moment, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to exhibit the last tremor in his body, and the effect was very amazing. It instantly struck the peacock family's late demon god.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Pei Junlin flew away and shouted at the same time: "Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, there are no such babies. Give me dozens of them, and I will bring all the monsters today. The celebrities are all roasted and eaten meat! "

In the distant battlefield, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, who were desperately dragging the demon **** strong, heard the shout, and almost walked away to free the demon **** strong around him.

The two of them smiled bitterly, mom, you are really Chinese cabbage. You can have as many as you want.

Don't look at the stuff as amazing, but it was made by his grandfather himself, and the manufacturing materials and processes were very elaborate, and there was not much in the entire Bai family.

The main reason for this is still Thunder Thunder, the production process is too cumbersome, and the target is relatively weak, and can only be targeted at the late stage of the demon god. The reason why such gadgets are manufactured is actually given to some young offspring in the white season. Life-saving.

As a supreme strong person, every minute is extremely precious, where there are so many leisurely people who make such things.

However, they are really carrying a few of them now, and they are used for life at critical moments.

It's a pity that the two of them are far away from Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin, who was on the run, seemed to have thought of this, and her face was a little dark.

It looks like this time is really a bit of a big game. Now he really can't be described as a life-saving hole card, and the most powerful God of Slaughter chariot can't be used. That stuff stimulates a process. He has long been torn into pieces by a group of demon gods like wolf and tiger.

There is really enough firewood on the human side. He has helped pit and kill so many demon **** powerhouses. How can they stop a few demon **** powerhouses from doing so?

Only at the critical moment, you have to rely on yourself!

When the idea fell, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to start burning his own essence, and at the same time secretly ruthlessly, after the end of this war, all the resources he consumed, the country must be compensated several times.

Fortunately, the human beings around us are fortunate not to know what Pei Junlin is thinking at this moment, otherwise, one by one, I am afraid to vomit blood.

Did you provoke a few demon gods? !!

That was to provoke a group of good, did not hear the high-level of the demon clan for you, did not hesitate to abandon all of them, only one purpose, kill Pei Junlin!

The sky suddenly darkened, and there was no sign of darkness, and it instantly enveloped the land.

Then the darkness expanded at an alarming rate.

"what is this?!"

At the moment when darkness appeared without warning, many strong men developed a sense of panic, because they felt that this darkness was completely different from the daily darkness, and in this darkness, they lost all their spiritual perception. .

As if the world was left with them, loneliness and panic, haunting their hearts and losing all sense of direction.

"This is ... the power of darkness!"

"Pei Jun came to him and used that magical power!"

Someone who was familiar with Pei Junlin quickly identified the dark nature and immediately uttered a cry of surprise, because Pei Junlin had used this magical power to kill the Quartet.

Unfortunately, the power of darkness is extremely mysterious, isolating everything, even if it is late, no one can hear it.

But more powerful people have never seen the power of darkness in Pei Junlin. When they saw the darkness that fell instantly, even the leader of Xu He and the peak of the divine state of the Sun family were surprised, they felt This darkness is different.

"This Pei Junlin is really an accident-making machine, and the waves of surprises come one after another!"

Xu He commanded the peak of the god's state of the Sun family, and marveled.

The shepherd will be proud, "That's it! Don't look at who he brought out!"

"Get out of the way! Don't think we don't know, you are actually a soy sauce maker. Except for teaching a little bit of common sense in the world of tiankeng, the growth of Pei Junlin has nothing to do with you!"

Xu He's commander directly exposed the old man's soles.

The shepherd will not take any notice of it, but will be complacent, "How about that? How can I say that I am also his teacher, and I will be a teacher for life as a father, do you understand?"


The answer was two crisp middle fingers.

"Asshole, you must not let that kid escape!"

Seeing that weird dark power continued to spread towards the human city, the demon camp, the three demon peak strongmen yelled angrily, because they had seen Pei Junlin get into the darkness and quickly disappear. not see.

To this end, the three demon gods have released their powerful mental powers in an attempt to quickly find the sly human.

"When we don't exist, do we ?!"

The shepherd will immediately sneer at the sight, and without hesitation, he used his mental strength to cut off the detection of the demon **** strong, and the two sides fought together again, and the battle was extremely fierce.

At this moment, the darkness on the entire battlefield has shrouded almost a third.

In the past, when Pei Junlin was burning his destiny, he could directly cover the power of darkness over ten miles and turn it into his home field.

Now, as Pei Junlin's strength improves again, the power of darkness is stronger, and at least it can be enveloped for twenty miles. This is a very scary concept.

Twenty miles didn't sound like much, but the entire battlefield looked like fifty or sixty miles. It was already very scary. Under the shadow of this dark power, Pei Junlin was the only person with eyes.

He can see everything, avoid risks, and sneak attack as an assassin!

Soon, the mighty power of darkness was quickly connected to the human city, and Pei Junlin could return to the human city by the power of darkness at any time, thereby ensuring safety.

But at this time, Pei Junlin was in no hurry to escape. He rushed out of the darkness and deliberately appeared in the sight of all demons, yelling at the anger of the three demon peak strongmen: "Hey, the three demons of the demons Grandson, was n’t it great to chase and kill Grandpa just now! Now Grandpa, I ’m here, you guys are here to kill me! Come! Come!

"If you don't kill grandpa me, then grandpa I'm going to be rude now!"

After that, Pei Junlin suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "All those who are above the level of Divine Realm, listen to my orders, enter the power of darkness, and kill the enemy with me!"

"Today, we will kill all the demon gods!"


With Pei Junlin's discourse falling down, on the human side, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Monk Monk, etc. directly issued excited shouts. They are personally aware of the benefits of fighting in the power of darkness ~ ~ That is absolutely refreshing to burst!

Immediately one by one flew in the direction of Pei Junlin, even the opponent was too lazy to entangle!

At the same time, Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, Sun Kai, Wang Ziqiong, etc. all rushed towards Pei Junlin.

On the edge of the battlefield, the three demon peak powers saw their faces, and their faces changed again. Although they did not know what the dark power was really tricky, as long as it was displayed by Pei Junlin's bastard, it was definitely for the demon. Great disadvantage.

In particular, when we saw the strong men in humans, a swarm of bees swarmed into the dark sky, and the excitement on each face was difficult to conceal. This is a bad sign!

"Damn, this guy is making trouble again!"

"I really don't believe it. In the early days of a small state of God, he couldn't do anything!"

The goddess of the sunflower family was furious and yelled, "Burst! All of them blew themselves up! Blow that dark sky!"

"Who wants to blew himself up, my king promised that all his people will be promoted to higher ranks, and enjoy the best treatment! In addition, a million Lingjings will be rewarded, and martial arts methods can be chosen at will!"


Suddenly, the eyes of many powerful peacocks turned red, one by one showing madness.

The demon tribe is a very strict group. The lower demon tribe wants to advance to the higher level. It is difficult and difficult, and it takes countless battles to succeed.

Right now, the benefits are at hand, and many of the monster powerhouses are crazy, and rushed to the dark sky without fear of death.


Boom boom! !! !!

The explosion of blood red continued to rise from the black sky one after another. At this moment, the madness of the monster tribe shocked many human powerful men.

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